
Old Ones of DxD

Old Ones has been defeated at the War in Heaven. Their race was pushed into extinction by soulless Necrons and their C'tan master. Yet, not all of them perished. Instead, one seeks refuge in another reality, reincarnated into the soul of a poor half-devil during the turmoil in the Underworld. (Highschool DxD x Warhammer 40K)

Ray_Vorhard_2199 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 2: We Are Loyal Servants of His

-Balam Territory. Manor of Balam. Two weeks after the burning-

Octarius Balam is currently reading reports from various sections of his territory. His eyes scan each one in high precision, leaving no room for negligence.

Satans have instructed the Balam family to research to replenish the devil population in order to wage another war with the other two factions and win. To achieve that, they need armies much greater than before, and thus they are permitted to try even the most horrific ways imaginable to increase their number. After years of research and operation, they managed to increase the birthrates, albeit most weren't pure-blooded devils.

Balam has long since their use on human slaves and their massive stock of slaves, enabling them to conduct experiments. They tried countless drugs and magical instruments to enhance their endurance and ovulation. The fruits of these experiments vary. The first one couldn't be said to be a failure. Indeed, the first generation birthed monsters and abominations, and even their mothers must be replaced due to their broken bodies. But it still gave them a few numbers of deadly soldiers.

The second experiment went well despite the mothers still dying. The third experiment is when they can finally keep the mothers alive, and the subsequent experiments result in various successes. Thus, it would grant him a prize from the Satans themselves.

His thought was then interrupted by a knock on his door. It made him grunt, slamming the papers on the table.

"Came in!" He shouts in displeasure and anger.

The door opens, revealing a man. He is out of breath, and sweat runs through his face. His face is pale like a corpse, his hands trembling in fear.

"Speak!" Octarius barks, narrowing his eyes in annoyance.

"We have dire news, sir." He speaks in between his breath.

"What news, servant?" He growls as he can feel his blood boils.

"One of our facilities has been destroyed," Said the servant, unable to hold his own fear to face his master.

It didn't take a long time until Octarius' rage consumed him. He slams the table with his fist, destroying it and crumbling the entire manor.

"Who did this?!" He instantly cut their distance, standing before the servant with bloodshot eyes. "Who dares to invade my realm?"

"We-We don't know, milord," The servant's fear has broken his calm composure. "But we have conducted several searches in that location. We found it was not caused from the outside but from the inside."

"Rebellion? Those swine can rebel against us?!" The only reason he didn't burst from his room and wreak havoc on whether beings dare enter his realm is a single question. Who is his enemy?

"Those would be incorrect, sir." The middle-class devil says slowly.

His rages stop, eyes full of questions. "What does that mean?"

"From the data we manage to gather. We conclude that only one person did this. From the magical residues, we also know that this hald-blood can utilize magic that is entirely unknown to us. And the density of it is beyond anything we have recorded." The servant explains slowly, keeping his face straight.

When his words end, Octarius ponders momentarily as his mind runs through various scenarios and possibilities. A devil that destroyed his facility and then left magical residues that reached a height that they never recorded. It might be another abomination or worse; it was utterly unknown that he possibly didn't have any safety measures. He needs to move fast, as his reputation would be at stake.

"Fuck!" He curses, gritting his theeth in desperation. "I want you to get my honor guards. I will see that place myself!"

"A-At once, milord!" The servant dared not look back at his master's wrathful face.

The Balam devil's breath grew more profound as he could not hold his rage from taking over. Octarius roars in a fury, showing his nature as the most vicious lord ever living in the Underworld's northern region.


-Balam Territoy. Village-

The village's saviour, Balechtar, meditates while channelling the power of the Sea of Soul to his body. The infinite span of the Great Ocean provides him with endless power to shape the reality around him.

He spreads his power and influence across the entire village. Kilometres around the village have been restored as the citizens have entirely healed. But the restoration he had put into practice for them differs from ordinary healing magic.

It was a genuine restoration. It restored their soul and body to return to their primordial form.

{Devils of the first generation were not like this} Said Coltek to him while he was healing one of the citizens.

He had heard that nearly identical statement right before they entered the village. Devils of the first generation are not like the modern devils. When he asks how they would look, the explanation is always vague.

