
Old Sage: Training Disciples

Old Chen appears to be an ordinary man, but in truth, he was once known as Chen Yunlong, a name that struck fear into the hearts of all who heard it. However, his downfall came when he acquired an otherworldly treasure that drew the greed of both men and devils alike. He was crippled and believed to have perished, and his name was soon forgotten while they continued their fight for the treasure. Unbeknownst to them, Old Chen had not only survived but had found an opportunity that would help him reach the pinnacle of cultivation once again. Years later, Old Chen has settled down in obscurity, but the day will come when those who had wronged him will pay the price for their actions.

Shotgun9494 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Lionhearted Master of the Past

The night was calm, and Chen Yunlong lay restlessly on his bed, tossing and turning in his sleep.

In his slumber, he dreamt of a time long ago, back when he was only in his early 20's and his parents had passed, leaving him alone.

But it was in that lonesome moment that his life took a turn, sending him down a path he never could have fathomed.

* * *

On a desolate mountainside, a young man stood before a pair of modest graves, crafted from weathered wood and lovingly nestled into the earth. Tears streamed down his face incessantly, and his breath came in erratic bursts.

All around him, the wind howled relentlessly, sweeping across the barren expanse of the mountainside. The breath of the wind pierced his grieving heart with its icy touch, threatening to topple his frail and trembling frame.

"Mother... Father..." he murmured softly, his heart constricting with a desperate plea for a response, even as he knew it was a futile yearning. He stood there, trembling, while his words were carried away by the fierce gusts of wind.

"Standing here, it's like... I don't know, it's hard to explain. It's like the whole world is spinning, and I'm just a tiny speck in this big universe. I miss you so much, and I wish you were here to guide me," a cough escaped his lips, mingling with the sorrow that choked his trembling voice.

With a heavy sniffle, he fought to suppress the torrent of tears that threatened to consume him as he looked at the gravestones with a longing.

"But, you know, even though you're not here, I can still feel your love. It's like a warm embrace that surrounds me, reminding me of all the good times we had together. It's akin to a flower that brings vibrant hues to my life... though it feels like it's yet to truly blossom," he softly confessed.

"I... I just don't know," the young man murmured, his voice filled with naivety and a deep sense of sorrow. "No flower blooms for eternity. How long must I wait until it blossoms once again? And how long will it last until it wilts, eventually withering away? Just when will I be happy?"

His words trailed off, swallowed by the somber wind.

"Mother, Father, I...I don't have the answers. But I—I will carry on," he mumbled, his voice quivering. With clenched fists he continued, "I'll try my best to live a life that honors your memory. I'll study hard, work hard, and become someone you can be proud of. I won't let you down, and I won't let myself down. I promise."

His voice grew softer, almost childlike, as he knelt to their graves. The weight of his solemn vow hung in the air, a solemn oath to himself and to the spirits of his beloved parents.

"I know that I'm not strong like those heroes in the stories you used to tell me. I'm just a clumsy youth trying to find my way. Mm," his lips curved into a sheepish smile. "Honestly, I'm more of a little ant but I'll be the hardest working one! Always working hard, always moving forward! And maybe one day, I'll become as strong as those mythical creatures from all those stories you read to me."

He looked up at the sky, his eyes shining with hope.

"Maybe, just maybe, I could transform into a phoenix! What do you think, Mother? Father? Ha!" he chuckled at his own foolish thoughts. "I've never been good at grounding my expectations, have I?"

"No matter! I'll rise above my challenges, just like a phoenix going through it's rebirth and soaring through the sky! Unwilling to give up no matter how tough things get!" he yelled into the desolate mountainside, determined with a strong innocence.

Wiping away his tears, he smiled, "Thank you, Mother, Father, for everything you've given me. I may stumble along the way, but I'll keep going. I'll make mistakes, but I'll learn from them. Obstacles may block my road, but I'll continue my growth until I break through them!"

Right now in his life, he might be but a tender sprout in the vast garden of life, but he believed that he could blossom into something extraordinary, creating a story of his own.

Yet, even as the words escaped his lips, a glimmer of emptiness flickered in his eyes, betraying his struggle to remain resolute.

