

[POV Aria]

A blonde haired girl was currently seen laying in her bed having deep in thought.

'Few hours have gone by since I met my father... OMG, I'm in love❤️. Can't believe it though, I wanted to make my father, my husband.' I thought to myself as I haven't noticed the blush on my face.

'B-But what will my step-mothers think of me? I-I fell in love at first sight, and at my father at that.' as my face got even redder that reached my neck.

Even though he rarely talks to me and keep talking about Uncle Edward, that seems to know father in the past. And his serious face that he makes when talking with Uncle, hiyaaaa >w<.

'Alright alright, calm down. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. I should probably enter the game and meet him again. Hopefully, I can speak to him face to face >///<' as I put the headgear on my head and properly adjust myself on what position I feel comfortable that was laying in bed messily.

<Welcome back to Gaia Online>

<You have been offline for 30 minutes which is equivalent to 1 hour in game>

<Good Luck>

As the white light subsided, I saw Gionna in another bed sleeping. 'Aww, I feel like a mother looking at her daughter right now. Wish I had one with father Ayiiiii' as I blushed again in my thoughts.


"Are you okay Aria?" I saw Uncle Edward light slapped me.

"Sorry if it hurts cuz you're in a daze as if you are daydreaming. Oh yeah, what are you thinking really? Care to share?" he said with a friendly smile. I don't know if I should tell Uncle about it and he may thought of me having an incest fetish so I just said "I'm okay Uncle."

"Oh yeah, I need to go now cause my wife Linlin will kill me if I stayed too long. Let's meet again if you I got a chance, anyway here's your Den Den Mushi if you wanna call me." he said as he gave me an elegant yellow funny-looking snail.

"I'll name you, Ria" as I named the Den Den Mushi on which it just nodded.

Should I wake Gionna up to level up? Cause it seems that there will be a catastrophe in the future if what I heard is correct from dad and uncle.

Yeah, good idea. "Gionna~" I said as I found her twitch a little in her bed still in her blanket.

"Wake up sleepyhead!" I shouted while taking the blanket from her that made her fall to the ground in pain but quickly subsided.

"Mouu, 5 more minutes sis." she said while pouting with a bump in her head.

'For we have been together for more than a day, she was now calling me sis instead of Miss Aria. How I want to adopt her, wait a minute... Isn't she my subordinate already then I can make her my daughter then zihihihihihihi, a great idea.' I thought in my head as my face outside have a devilish grin.

Meanwhile, Gionna was having goosebumps for a sec. "Why do I felt like something will happen to me?" she said as she hurriedly went to the bathroom.

. . .

"For us to grind all the way to the strongest, we should do more quest little Gionna." I said with a serious face and it made Gionna who's fooling around in front of me stop and he face turned serious as well.

"But can't we just kill people?" she asked.

"We can't, if we really want to kill people, we need to have a quest or join an organization and kill the organizations opponent for we to be permitted to kill." I said cause I remembered my previous life where citizens cannot kill others while on the revolutionary side can go wild cause were criminals on the 7 empires.

But the Revolutionary People in this time are null for what I have heard is that they are now utterly completely destroyed hundreds of years in the past.

"What if we make our own organization then?" Gionna asked.

"A good idea but we can't let other people in this universe for most of them are with the empire but you're different cause your an orphan and live in the slums and you might be angry at the empires as well so you are not a spy." I said and with a little bit of thinking. "What if we used otherworlders as members? I got connection in the underworld in that place and let them become members in our organization. The question is, what's the name of it?"

"Hmm, you said your past life name is Aria Gaia/Dew then name the oranization Gaia." she said.

"No, too many otherworlders are trying to use that and I think dad will not like it if it will be based on our family name." I said with a more serious expression.

"Here's my recommendations, Akatsukisuki, CP69, Nose of the Daylight Moon, Ghost Troupe, Team Missile and League of Antiheroes. Now pick." she said as she stood proud, her face forms a grin and her fingers in a V shape.

"Praise Me, UmU" she added as I patted her head and she just pouted as if that was not what she wanted. Then "All Hail, Gionna Gionnana for her organization ideas. yay." I said with a flat tone but I think she heard a different tone instead of reality.

[POV Gionna]

"All Hail, Gionna Gionnana for her organization ideas! Yay!" what I heard from big sis Aria and I felt that there are thousands of people suddenly showed up and kept praising me.

"UmU, praise me, praise me more." oh how it feels to be praised by thousands of people.