
Old Knight In Another World

Charles Integra is a man of integrity, justice, wisdom and courage. The upholder of peace and order, the one who strives to eliminate all evil from this world. A pious man, a loyal man, a man loved by all, an old man. Watch as this old knight from another world brings peace to the new world he finds himself in, starting with a beautiful cold-hearted princess and a classroom full of troublemakers.

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Old Knight Attends The Magic Academy

[Author's Note: Hi, everyone! Damian Powers here! It's already been a month since I started this novel, and WOW! 3.5K views! I wasn't expecting this since this novel was supposed to be a joke. However, seeing the supportive comments (Shoutout to Bluepikachu23 and Peter_Kim!) I've decided to invest myself in this novel and focus most of my attention on it! I've even applied for a contract (wish me luck!) As for why I'm writing this. It's because I would like for you loyal readers to take just a minute of your time to write your honest review of the novel so that I know what to improve, and the reviews/ratings would gradually attract the attention of other readers. Anyways, thank you so much for reading my novel and here is the next chapter]

3rd Person POV:

In a classic university-style lecture hall with long raised tables, a podium and a chalkboard. A class was in session.

The instructor in charge of the class, a tall brown-haired female instructor with tired yellow eyes and wearing green robes, looked at the blue-uniformed teenagers seated before her and began to speak.

"After a hectic morning, we will begin your first official lessons at Babylonia Academy."

"For the rest of the year, until you enter your second year. I will be the homeroom teacher of your class 1-C. As well as the teacher for combat, history, magic theory, alchemy and various other subjects. Basically, you'll see me every day, so I hope we all get along and you guys won't cause any trouble that'll decrease my salary."

"I will now hand you your schedules and explain some of the rules and events we have at our Academy."

The brown-haired instructor snapped her fingers, and the students' timetables and other papers appeared on the students' desks.

"Except for your Elective courses like the Literature Arts, Arithmetic and Theology, all of you will share the same classes for your required base subjects."

"Without further ado, we'll begin our first class of the day, Magic Theory. Nothing like a good old set of critical thinking problems that'll get your brain pumping at the start of your day!"

A person raised an arm covered in intricate white armour in the air.

"Yes, Charles?"

Charles, seated beside a poker-faced Lilith with a slightly vexed expression, asked his question.

"Miss Emily, must I be present for classes? I already graduated from an Academy once. Must I sit through five years of lessons on subjects I know and am proficient in? It would be much more productive for me to become an Instructor and teach students rather than waste my time listening to people that only care about the money and privileges the job brings."

After finishing, he stroked his moustache, waiting for Instructor Emily's reply.

Instructor Emily's eyebrows twitched, and her face became flushed with anger. Had the person been a regular student like the others seated before her, she'd be tempted to smite them down with one of her Lightning Spells.

Unfortunately, the person who asked such an audacious question that deserves expulsion was an entity of unknown origin with power that could wipe Babylonia Academy several times.

Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, Instructor Emily answered Charles through gritted teeth.

"Mister Charles, if you are dissatisfied with your current position. Then I suggest you take it up with the Headmaster. You should be grateful that you are registered as a student and not a Familiar. Otherwise, you'd be stuck spending your days outside in the Familiar Zone."

(That ought to shut him up!)


Charles continued to stroke his enormous manly moustache and took his time to reply, deeply infuriating the instructor.

"You are right, Miss Emily. I shall take it up with the Headmaster."

Before instructor Emily could say anything, Charles got up and strolled out of the classroom.

Dumbfounded, instructor Emily could only sigh in defeat before resuming class.

(What on Lunara did I do to have to meet a person like him?)

Flashback: 1 Hour Before

Instructor Emily POV:

"Well, I'll say, these halls are quite excessively decorated! It looks like this is the residence of a King or someone else of similar status! I mean, look at the columns around us! They're practically made of gold! Also, who in their right mind would place so many expensive paintings all around this hall!? You're not prioritizing the students' education enough! In Macchina, Mina might have expensive tastes, like having an Airship Dock or building an army of War Forged to act as cleaning staff, but at least she does it to improve students' education and lives! Back in my Academy days, most of the budget went to hiring competent staff and providing students..."

By Zera's name, this old man talks too much! Just who on Lunara is he!?

