

[POV Aria]

After the soul-bound tape was placed onto me, I told the others(Enkidu, Nyarlathotep, Kaostina) to wake the kids in a few hours as they will live with me in another world. Now we will have siblings bondings albeit a little sad.

I glanced at the system screen and saw that I have surpassed the level limit possible in the 'game'.

<Name : Aria>

<Level : Error! Error!>

<EXP : Error/Error>

<Profession : Jacky Of All Trades>

<Skills :>

<Physical : Rankyaku, Geppo, Tekkai, Soru, Shigan, Kami-e, Armament Haki>

<Elemental : Normalball, Fireball, Waterball, Flyingball, Grassball, Iceball, Lightningball, Darkball, Lightball, Plasmaball, Fairyball, Rockball, Groundball, Steelball, Ghostball, Bugball, Psychicball, Poisonball, Fightingball, Dragonball>

<Mind : Observation Haki, Minor telepath, Monarch's Indifference>

<Spiritual : Conqueror's Haki (Unobtained : 13%)>

<Proficiency : Sword, Spear, Shield, Bow>



I pressed the logout button and I found myself laying on my bed in the 'real' world.

'Why is it messy? Did my room have a tornado? Oh no, I need to be fast as I only got less than 2 hours at most as the time there is 2 times as the time here.' is what on my mind as I saw the mess in the room... or the house ehehe.

'Its cleaning hour.' I hurriedly picked up the broom and the garbage bin as I sweep the whole house clean. I almost accidentally destroyed the TV as I was sweeping, luckily I have a superhuman reaction, wait, I am human am I? or half cause they say that father is neither human or other races but a whole different race. Then I have a superhalfhuman reaction.

90 minutes passed and I'm done.

"Yosh, now I need to put the tape in the T- wait a minute, how can I put the tape in the TV if I have not a player? Shit shit shit shit, I totes forgot about that." I was totes shocked that I have nothing as a tape player at home.

I dashed outside my house as I was searching a tape player at the speed of light.

Laundy Shop? Nope.

Candy Shop? Nope.

Antique Shop? Possible.

I entered it and found the cliché old man in an antique shop. He was there sitting and cleaning an antique crystal sword. I found out that this is not an ordinary antique shop but a weapon antique shop.

I saw a bow with sword arrows, a red spear, and wtf a wand for magical girls? Is it even an antique? This shop is strange, really strange. The old man that seems to be in his 70s or 80s is still healthy with beard on his chin but not on the nose and he seems to be, strong.

"Curious, how can you find this place even though it was concealed with a high presence magic? Ooh so that's why, interesting." he mumbled to himself.

"Hey old man, do you have a cassette tape player?" I asked while scratching my head.

"I have it over there." he said as he pointed to the shelf on the right. I only saw the left shelf that was full of weapons and did not noticed the right one that was full of miscellaneous like ancient books or ancient jades.

I searched for a bit till a found a tape player, I payed for it and went back home to install it to the TV. I put the tape that appeared in my hands in the player and what appeared is the other side of the 'game'. I saw Enkidu sis and the 7 kids with Sadako, I don't know where are Nyarlathotep sis and Kaostina sis.

I found Sadako twitch a little and stared at me, she picked up the kids and went through the TV as if a portal. I found Artoria, Kurumi, Irene, Emilia, Jibril, Lucifer and Gitsune a little surprised and nothing else. They must have thought that using a TV as a portal was a little cool. They brought their weapons, why not? They will train here for a few years and me as their mentor.

[POV 3rd]

An old man was sitting in a chair when suddenly, he felt a surge of space energy towards the east. He was curious so he teleported above the house that made the space energy spike.

"1, 2, 3... ooh 8 people crossed worlds. Interesting." he keep watching the scene happening inside the house until a black haired woman glared at him.

"W-What is t-this pressure? I haven't felt it in ages since that guy took me in countless years ago but this is weaker than that, is she connected to that man? Same with the 7 little girls and there's the girl a half an hour ago, it seems that he's near here." is what the old man said as he prepared to leave but Sadako suddenly appeared behind him as she captured the old man and was brought back to the house.

"Sadako, where did you g- ooh, that's the old man from the antique store." Aria said as she pointed at the old man.

"Ah, i-its you young lady." the old man said.

"Hmm, I felt something from this guy that came from Adam, what could it be..." Sadako said.

"Father?!" the 7 kids said trying to find their father anywhere.

"Father's not here. But they will be back." Aria said consoling them.

"S-So y-you're all connected to that m-man ey." the old man said his body full of sweat.

Suddenly, Enkidu appeared beside Aria and saw the commotion.

"Eh?! Schweinorg brat?" she said.

"Schweinorg? You mean that kid who said that Adam was his rival but was always defeated in a single breath?" Sadako said.

"Yeah." Enkidu confirmed.

"E-Enkidu-nee?" Schweinorg said.

"So you still remember me huh? And why are you in this planet? Is this worldline messed up or something?" Enkidu said eyeing Schweinorg.

"N-No Enkidu-nee, I stumbled here by accident, you see, my home universe and multiverse became an apocalypse thanks to someone with an evil element, almost all the people in the clocktower died and the rest were scattered throughout the megaverse. And my disciple's servant, Archer or EMIYA, was with me. Their contract was destroyed so I became Archer's master for him to survive as the throne of heroes was almost destroyed and all servants escaped. And I forgot to bring my gold, money and jewelries as we needed to escape and I can only use a few of my magics that are almost useless such as flight for a limited time, hide presence and a hundred meter teleportation a day. So I decided to make a weapon shop but was almost useless as Archer does not want to give me his weapons from his reality marble for me to sell and I can't just go robbing banks with this limited magic of mine so I just used the weapons as decorations to atleast attract costumers." he said in a single breath.

"Then guard these girls for the time being." Enkidu said as she pushed the 7 kids forward as well as Aria.

"Wait, I don't need protection as I have connections!" Aria said.

"Oh yeah, where's Archer or EMIYA?" Enkidu asked Schweinorg.

"H-He is at school."


"Yes, you see when we travelled other universes, we became younger and EMIYA became a 15-year old kid. And now at school as needed at this world's law. And I became his guardian. I even became a little younger probably on my looks by a few years but most went to EMIYA." he said.

"So the self-proclaimed rival of Adam became not only an old man but also a grandfather. Heh!" Sadako said as Schweinorg became unaffected on her remark.

"Then you should be our guardian as well. *ahem* Hello, grandfather. Say hello to grandpa." Aria said as the last part to the 7 kids.

"""""""H-Hello grandpa.""""""" they said.

"Then, we should take our leave, be good to 'grandpa' ok?" Sadako said.

"We'll see you in a few years. And make sure to take them at school, they should be at elementary stage. You as well Aria!" Enkidu said.

"Yes Enkidu sis!" Aria saluted like a soldier.

"B-Bye a-auntie." Emilia said while the others just waved their hands. Enkidu teleported while Sadako went back to the TV.

"So, what should we do now 'grandpa'?" Aria said as Schweinorg just smiled wryly.

"S-So, who wanna eat?" he just said as all the kids raised their hands.

"Special Pancakes with cream and cheese for me." Lucifer said.

"Something with protein will do." Artoria.

"Meat." Irene.

"Veggies." Emilia.

"Fried Chicken." Gitsune.

"Fish." Jibril.

"Something sweet." Kurumi.