Yet due to his name, Balechtar, a name of wisdom. He can see through the mist of doubt and beyond.

The true form of devils cannot only exist in one realm but both in material and immaterial at once as they are masters of Soul Crafting. But for an unknown reason, the devils' race has regressed. Balcthar only wonders what the Old Underworld would look like. The vision that Coltek gave to him when their first day sparked a spirit for him to the recreation of that golden age-an age where freedom he always seeks resides.

Thus, he peers into the infinite potential of the Skein, seeking a path to choose. Among those potentials, he saw one that shall grant him the best outcome, yet it will cost him much more than he could handle. Some also provide him with alternatives, but they are still unfavorable. He needs the most prominent one, and surprisingly enough, the entry for him to enter that path is slowly approaching his place.

"Lord Balechtar," A soft voice of Rylazia snaps Balechtar from his meditation.

"You can come in, Rylazia," Balechtar says softly.

The door of his room opens, revealing the devil girl with papers. She has changed her cloth into less tattered ones. Her face is neutral, but happiness can be seen in her eyes.

Balechtar feels pity for her due to her mother. But, he cannot say more about her tough demeanor—a calm nature was forged in the harsh condition and more enhanced when he restored her. She was no different than him.

"I want to give you a report," Said the young devil softly and yet firmly. It was unusual for a devil her age to possess a demeanor like this—a firm and severity of a mature devil. The result of the restoration has shown itself in the form of her maturity and power.

"Please, have a seat," He gestures to the chair beside him while sitting on the ground. Rylazia complies, taking her seat in the chair.

"This is my report," She gives him the paper, still maintaining her calm facade.

It didn't take a second for Balchtar to read the report as he instantly comprehended all. To enforce it, the psychic wards across the village have provided him with the necessary knowledge of the villagers.

They have seemingly evolved, changing into the next step of their evolution. Even though it was barely noticeable, the progress is happening and genuine.

"Everything is according to the template," He mutters out loud, drawing the attention of Rylazia.

She did not dare to speak or answer the mutterings of her lord. It wasn't that she couldn't because she didn't want to, but something deep down prevented her from speaking. It was a natural feeling in her soul to submit herself to Balechtar's orders. It was her absolute loyalty to him that the Lord Balecthar personally created within her for reasons unknown.

"I think you have noticed the differences in your body. Can you tell me?" He asks with a gentle tone.

With permission, Rylazia opens her mouth to speak. "I have, milord, after you healed me with your power. Something fundamental about me as a devil has changed. I can't tell what it is, but it obviously made me stronger."

"Care to elaborate further?"

The host of the Old One asks, smiling.

Rylazia is slightly taken aback. Her eyes dilate, but she quickly regains her composure. "I can feel a tidal wave of power around me. And when I move it, I can create magic that exceeds much magic I have ever seen. Previously I couldn't feel any of this."

"That tidal wave is the power of the Great Ocean."

"The Great Ocean?" Rylazia tilts her head in confusion.

"Let me show you." Balechtar closes his eyes, waving his hand as if he is the maestro of existence.

Rylazia can feel the invisible power of the universe touch her skin. The power is immeasurable and infinite. Even though she could not see the true form of this Great Ocean, she could feel the immense force behind it, albeit just a fraction.

"Hold my hand, Rylazia." He extends his hand, still closing his eyes.

The pure-blooded devil did what he said, accepting his hand. Then, she can see what Balechtar sees. It was an infinite ocean that stretched to all kinds of existence. It was the sea of power and thought—violent yet calm, chaos and yet order.

"Amazing," Rylazia says in wonder.

"This place is the Great Ocean. It is where every thought and possibility becomes a reality and truth." Balechtar explains to her carefully.

A Great Ocean. A place that even Balechtar himself didn't know it has existed until Coltek told him a few days ago. Yet, he can muster the potential of this ocean as if he had practiced for countless years. It is still a mystery to him, though he has one assumption: Coltek's consciousness. It undoubtedly changed him, and he slowly lost much of his original self. Yet, many more remains. Coltek made it still intact for his own reason, giving much of Balechtar's curiosity.

"This place... Why do we never find it? If we find this earlier, we can win the Great War." Rylazia couldn't hide her awe as her eyes scanned her surrounding.