And how did he get summoned by Lilith Sharon?

I walked through the halls, heading toward the Headmaster's office with the old man and the girl from House Sharon with me.

While the old man rambled on non-stop, the girl who summoned him was quiet, to which I am grateful because I don't think I could handle two chatterboxes.

After going up several flights of stairs, we finally arrived at the topmost floor containing only a single room. This was the Headmaster's office and living quarters.

In contrast to the wealth and grandeur the previous floors displayed. The Headmaster's floor was unusually drab.

The floor was made of simple oak, and the walls were an undecorated white. It had simple wooden furnishings and several tall rectangular windows that overlooked several areas of the school, including the courtyard, training fields, and the Sky Ball Arena.

I walked up to the entrance of the Headmaster's office, two out-of-place ancient stone doors with the carving of a lady being worshipped by the masses. The lady, I presume to be the Goddess Zera.

Knocking on the door, I waited for several moments before a low husky voice called out.


The ancient doors opened, and we walked into a dark bedroom. The only source of light that enabled us to see around us without magic were candles of various sizes placed randomly all over the room.

With the dim light that was available, I could make out many stacks of books, tablets, scrolls and papers that contained various ancient undecipherable runes and symbols. Some were new to the point I could smell the fresh ink on them, while others emitted corrupt otherworldly energy that made me want to steer clear of them.

At the center of this mess was a large round bed capable of fitting five people. It was also the brightest area in the bedroom.

The bed, just like the room it was housed in, was filled with lots of reading material. What was left of the space on the bed was filled by a woman clad in a scandalous black silk nightgown that revealed long, dark, smooth and well-toned legs, bountiful cleavage, a round and firm behind and beautiful arms and collarbones, lying on her side smoking a pipe.

The smoke from the pipe gathered around her face, obscuring it from view, making it hard to tell her expressions and what she was thinking.

Flipping a page, the woman continued reading from a black grimoire, and after finishing the page she was on, she placed a bookmark, closed the book and paid attention to us.

After taking a long draught, she spoke.

"Emily, darling. To what pleasure do I owe this visit?"

"Headmaster, I have brought the two individuals, Lilith Sharon and her Familiar, as requested."

I step off to the side to show Lilith Sharon and the well-dressed old man she summoned.

The Headmaster took another draught and lay on the bed in quiet thought.

At first glance, the Headmaster comes off as a harlot or prostitute one could find in any bustling city's red-light district.

However, she would usually dress in formal robes before most people. It's only to those she trusted, such as myself, she'd show her slovenly and seductive appearance to.

If anyone tried to take advantage of or force her, especially those disgusting young masters and such nobles. They'd better be prepared for their whole fiefdom to be destroyed.

In one such infamous incident, Duke Hentai And Marquis Echhi, two powerful Seventh-Circle and Sixth-Circle Mages respectively, with a notorious lustful reputation, attempted to seal off her magic, rendering her powerless and making her perform disgusting acts in front of their guests at an evening dinner.

Not only was their plan thwarted, but their fiefdom and vassal territories were wiped off the face of Lunara. Those that survived her initial onslaught, including Duke Hentai and Marquis Ecchi, were caught, stripped naked, disembowelled, castrated and had their naked corpses hung from their Kingdom's capital square.

This naturally made enemies, but no one dared to mess with this crazy woman who'd throw a tantrum if her chef didn't make her favourite apple pie every evening for dessert. By throwing a tantrum, I mean wiping a mountain off the map and all unfortunate souls that happened to be nearby.

"I know you're thinking something nasty about me, darling."

"Not at all, Headmaster."

Have I mentioned that she's often mistaken for a harlot because of her way of speaking?

Moving on.

The Headmaster switched her attention to the two people I brought at her request.

"Hmm, so these are the two that caused such a disturbance in reality. The old one is quite the cutie, I see! With a formidable power to match, the younger one..."

"Oh my! A descendant of Sharon's! How interesting!"

When her House was mentioned, Lilith tensed up.

"You know my ancestor?"

The Headmaster giggled in amusement before replying.

"Of course! He was quite the man! I once asked him out for a fling, but he turned me down. It's a shame he's gone now."

"Would you happen to know about the curse?"