He surveyed the vastness of the mountainside, uncertainty gripping his heart, a deep sense of loss reverberating within him.

How could he fill the void left by his departed parents? Where would his path lead amidst the boundless expanse of possibilities? In which direction should he take his first step?

In the face of such immense challenges, he questioned whether he possessed the strength and resilience to move forward, to carve his own destiny.

Most importantly, he felt like he was cemented to the ground, unable to take even that first step into the unknown.

"Little friend," a soft yet gruff voice suddenly called from behind him.

Startled, the young man turned to behold a middle-aged figure, adorned with numerous scars and a face grizzled with stubble, a blade of grass poised between his lips.

One particular scar stood prominently—a lengthy, jagged line that ran down his left eye, obscured beneath a black eyepatch. Atop his head, a crown of untamed, cascading brown hair that danced wildly in the gusts of wind, complimented his figure in resemblance to the majestic unruliness of a lion.

His remaining eye held a sharp gaze, one that could seemingly see through anything, reflecting a depth that hinted at a lifetime of experiences. And his figure exuded an aura of authority and resilience, commanding both respect and curiosity.

Who was this enigmatic man with a battle-worn countenance and the regal aura of a lion? Meeting such a person—it could be a once in a lifetime opportunity!

The young man couldn't help but feel a mixture of awe and intrigue, his mind awash with wonder.

"Don't be alarmed, I've just, well, I've been listening in on you for a little while," he coughed embarrassedly, a tinge of red coloring his cheeks.

With a tilted head, the young man couldn't help but look at him skeptically. Especially after being called "little friend" and not knowing how long he was being watched for.

"Look, I wasn't being weird, okay? So, don't look at me like that. It's just not every day that I come across a scene that makes me emotional," he refuted flusteredly.

"Ahem. Your parents... I'm certain they departed this world with smiles on their faces, did they not?" the man inquired nobly, putting on a warm smile.

With a sniffle and eyes brimming with tears, the young man nodded in response.

"Take solace in knowing that you brought them joy until their final moments. To find peace in their passing is a blessing."

He sighed, shaking his head in regret as he continued grimly, "Alas, in my years of existence, I have witnessed too much. This world is brimming with sorrow and anguish; there's enough tears to drown the world."

Biting his lips, the young man gathered his courage and asked, "S-Senior, my name is Chen Yunlong. Might I have the honor of knowing your name?"

Fixing his gaze upon Chen Yunlong, the man spoke with a calm demeanor, "I am known as Zheng Xiang, but many refer to me as the Lionhearted Daoist. Unfortunately, there are also a few who had me bestowed as the Beastly Daoist."

"Senior Lionhearted Daoist," Chen Yunlong cupped his hands and bowed reverently.

Zheng Xiang's eyes softened as he observed Chen Yunlong's respectful gesture, only growing more appreciative of Chen Yunlong's character.

Memories of his life's journey surged to the forefront of his mind, causing a myriad of ever-changing emotions to flicker within his gaze. He had walked a path strewn with sorrow and hardships, and the pressure of those experiences had shaped him into the Lionhearted Daoist that he had become known as.

With a deep exhale to release his personal woes, Master Xiang began to speak, "Ah, little friend, life has shown me its darkest depths and most resplendent skies. I have tasted the acrid bitterness of heartbreak, the piercing sting of solitude, the intoxicating pleasures of passion..."

"Through it all, I have forged a burning spirit that defies extinguishment, a resilient body that refuses to be cut down, and a heart that remains steadfast, never wavering in its devotion. What scars mar my body and soul only serve to remind me of what I've sacrificed to make it this far, and why I must continue to move forward."

Zheng Xiang's words were accompanied by a distant gaze, as if he was traversing the depths of his memories, reliving the trials that had tested his resolve.

"As I stand before you today, little friend, it seems we share a fate. I offer you a choice," Master Xiang continued, his voice steady but laden with emotion. "In this vast world of uncertainties and hardships, I have always wished to take a disciple, someone who can understand the depths of my teachings, who can carry the legacy of the Lionhearted Daoist."

"You said you were an ant! An ant that would work the hardest among your peers to become a phoenix! Ambitious! Very ambitious! But without ambition, what drives our efforts? You and I, I believe we could get along well."

