
Old Sage: Training Disciples

Old Chen appears to be an ordinary man, but in truth, he was once known as Chen Yunlong, a name that struck fear into the hearts of all who heard it. However, his downfall came when he acquired an otherworldly treasure that drew the greed of both men and devils alike. He was crippled and believed to have perished, and his name was soon forgotten while they continued their fight for the treasure. Unbeknownst to them, Old Chen had not only survived but had found an opportunity that would help him reach the pinnacle of cultivation once again. Years later, Old Chen has settled down in obscurity, but the day will come when those who had wronged him will pay the price for their actions.

Shotgun9494 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


'Ai. Luckily, the current seems to have slowed down. I think I hit an offshoot from the Blackwater River,' Chen Yunlong pondered, sensing a small reprieve from the deadly force of the water.

Weeks had passed since he was swept away by the strong currents, and during that time, he had found himself becoming increasingly attuned to the rhythms of the water and the life it sustained.

Despite his initial frustration and helplessness, he had grown to appreciate the silent solitude of this underwater journey, completely immersed in observing the peculiarities of the underwater world.

'How long has it been since I just laid back and let myself flow with nature?' he inwardly sighed.

Suddenly, his attention was drawn to a school of strange fish swimming nearby, known as the Blackwater Ghostfish.

These fish had slimy, translucent bodies in a sickly green hue, with large, bulbous eyes that glowed with an eerie blue light in the dark waters. Their razor-sharp fins resembled small blades, allowing them to slice through the water with ease.

'Frightening, but strangely calming,' Chen Yunlong thought in admiration.

'Though I can't help but envy you,' he mused with a sense of helplessness, 'You have control in the river, but I... I can only hope that nature treats me well,' he added with frustration at his inability to control his own fate.

Out of the corner of his eyes, a glimmer of hope appeared before him. 'Wait!' his eyes jumped in surprise as he looked up from the water, 'People! I see people!'

Beneath the water, Chen Yunlong immediately started to thrash around, moving his weak body as violently as possible in hopes of catching their attention.

* * *

On the surface, a young man and woman were standing idly by on a small wooden dock. The two appeared to be around sixteen years old.

The young man had dark tanned skin and a muscular body, wearing modest clothes that suggested he was from a nearby village. His eyes were an intriguing amber, while his short hair a dark brown. In his hands was a sturdy fishing net, and a straw hat rested on his head to shield him from the sun.

The woman, on the other hand, was fair-skinned with delicate features and emerald green eyes, wearing a light green dress embroidered with floral patterns. Her chestnut brown hair was tied up in a bun with a white ribbon, and she carried a small basket of freshly caught fish on her arm.

Sorting through the basket, Xiaolan asked softly, "Hei'er, this should be enough for today. Why don't we go home early and help mother prepare dinner?"

"Xiaolan," the young man smiled as he replied with confidence, "I have a good feeling about today! We'll catch something special, just wait and see!"

"This again? You say that every day, and it's always the... same..." Xiaolan froze, abruptly dropping the basket of fish to the ground before pointing up the river frantically.

"Hei'er! In the river, there's somebody! I-I think they're alive!"

Hei'er turned, his eyes widening in disbelief. "Huh? Alive?" he uttered.

"What do we do?" Xiaolan exclaimed.

Acting fast, the young man reached into his pocket and retrieved a sharp, serrated knife. With a steady and unwavering motion, he swiftly cut across the net, turning it into a makeshift rope.

"Xiaolan, tie this around the dock!" he shouted, losing no time as he tied the other end around his waist.

Biting her lips anxiously, she tightly knotted the rope around the dock's post while her hands continued to securely hold it.

Without a second to spare, Hei'er jumped into the river, bobbing within the water in search of the man.

Her heart pounding with worry, Xiaolan watched as his figure disappeared beneath the murky depths.

"Stay safe," she softly whispered.

She counted as seconds went by, waiting with her heart in her throat for the slightest movement.