"We have found it a long time ago." Said Balechtar, staring at her.

"We have? When?" She becomes excited by the topic; her eyes widen in shock.

"Devil was not used to be like this. We are much greater being back in our golden age."

Balechtar says in a whisper, yet it echoes throughout the Great Ocean. The echoes cause the female devil to shudder. The feeling when the voice reaches her is unthinkable. It was not her liege talking to her, but the entirety of the existence of the sea was talking to her.

"Our... Golden age." Rylazia mumbles, feeling her palm sweating. "Please enlighten me, milord."

"With pleasure." The incarnation waves his hand, shaping the impossibility of the Sea of Soul to his liking.

The environment before them begins to change rapidly. The previously chaotic sea transforms into a land of creation and blessings where every miracle can be created. It was a place rich in magical energy and wonders of impossible designs. Moreover, they are all created by devils with their arts of magic that are beyond anything current devils are capable of.

{They have fallen far from their intended design. How ignorance and arrogance. Even though a significantly stronger enemy destroys them, no one takes any initiation to restore their own golden age} Coltek says neutrally.

Balechtar can sympathize with that sentiment. Devils of old are much greater beings than their current counterparts. Their works, magics, and intellects are far from their prime states. It is such a miserable tragedy indeed.

"Our... Our ancestors can create these marvels?" Rylazia could not help but stares intently at the magnificent architecture before her. "Remarkable,"

"It was one among countless of their miracles. A single devil in the golden age is more than enough to kill the Heavenly Dragons effortlessly," The half-devil says bluntly.

"They can kill the Heavenly Dragons? It was..." Rylazia could not finish her sentence as the revelation baffled her to the most extent.

"Unbelievable. I know." Balechtar continues her unfinished sentence, nodding his head.

Rylazia wanted to ask more, but something prevented her again unless she ordered. Thus, she glances downward, saving the thought for herself.

"You may wonder why I know all of this, am I correct?" The Old One incarnation asks softly, glancing at her with a smile.

"Yes... Your power to heal us, your control over this place, and your knowledge about this forgotten past. Who exactly are you, Lord Balechtar?" She asks carefully and softly, but her tone hides the weight of the severity of her question.

"Can I trust you enough, Rylazia?" He asks, smiling with a smile that hides his true intention.

Deep in his heart, this question is necessary. Even though he didn't need it, it was essential for his mortal side as well as her own.

'Coltek. Is it necessary to tell her?' He asks telepathically to the Old One.

{It was your judgment. I won't dilute it. Moreover, your mind is beyond mortal due to your connection with me. Do it if you think it is necessary}

"You have saved me, milord." Rylazia places her palm on her chest, bowing her body deeply. "You have saved me and my village. You are my savior. I pledge my loyalty to you ever since you saved me."

'Very well.'


Rylazia only says with all her heart, submitting her fate to her master. She only did what she had ordered: to answer the question. But after seeing her liege's expression, something in her heart feels ached, but at the same time, she trusted Balechtar's judgment.

"Raise your head, Rylazia." Thus, she did. "You have done well even though we only met a few days ago. I never doubt you."

"But my liege. Why did you ask me such a question? I don't understand." Rylazia stares at him with a face full of questions.

"Ever since I healed you, you have been elevated into a higher form of a devil, a step closer to our ancestor. It means I know where your true loyalty lies because you will be a step closer to your creator." Balechtar speaks with a tone that sends chills down Rylazia's spine.

"My creator?" Rylasia lost any words to say, staring at Balechtar with widened eyes.

{"GREETINGS, RYLAZIA. MY NAME IS COLTEK. BALECHTRAR AND ME SHARE BODY AND SOUL. YOUR PEOPLE KNOW ME AS THOSE WHO TRAVELS IN THE SILVER SKY."} The voice of an unfathomable being and Balechtar's resonate with each other, creating a voice that spreads into the concept of existence itself, and even the Great Ocean seems to bend its knee to this being.

"Who... What are you?" Rylazia tries her best to pronoun her sentence as the pressure of the being before her is immense. Although the aura is crushing, it also gives her a warm sensation beyond her tongue to explain, but her soul resonates with this being.


"Why did you choose Lord Balechtar as your host?"

Rylazia asks softly and carefully, trying to avoid any ire from the being.