"I'm not talented and in no way am I worth a damn in the grand scheme of this world. Tch, I haven't even managed to form my core yet, restrained to the peak of the Foundation Establishment Realm with my lacking talent and resources."

"Hell, beneath the many clans and sects, I'm just a worthless insect to be stomped beneath their feet. But, I am also an insect with nothing to lose, and so I can do as I please, offending any who stand in my way—any who dare to control me."

Zheng Xiang continued without any fluctuation in his voice, "I can't promise you resources, nor can I promise you a good future. Your death may even come early. Perhaps, your end will be far more unpleasant, and you'll be wishing for death instead."

"Listen closely, Chen Yunlong, to my solemn oath. If you are my disciple, under the eternal bond between master and disciple, it is my duty to shield you from harm, even at the cost of my own life. Rest assured, my resolve knows no bounds, and I shall confront any foe that dares to bring harm upon you."

Chen Yunlong's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and gratitude washing over his face. The honor of being chosen as the sole disciple of a Daoist was never something he could imagine.

Zheng Xiang's gaze locked onto Chen Yunlong's, his voice booming with strength, "Likewise, my sins will become yours, and yours mine."

"Will you tread this path with me, Chen Yunlong? Will you embrace the weight of my teachings, the joys and sorrows that come with it? Will you stand firm against all who seek to challenge what rightfully belongs to you?"

"But most importantly, will you become my only disciple and carry the legacy of the Lionhearted Daoist into the future? Will you cultivate a heart that remains unwavering in its convictions, regardless of the trials you encounter?"

"Follow your heart, Chen Yunlong. I would never force anyone's hand."

Chen Yunlong's heart swelled with a sense of purpose. The chance to be mentored by a master who possessed both humility and unwavering courage was an opportunity he couldn't fathom turning down.

With deep reverence and a profound sense of gratitude, Chen Yunlong's voice quivered as he spoke, "Senior Lionhearted Daoist, I wish to become your disciple not because I desire resources or power."

"I don't know much about cultivation, realms, talent, or how you compare to others—but I do know that you've cultivated an inspiring bearing, one of freedom and being true to yourself. Even if carrying your legacy means I must shoulder with it all your troubles, I will do so with an unwavering honor and dedication."

Zheng Xiang's eyes gleamed with a mixture of pride and approval as he listened to Chen Yunlong's heartfelt response. He sensed the sincerity and determination in his words, and a deep bond formed between them in that moment.

"Good, good, good!" a soft smile graced Zheng Xiang's lips as he spoke, his voice brimming with doting warmth. "Yunlong, your words comfort my heart. From this day forward, I shall guide you with all the knowledge and wisdom I possess, and you will be known as my sole disciple."

"Thank you, Master," Chen Yunlong whispered with deep gratitude. With utmost reverence, he gracefully lowered himself to the ground, kowtowing three times.

With each kowtow, his forehead touched the earth, expressing his sincere reverence for Zheng Xiang, acknowledging the wisdom, guidance, and trust that would be imparted upon him.

The act was a solemn pledge, a commitment to wholeheartedly embrace his teachings and carry the legacy of the Lionhearted Daoist until the very end.

As he remained in that humbled position, Chen Yunlong's heart overflowed with a profound sense of appreciation for the opportunity bestowed upon him.

"Get up," Zheng Xiang swiftly approached him, helping him up by his shoulders with a hearty laugh

* * *

With a sudden jolt, the old Chen Yunlong sprang upright from his bed, his heart pulsating with adrenaline.

"Master..." he whispered softly, his hand instinctively finding its place on his chest, feeling the lingering ache within his heart.

"Even as the years have slipped away like sand through my fingers, your teachings remain etched in the deepest recesses of my soul. The Lionhearted Legacy lives on within me, an eternal flame that guides my every step."

His voice trembled, "And when the time comes for us to reunite, Master, I will share with you the stories of my journey—every victory, every lesson learned, every encounter that shaped me into the person I have become."

With a final, heartfelt whisper, Chen Yunlong's words hung in the air, "Until we meet again, Master, may your spirit watch over me, guiding my every step as I continue to walk the path you paved for me."