
Older Twin Sister of Sakura Haruno (DROPPED)

Abigail Savannah, is your not typical girl. growing up she already face how harsh reality looks like, being the one and only sole heiress of their family 'business' is hard. At the age of 6, she was forced to trained for her to be prepared in case her family died. At the age of 15, her family died and automatically became the head of their family 'business' and since then, she lost her will to live. At the age of 19, she met her fiancé he's family is famous for being the most notorious Yakuza in Japan. he's greedy and ruthless, in short he's a psychopath in fact he's perfect for being the next head of her family 'business'. She purposely picked him because he can kill her, he's in the second place of being the most strongest person in Asia, while she's one of the top ten in the whole world. Like what she expected her fiancé would killed her, at from that point she thought this would be the end of her sufferings but she was entirely wrong because this was only the beginning... The beginning of her new life as the "Older Twin Sister" of Sakura Haruno. ................ A/N : This novel is still on-going process so do not expect too much.

GuiGa · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 01 : Rebirth part 1

"If you're going to kill me, just kill me already."

I calmly said to my fiancé while he's pointing a gun to my head.

"Ha! as I expected to the famous notorious Mafia Boss! let me guess hmmm? you already know from the start don't you? (laugh) you really wanted to die so bad? oh well, your wish is my command~"

he said as he pull the trigger, I close my eyes and for a moment I fall from the dark abyss.


One day in the Village of Konoha at the house of Haruno household.

- Commotion -


"Mebuki! just a little bit more! One more push!"

Mebuki Haruno was in labor, giving birth to her first child. Her whole body was excruciating in intense pain she was having difficulty in breathing. She swears, that this will be her last child! She knows that giving birth is always painful but this time is the worst!

"Mebuki is bleeding so much!" Her Sister was extremely terrified! She never seen so much before even when she's in labor in her eldest child! she already seen her friends giving birth but time was especially terrifying! There was blood everywhere and there has been no sign of stoping.

Mebuki' mother almost fainted because of what happened to her youngest daughter.

".....Inform Kizashi.... expect for the worst..."

the room got so quiet, they could hear multiple of heartbeats beating and the heavy breathes of Mebuki.

Everyone in the room held the breaths and try to make sense of what the midwife just said. The look on everyone faces was terrible and it seemed as if their lives were sucked out of their bodies.

"Damn it! It so painful! Kizashi!!! you dimwit!!!"

The moment Mebuki scream out of pain their senses came back to them, Hurriedly the older brother of Mebuki went out to relay the terrible news to Kizashi.



"....Mebuki is what?" Kizashi who's currently dumfounded because of the news of Mebuki's in labor suddenly rushes to their house without excusing himself to the Hokage.

Kizashi Haruno, could feel his knees

getting weak and wanted to break down but as the head of the family he must not do that. He must not break down. He took glance of his wedding ring and came to decision.

No matter what happens his wife must live even if that meant....

Waking up with the piercing scream of his wife he sighed. What was he thinking? The dark thought almost took over his mind.

"Please wait me to come back out and then you guys can come in." he said to his family-in-law.

Even they're worried sick they just nodded. his father just pat his shoulder saying "Everything will be alright."

He went to the room where his wife was in, The first thing he noticed when he went inside was the smell of blood. The smell of blood added to the heavy atmosphere was excruciating. It was hell he thought.

This is his first time to enter the delivery room and what he just did was unusual. He was a man, and a man would not to do that. The midwife was shocked but seeing how anxious Kizashi was for his wife she just let it slide because this is their first child after all. His wife was at the death's door and also, The Haruno couple is famous for their love for each other beside the Namikaze couple of course.

With fast steps, He went to his wife's side and even more taken aback. The scene he came across was horrifying. There was so much blood. Pools of blood and bloodied towels everywhere, Bedsheets and the floor were soaked bloody red.

His wife's complexion was not good, she was pale as the snow. Only tints of red were slightly under her eyes. She was drenched in perspiration, Moreover she looked lifeless.

He took over the job of midwife's assistant and sat by his wife on the bed and gently wiped his wife's sweat.

"(sigh)... If I could, I would take all the pain in your stead Mebuki."

It was terrible seeing his wife in this kind of state. Although he was there when his mother give birth to his youngest brother but it's not like this! this one is simply horrifying. He grabbed his wife's hands and tightly held it.

"... If it really comes to the worst, choose my wif-"

"Honey!" Mebuki shouted and was heaving. It felt like her husband's words brought her back to life. The words of her other half was muttering out must not be said no matter what. She understand her husband's feelings but this was their child for god sake!

"You.... must not say such things Honey, this child are so.. precious. We must not think tha-- AHHHHH!"

"Mebuki is losing so much blood! Bring more towels!"

"Haa... Haa.." Mebuki felt angry at her husband's words but for now the child is more important. The child has to live! Her other hand grabbed the midwife's arms signaling her strong determination.

The midwife's know what she wanted to say and sighed. This one is the most hardest labor she encounter thankfully Mebuki's physical body was in good condition because she was once a ninja before she got married.

"Mebuki! Keep pushing! It's almost there! You over there! bring the medicine hurry up!" The midwife is not reluctant to give the medicine to Mebuki even if its was a very strong pill. this will help the speed up the birth process and she knows Mebuki's physical body can handle the medicinal pill. The baby in the stomach was bigger than the most and its already on the exact due date.

"Haaa..." Mebuki was standing on the edge of being in and out of consciousness her mind is getting dark but she must persist! The love of her life and her family is waiting for her and the baby She must definitely hold on no matter what!

"Mebuki keep pushing! you are almost there!" The midwife shouted in happiness but more blood was gushing out so the happiness cease a little. The midwife and the assistants were at their wits end and were preparing for any situation.

Mebuki's body was on fire, but she felt like the pill was working. she can feel the baby coming out centimeters by centimeters and that was a good sign!

and what seemed never ending came to an end.


"You're almost there!"


"Half of the body is out! Quickly prepare!" The midwife shouted as soon she saw the baby was out! she was quick with her hands and gently pull the baby out.

"Congratulations its a girl!" She quickly passed the baby over to the assistant and gave 101% attention to Mebuki who's bleeding was not heavy as before but something seemed strange. Mebuki's lower abdominal area was still large, and she was still in pain!

"Haa..Haaa.." Mebuki could feel her breath returning but it was still pretty difficult to breathe. Normally after giving birth all the pain would vanish in an instant, but why was it that it's still not over? And then she hear the baby's healthily crying.