
Old Man's Cold World of Insects(on wait)

Warning: SEVERAL typos and there may be later changes to chapters. (Edit: i won't be touching this for a while. My first idea when creating this changes as i wrote every chápter and had more/betternideas and am still trying to figure out better ways to write. Not expecting anyone to care but don't mind to read this all will be deleted in the future.) A old dying man goes to his grandparents house in the countryside to die in piece after working for his entire life. There full of regrets for the greedy life he lived he finds a life creation manual and creates a small world for himself. Sadly all thw lifeforms he manages to create are cold in their core and are creatures who simpky pretend to be human and immitate human emotion. Watch as this old man governs like a god over these beings who are no better than unempathetic insects as he develops a utopia for those who are born with feelings to reight over these inferior beings.

Nojaro_sann · Fantasy
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14 Chs

OMCW Chapter 4 - Missaimed Hatred

Ju closed his eyes a self deprecant smile on his lips.

'Haaaah. I'm happy i managed this. Activating a world makes it several times bigger. There is also a giant need for space with the regular method. It produces much more Sundust but sadly i don't think i will be able to live in peace is i opt to use the regular method.'

Usually Creators didn't need a pocked dimension like Ju did. Even Ju thought he was going to usd the regular method but the severe increase in size would bring in too much unwanted attention. He was also not finished digesting his inherited memories so therefore he was incapable of having a full picture of how to do things.

'The pocked dimension is a very usefull tool to create small to great sistems. Sadly it would be too hard to create one outside this house and it also takes too long to take in rezources from the inside.'

'Thankfully i'm an earthling and the only resources i need are the resources i will spend back into the world.'

Ju was sitting on a chair sitting and staring at his crystal orb.

After he got out of the Planet a few of his cells died on the spot giving him a feedback of Sundust. The cells dying made the same ammount of Sundust spent on them. They didn't grow and got stronger. Much less even live.

Ju could feel a little bit of it missing actually.

'Haaah. There is no scape. There are at least 9 thousand remaining. If even one of them adapts the gains will be worth it!'

Meanwhile Ju spent half of the Sundust feedback back into the Dark space to acelerate the time there by affecting the time dimension. He only managed to shrink it a little which meant that 1 day became 6 months

Ju kept watching. He has placed the several cells and was uncertain of what to do next. He decided then to focus his attention on a single individual and follow him till dead.

After two days Ju was still watching over the beetles. He has recently gotten a liking to a insect he has called Adam. The reason? He seems to be the only of his kind and is also the most promissing of the bunch for his uniqueness. He seems to gain strenght from anything that he eats. The beetle evolved from a 0.001dm being to a full 5cm behemoth! This might not sound so great but this is a insect over 50meters tall for this world's scale! A insect the size of a mansion!

The average size of the insects he brought to the world for this world all of them would be absolutely giants.

Sadly Ju was afraid this would be his last glimpse of Adam.

The insect of the world have been returning more Sun dust each death and now he had enough to accelerate time 1000/1.

"Bye Adam" The old man gave a pained and enternained goodbye to his little pet and stomped the floor.

In an instant through the glass sphere Adam who was about to attack another beetle instantly became an after image every action of the insects was fed to Ju's brain because of the connection he had with them he being their Creator though it was just a little more than an explanation of what he was seeing.

'Hhhhhngaah! Aaa! This is no good. A old man like me shouldn't be hunched in a chair for so long.'

Ju streched and complained. The only thing he's done in the last days was observe the Planet only pausing when he needed to eat or sleep.

Snif-Sni--gheeeerr!? Blaeh...!?

"T-This smell!? Mhmm!?"

Ju smelled himself out of curiosity and instantly regretted it.

He hadn't taken a shower in more than a week! Unfortunately for him he had not set up a proper shower in his house.

"T-There is a public bath over the village... I will give it a visit!"

Ju quickly changed clothes and headed out. He walked out a few streets into the comercial side of the village till he was called out.

"Oho? So you really are not dead!" The voice, Ju hoped it was not actually familiar and he was just going insane and hearing things but then it hit him again.

"What is this? Oh-!?" The annoying Mrs. Mistia was taken aback.

"T-This stench! You really DID die huh!?" The annoying old woman covered her face.

Ju seeing this as an apportunity returned her remarks.

"Oho? A granny like you still has a sense of smell? I wonder how when you have such a rotten tongue just below your nose!"

"Wha? How dare you you shitt-" Mrs. Mistia was about to curse Ju but was stopped by a lady besides her.

"Ehem!" The woman was sitting on a small cushion drinking tea with Mistia put her cup down with a lot of strenght and a loud thud.

"Mistia please behave yourself." Mistia reluctantly sat back in her place vexed.

The woman turned to Ju and spoke to him.

"It's very nice to meet you, my name is Dita Kura, i apologise for my friend's rude behavior. You are the one who moved to the Jue house right correct? May i know your name?"

'Such a nice woman. She also managed to get this viper under control.'

Ju was quiet for a second and politely answered.

"Yes i'm also sorry for giving her the attention"

Mistia was instantly staring daggers at him.

