

Roy and Riza have a son, named Oliver whom they have hidden from the world. Oliver has grown knowing that Roy is his father, but he never got to know about his mother. When Riza decides to reveal that she is his mother, something terrible happens. Meanwhile, someone in Drachma is finally stepping into Amestris with his deadly army, now that he knows Father is dead. Find out, whether Oliver will ever know, who is his mother. And will Riza ever get to listen, the word "Mother" or "Mom", from her son's mouth. And what has Father left behind, which can bring down his own legacy. And what is the role of Oliver in all these events. Is he the key to save Amestris or is he the doom?

DreamMerchantH · Anime & Comics
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92 Chs

The Unexpected (Part 7 - Toby)


After leaving Smuggler's Path behind, the team from Briggs was proceeding toward the safe point where they were going to meet Boris, the person who would take them to Othon. They were walking through heavy snow, due to which, covering 5 miles had become a difficult task for them. Gradually, the level of snow decreased, and by the time they had traveled 4 miles, there was very less snow on the ground, but some trees' branches were covered with little snow.

While walking, Danny complained. "I didn't know getting into Drachma would be this difficult," Danny panted.

"You two are really bad in this kind of areas," Ronny mocked.

Meanwhile, Steven interrupted. "So, you served under Maes Hughes, in the department of military intelligence?" He asked.

Danny replied with a "Yes".

So, Steven asked another question. "So, have you been to any other spy mission before this?"

"Very few," Maria replied.

Suddenly, Danny stopped walking for some reason, because of which, the whole team stopped.

"What happened? Do you want to take a break so early?" Ronny teased.

Danny didn't listen to him and walked toward a pine tree whose branches were covered with some snow, and there was a little snow at its bottom. When he reached near the tree's bottom, he bent down to see something. It was a bloomed flower with white petals and a white stem. There were no leaves or branches on that small plant which was a few inches long.

Danny was mesmerized by the beauty of that small natural wonder. "Wow, look at this flower. In a region and weather like this, it's blooming like the world around it doesn't matter," he admired.

Everyone rushed toward him because of the way he responded. They were also excited to see the flower he was talking about. And when they saw it, they were as amazed as he was.

"We are so lucky," Steven chuckled, and continued, "I think, it is the undying flower – 'Harmonia'"

Ronny couldn't believe Steven's words. He asked, "How can that be? Harmonia is a very rare flower…we can't just happen to come across one."

"Yes, it's rare, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist," Steven replied.

"I have heard, these flowers are sold at millions of cenz in Amestris," Danny added.

"Yes, it's such a rare and magnificent flower after all. Now, pluck it, consider it a good omen," Steven said.

Maria and Danny were surprised to hear Steven's words. They looked at him with confusion, and then Maria asked, "Will it be okay to pluck it?"

"There is a reason it is called the undying flower… pluck it, and this flower will appear the same even after years," Steven answered.

Maria moved her hand toward the flower and plucked it. When she turned around, she saw Ronny and Danny were staring her with envious eyes. They were uncomfortable with the fact that she got the flower which was worth millions.

"Don't worry. I won't take it…we will later decide what to do with this flower," Maria said annoyingly.

"It will be better if you hide that flower. If anyone else finds about this flower, then they might kill you to take it," Steven advised.

Maria gulped and put the flower in a small box she had, and put the box in her small bag under her thick coat. Then they resumed their walk toward the safe point. After some time they reached the safe point, which was an abandoned war camp. There was a bunker, but no soldier was present there. So, they moved forward and stopped at the entry point of the bunker.

"I am going inside. Danny will come with me and rest of you, keep an eye outside and warn us if you see anything unusual," Steven ordered.

Steven and Danny then went inside the bunker. It was dark inside, so Danny was holding a lantern to light the way and Steve was holding his rifle ready for protection behind Danny. Both of them were cautiously moving more inside the bunker and suddenly, they heard some object fall on the floor. Steve thought it could be Boris, so he shouted,


Just after Steven stopped calling for Boris, they heard lots of objects were falling on the floor at a distant. Steven gave his rifle to Danny and took the lantern Danny was holding. He then slowly moved forward with the lantern to see what was in front of them. When the light of the lantern reached a little farther, they saw some big animal was approaching toward them slowly. Soon, they saw its face when a little light fell on it. The beast was a very big brown bear, and it was slowly walking toward them.

"Danny, get ready to run. And, keep on shouting so that Maria and Ronny get warned," Steven ordered Danny in a low voice, while still looking toward the bear.

"Yes Sir," Danny whispered.

Danny was afraid, he had never seen such a big carnivore in his entire life. The bear was looking at them, and both of them were looking at the bear with fear. And when the bear roared, Steven shouted, "RUN"

Both of them turned around and started running toward the entry point. The bear was chasing them, and according to Steve's order, Danny was running while shouting, "BEAR, BEAR, RUN". Maria and Ronny looked toward the bunker when they heard Danny's voice. They saw Danny and Steve were running toward them, and soon they saw the bear which was behind them. They understood what to do and started running. Even after coming out of the bunker, the bear was chasing them. While they were running, they saw a tall middle-aged man at a distance in front of them. He was wearing a beanie cap and a furry coat. Watching the man, Steve shouted,


"YES," The man replied.

"RUN, THERE IS A BEAR BEHIND US. WE CAN TALK LATER," Steven said while running.

When they crossed Boris, they realized that neither Boris nor the bear was running behind them. So, they stopped and looked back. They were stunned at the scene they were watching. The Bear was standing right beside Boris, and Boris was patting the Bear. Boris then looked at them and apologized with a grin on his face, "Sorry he scared you. His name is Toby."