

[POV Adam(Original)]

I got back an hour later at the city that was called City of Wamuu. It was called that as the ancestor creator of the city was called Wamuu, a wind element user body cultivator, a seeker of immortality with his 2 big brothers and hundreds of junior brothers and sisters.

I'm really exhausted that the guards left in the city wall and some adventurers then noticed me as one of them rushed towards me. I said I was fin and just exhausted but I didn't expect that it was the girl hours ago, this girl who was besieged by 4 demonic men who was planning to sell her.

But I pushed myself that I gradually went limp, fortunately the white cat following me then transformed into her tiger form carrying me at her back as the rest returned to my space with the others(dragon warrior, etc.).

Well it's seem normal for the spectators and the girl to be surprised as the little white cat became a 2 meter long white tiger. Don't really care as WT carried me as I told her the way home.

Arrived at home in a few seconds as before we left the city gate of Wamuu, the people there are still shocked. Hope none of them secretly followed us but riding a white tiger was sure is too high profile that people with great perception or with higher cultivation bases can find us easily.

Me: "Devir, can you make a psychic or spiritual barrier to avoid being sensed? I can't do it currently as you know, even my barrier skill is divided that I can only use it on a room and I will exhaust my strength that easily."

Devir: "Don't worry father! But remember our agreement, m-my rewards!"

Me: "I'll surely satisfy your request."

I then saw her face turns red as she then shooked it off.

Me: "Are you alright Devir?"

Devir: "I'm fine father and I've already thought about my request."

Me: "Okay then say it."

Devir: "Please let me live with with umm... Yo- Ares."

Me: "Hmm? You want to live together with Ares."

Devir: "N-No- I mean y-yes yes!"

Me: "Alright granted, tell Phil about that."

Devir: "T-Thank you father! Truly thank you! I won't disappoint youaaaa- I mean my sister."

Was she really that excited just to live with her sister Ares? Well she was the youngest of them all so it might be understandable for the children to love each other as family.

Now back to cultivation!

[POV Carmen]

I started to walk home as I ponder, did I saw that right? The little white cat transformed into a 2 meter tall white tiger? I was super shocked by the events that happened today, first was being saved by that guy on afternoon then at midnight, found him again fully exhausted as I can see that there's no injuries on him as his pet cat became a tiger. And it seems that that white tiger was clearly stronger than me for a few times.

[Correction Host, that white tiger was clearly 3800 times stronger than you.]

Then how long can I catch up to that tiger?

[There was 2.05% possibility in ten years, 24.14% in a hundred years and 73.81% in a thousand years.]

*arrow pierce*

Me: "Urghh! Then I should bet on that 2.05% possibility to become stronger fast. But for that to happen, I need resources, countless resources just to surpass a tiger. Is it possible for me to get countless resources?"

[Out of a billion parallel world routes, Host only got the countless resources 82 times.]

So it was possible for me to get those things.

[Due to some changes done by the other party, it is now impossible to get them.]

Me: "S-So my route now was impossible. But wait, how can you respond to me if you're the Perfect Lover System?"

[I'm just helping the Host to calculate for the first mission.]

Me: "I got my first mission!?"

[When Host got the Qu Gathering Pills, the 1st mission was already released.]

Me: "So by getting stronger?"


So I really need to be stronger now am I? But I should get home by now as my mother let me buy outside.

--5 mins later--

I'm still walking towards home as I then saw someone in front of me. How can it be him? But there are some different characterisrics on him now, what was his name again? Adam? But he clearly got a pair of horns, bat wings and a tail. Was he a succubus? No, succubuses are females so an incubus?