'Heh.' Ju smiled inwardly.

"My name is Manny Ju. You may call me how you preffer but i personally go by Ju."

"Well then Mr. Ju if i may ask where are you going at this time?"

Ju looked up into the sky and realised the sun was setting and the sky had become gray.

'I really immersed myself too much on my project.'

"I was looking for the bathouse for... well i guess you already know." Ju lifted his arm slightly and the putrid smell came out.

While Mistia was getting ready to be even more irritable to him but Kura interrupted her off before she could speak anything.

"Aahh! You are a customer then!" The woman put her hands together in front of her body and gave a friendly smile.

'Customer?' Ju stared at the billboard above him. It said "Kura Bathouse."

'It was much closer than i expected.'

"Are you still open?"

"Yes certainly. Just go in and put some coins in that machine to turn the heat on. The disposable towels are inside the bathroom."

"Thank you."

'A short and simple converstion. How long has it been?'

For the last 22 years of his life all exchanges Ju has had were either with a undeling who feared him and kept ass kissing him, a business ally who was contantly thinking how to put him down or exploit him or with a big shot who treated him like a peasant.

Ju internally smiled. He definitely did not regret retiring.

After a hour Ju came out of the bath smelling like cherry.

He went to the clothes store attached to the bathhouse to look for something to use. He didn't believe there would be anything good or that he liked but he went anyway. To his luck there was a section of second hand clothes.

He bough three shirts and two pairs of pants. One of each he was wearing now.

He came back to the front of fhe bathhouse wearing a look that impressed the two woman.

His shirt was a very out of style black shirt with long sleeves filled with white stripes. On the chest area there were fake diamonds glued to the fabric. It was supposed to say "Love X evolvE" but only the "X" was left. His pants were a stained light blue jeans. Like the kind mechanics used.

He everything was very loose on his skinny body but somehow it seemed to fit all together with him even though the curious combinarion would look ridiculous on anyone else.

Mistia was spechless with how ridiculously ordinary the man looked.

Meanwhile Kura pulled in a conversation.

"Oh my! You look so good in that Mr. Ju! Huhuhu." She put one hand in front of her mouth and chuckled.

"Thank you for the praise haha. I will be on my way. My house doesn't have a shower so i might be back tomorrow."

"Oww. Don't be shy. Why don't we have a cup of tea?" She pressed.

Ju was silent for a second but answered after passing his glare over Mistia and deducing from her facial expression she would be extremely annoyed if he stayed.

"Well if you ask me like this there is no way for me to refuse" Ju sat down and tasted some of the tea put in by Kura. It was equally bitter and sweet.

"Very good."

"Huhu. Thank you."

"You are welcome."

Ju tasted a few sips and before he realised he spent over 1 bour chatting.

He was about to ask to leave when Kura asked a sudden question.

"Mr. Ju?"

"Hmm yes?"

"Im sorry for the rudeness but if i may ask, why is it that Mrs. Mistia has such a deep hatred of you?"

Ju put his cup down and stared at Mistia. It was like she wanted him to answer an obvious question. To justify her rude behaviour.

Ju stood quiet and answered.

"Look Mrs. Kura i have no reason to lie to you. I have no ide why this woman hates me."

'I really don't'

Hearing this answer Mistia got up enraged.


"You don't know? You let your parents to live in the big city and forgot the two of them here to die!"

"You only came back for your son and then prohibited his grandparents from seeing him util they died!!"

"And now you come back like nothing has changed and don't even bring your kid to pay respects!?"

"Who do you think took care of the two in their deathbed!?" Mistia hal almost tears swelling behind her eyes.

'My... Kid? Forget?' Ju's mind went completely blank.

"How could you. How could you treat such a sweet couple like they are peasants simply because you got rich!" She could no longer hide the ters and one single drop ran across her cheek.

"And your parents on top of that! Such aldacity you have coming back here!!"

Mistia went forward and slapped Ju's face.

Ju was still stunned and he couldn't process everything correctly. Util suddenly light returned to his mind.

'Haah... I get it now.' Ju touched his cheek and stared into the distance.

He no longer resented this woman's rude behaviour. He would do the same actually.

Mistia was still taken by rage.

And screamed again.

"Do you have nothing to say?"


"You... You coward!" She went for another slap but Kura stoped her in her tracks.

"What are you doing!?"

"I'm teaching this coward a lesson! Say something!"

Kura looked at ju but was met with an indiferent stare.

Ju looked at mistia and spoke his mind.

"I understand now. I will take this slap. And i will take whatever offence comes next. It's only natural for me to inherit some of that man's karma. But i must tell you one thing."

Ju stood up.

"My father died a sad and painful death. I hope this can saciate some of your anger."

Kura and Mistia were taken aback.

""My dad."? You mean you're that man's son!? Hump! that is impossible that man would be at most 40 odd years! You are clearly a decript 80... year old... man..." Mistia started full of fury but she soon shifted i to co fusion and realisation.


Before leaving Ju gave kura a deep bow and walked back home straight back, clear eyes, and steady pace.