The secret of Balechtars isn't a full-blooded devil but not news to her. Despite that, she wonders about the secret behind that reason. But she chooses to save it for herself.

"What is the reason behind your reincarnation, Lord?" The essence of her soul demands submission to this god-like creature.

{"IT DEPENDS ON HIM"} The Old One declares firmly, sending confusion to the mortal devil.

"To Lord Balechtar?" She mutters in disbelief. Shocking would be an understatement for her. A being that exceeds any logic, like Coltek, submits his decision to a mortal being. She wonders many things about it, yet she finds it contradictory.


She is a tool before this mighty being. She is a tool for his design that was unknown to her. It is completely fine for her due to his loyalty to him. But somehow, she feels conflicted. She feels happy when she knows that Lord Balechtar saves her. But at the same time, she feels burdened by the sheer responsibility before her.

"Rylazia," A soft voice of Balechtar came to her ears.

"Lord Balechtar... I have heard your purpose for me. I will take the burden." Said Rylazia, trembling.

The Old One-devil kneels before her, touching her cheek. It surprises her. Looking at him, she sees the same kindness when he saved her. She feels every kind of benevolent emotion from him that slowly envelops her.

"You don't have to. It is your choice to make. I won't force you." He caresses her cheek.

She ponders for a moment. She knows the responsibility would be paramount. But she cannot reject it. She feels something deep beneath her to encourage her to accept the burden. But there is a reason why Lord Balechtar would choose her—a reason of noble, bright purpose for something much greater than anything she can imagine.

"I accept this burden, Milord."

With that answer, the half-devil touches her forehead.

"This will be my gift for you."

With a faint light, she was blinded. The truth is revealed.


-A few hours later. Village. Village's center-

Balecthar, with Rylazia behind him, walks into the fountain. Their eyes hardened with determination. The two devils have found their purpose and the incoming threat that soon befall this village. The villagers soon spotted their presence, focusing their eyes on them.

They stop, and Balechtar turns his body to face the entire village.

"Heed my words, the pride sons and daughters of the Underworld!" His voice is enchanted with his psychic power, sending a booming voice of authority across the entire village.

The villagers heard their savior's voice, slowly approaching him. They stare at the half-devil in wonder as their minds try to predict what he will say next—the aura of power and authority blares with mighty presence, causing them to petrify in awe.

"There is an incoming danger for us. The Balam's forces shall come to this village. They are here because of me." He proclaims bluntly, earning gasps from them.

"But do not be afraid. I shall defend you in this ." Even with his overwhelming psychic aura, a faint taint of despair still lurks in their eyes.

"Are you doubt my power?" Said Balechtar slowly.

There is silence, enough to become an answer, as his psychic wards allow Balechtar to read their minds as he wills it. There is no doubt but fear. The reason behind the fear is not unfounded. They have been oppressed for many generations, and someone never came for their salvation, only believing in false hope.

"You," Balechtar points his finger to a male devil in the crowd. "Come closer."

The devil in question complies, taking his step closer to his savior. He kneels before him, showing his respect for him.

"A storm is coming. Thus, we must prepare for it." Using his mastery over the Great Ocean, Balechtar changes the entire biological and spiritual template of the devil before him.

He wouldn't change them into their prime state when the Old One first created them, as it would lead to premature evolution, and thus he will elevate him a two-step higher than his current state.

It is a forging of soul, the craftsmanship of body, and the enchanting of prowess.

The man devil's body envelops by light. Inside the brilliant energy, transformation begins to occur. He becomes slightly taller, stronger, and significantly more intelligent, and his magical power escalates to a degree unseen by the Underworld for tens of thousands of years.

As the light dies out, he emerges with power that dwarfs anyone beside him except for Balechtar and Rylazia. His power exceeds the Satan class's, eclipsing them by a large margin.

"I offer you strength, wisdom, and form that has never been seen in the Underworld. With those powers, I offer you a rightful place among the ascendant. I offer you everything! But I will ask you one thing. I want you to raise and fight with me to retake what is yours. Raise brothers and sisters. The time is nigh!" Balechtar declares, raising his hand.

His psychic power of him spreads like a burning flame that will protect those who submit and burn for those who deny their fate to return to their rightful place as the creation of the Old One.