"The curse?"

The Headmaster paused by recalling the rumours surrounding House Sharon.

"Oh, you mean those groundless rumours Sharon's children are cursed by Hecate?"

"Yes! Please tell me what you know!"

Hey, hey, hey! Aren't you overstepping your bounds!? You're in front of a being who can wipe your entire household of Lunara!

"Relax, Emily darling, as for your question, little one. I do, but it wouldn't be fun if I just told you now, would it?"

The Sharon girl clenched her hands in frustration and looked like she was about to do something rash.

As I secretly prepared a spell to incapacitate her if things went south. The Headmaster cancelled my magic and said something surprising.

"Don't look at me like that, sweetie, it might seem like I'm bullying you, but I'm doing this for your well-being; If I told you the truth about your bloodline. You would be in grave danger."

"I have my Familiar, don't I?"

"True, but is he truly under your control? He is indeed powerful, but what about you? If your Familiar wasn't around? I heard that you can't even cast a simple Light spell."

Lilith had nothing to say to that since she knew full well how powerless she was.

"Don't look so down now! I'll give you a chance to obtain the information you seek."


The previously downcast girl made a one-hundred-and-eighty-degree turn as she looked at the Headmaster with burning determination in her eyes.


"What must I do to obtain this information?"

"Quite simple, really."

The Headmaster took a long draught and blew a smoke ring.

I must say, she really knows how to make us wait.

After losing interest in the smoke ring she blew, she finally answered.

"You must make it to the Top Seven and qualify for the Grand Chaos Tournament!"

Well, she's screwed.

I seriously pity the child right now.

"WHAT!?! That's impossible! You said it yourself! I can't even use magic! How will I be able to compete against those monsters and geniuses in the Grand Chaos Tournament!"

"If you can't do this, I suggest you give up."


"Child, the students you'll be facing off against in the Grand Chaos Tournament are nothing compared to the beings that will come after you once you know the truth of your bloodline. If you don't have the power to beat students your age, what makes you think you can defeat or run away from the evil beings of legend that have been around for centuries? Trust me, child, there are things far worse than what you are currently experiencing. Bringing honour and glory back to your family will be the least of your concerns when you have ancient powerhouses after you."

"Then how do I get stronger?"

"If you can't seek a path others have trod, then you must forge one of your own. That is all I can say."

"Emily darling, would you be so kind as to wait outside with Miss Lilith? I have something I wish to discuss with the dashing gentleman over there."

"Understood, this way please Miss Sharon."

I don't know whether or not that old man is lucky to be called by the Headmaster for a private conversation.

Just in case it turns out to be that sort of discussion.

"Headmaster, please be aware it is daytime, and Miss Sharon and I will be right outside. It would not look good for the Academy if a student reported they heard "strange moaning noises" coming from your office."

"My, my, Miss Emily! You have quite an active imagination!"

I felt my face turn beet-red with anger and embarrassment from the Headmaster's teasing.

Ugh! She's so frustrating to deal with!

"Hehe, sorry, Emily darling, your angry face is just so cute!

"Don't worry! It won't be that sort of adult conversation. He'll be out within five minutes."

Well, at least she knows when to apologize.

I take Lilith Sharon out with me and wait by the door.

A few minutes went by until the old man finally came out with a scroll in his hand.

"This is for you."

The old man handed me the scroll. After I opened it, its contents shocked my eyes.

This man is going to attend Babylonia Academy, and I'm going to be his teacher!?


The Headmaster's orders are absolute. I guess I might as well get to know him.

I extended my hand to the old man for a handshake and greeted him for the first time.

"Although it's late. I feel that I should properly introduce myself. I am Instructor Emily, a faculty member of Babylonia Magic Academy. I look forward to teaching you."

The old man grasped my hand with his white-armoured one and gave a squeeze that almost made me fall to the ground and weep like a little girl.

"Charles Integra and I look forward to working alongside the other faculty members of Babylonia."


Ugh! What an unpleasant memory! I should have known from that sentence he spoke he wasn't going to attend my classes!

I can only hope that the Headmaster will set him straight.

Little did I know that the old geezer would not only become an important member of the Academy but had the Headmaster and a bunch of other girls wrapped around his pinky.

That's a story for another time.