To her heart's relief, Hei'er's figure rose back to the surface with a struggle, holding an old man tightly to him. Holding the rope he swam towards the dock, breathing heavily but his face glowing with happiness.

On the dock, Xiaolan tightened her grip on the rope, pulling with all her might as the rope tore into her hands. She gritted her teeth and continued to pull despite the burning sensation until Hei'er reached the dock.

"Here, help me lift him!"

The two spared no effort in hoisting the old man up from the water and onto the dock.

With the man safely on land, Xiaolan and Hei'er immediately began performing basic first aid techniques to help him recover from the ordeal.

Rolling the man onto his back, Hei'er patted the old man's back as he began to cough and sputter, expelling water from his lungs.

Afterwards, they checked his pulse and breathing, drying him and making sure the warmth of the sun comforted his body as his condition seemed to improve.

Chen Yunlong's breathing steadied, cursing in his mind, 'Chime! He—he actually stopped helping me near the end and left me in a state of drowning! How despicable!'

His eyelashes fluttered before opening to the sight of the two, 'Not bad! The two of them have such compassionate natures; the world could use more people like them!'

"Elder!" they called out softly. "Elder! Are you alright?"

Hei'er closely examined him, "Elder, don't worry! We'll take you back to our home and get you back on your feet!"

"Ahem. Th-thank you," Chen Yunlong croaked weakly, a sparkle of gratitude in his eyes.

Hei'er shook his head with a smile, "It's nothing, Elder. We were just doing what anyone else would do in our situation."

"But not everyone would," Chen Yunlong said, his eyes fixed on Hei'er. "You are both kind and brave."

Xiaolan blushed at the praise, but Hei'er simply shrugged it off.

"We were just doing what was right, Elder. That's all."

"Haha. But you did it at the risk of your own life. Not everyone can put themselves in that situation."

Chen Yunlong tried to continue, abruptly falling into a coughing fit.

"Don't speak any more. Save your energy!" Hei'er worriedly said, carefully lifting Chen Yunlong and carrying him on his back as they swiftly returned home.

With the old man's safety secured, Hei'er turned to Xiaolan, a triumphant grin spreading across his face.

"See, I told you today would be special!" he exclaimed with a hearty laugh.

Xiaolan smiled, her heart filled with warmth and admiration towards him, "Mm. You did well."

* * *

As they entered their home, Xiaolan quickly fetched a bowl of warm water and a clean cloth to tend to the old man's wounds. Hei'er gently laid him on a bed and watched as Xiaolan carefully cleaned his scratches and cuts.

Chen Yunlong watched them with a grateful expression, 'I've never entertained the thought of taking a disciple in my life. Hmph. This is just another reason to get my cultivation back!'

Xiaolan finished cleaning his wounds and sat down beside him, offering him a cup of warm tea. "Please rest and regain your strength, Elder," she said with a gentle smile.

Chen Yunlong sipped the tea and closed his eyes, feeling the warmth spreading throughout his body. He drifted off to sleep, feeling safe and cared for in the hands of these two young heroes.

Hei'er and Xiaolan quietly left the room, feeling a sense of fulfillment and joy from their good deed.

As they walked outside, the sun was setting, painting the sky with shades of orange and pink.

"Today was truly special," Xiaolan said, looking up at the beautiful sky.

Hei'er wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "It was. And it's all thanks to you, Xiaolan. You tied that rope around the dock so quickly, I was amazed!"

Xiaolan blushed and quickly refuted, "Tying the rope was nothing in comparison to what you did!"

"Not true," Hei'er rebuked, "that was just as important. If not for the rope, I would have gotten lost in that river, and there would be no hope of getting that old man to safety, let alone saving myself."

Xiaolan nodded, realizing the truth in his words. "I guess you're right," she conceded with a smile. "We make a great team, don't we?"

Hei'er chuckled, his eyes gleaming with pride, "We certainly do."