
Okazaki's Journey of the Multiverse

A man who dies of AIDs in a hospitable is chosen to be the host of 'the system' follow him on his journey exploring what ever universe Author-san throws him into This is a fanfiction of many different anime, movies and novels of which none i own. some ideas may have come from other novels but i am attempting to be original. thanks to all who decide to read

AussieWizard · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

CH.12 time for Some Venting I Guess

-=POV: Theodore=-

"Uhh, Hey Clem" I try not to portray any of the nervousness and excitement I'm feeling, things really did not go as I had planned.

"What are you doing here!? Why are you covered in blood!?" she stops to take a breath and looks down towards Eevee, "Why is Eve literally covered in blood? It's not safe to be with me Theodore, what are the people looking for you going to do when they can't find you?"

The second round of questioning comes more calmly but seemingly more tense and heartfelt.

I see the suitcases in the loungeroom and go to the couch. "Hi Clem, do you want me to answer that in that order or…" I begin with a little snarkiness but the glare from clementine feels as if it pierces my soul.

"Well I'm covered in blood cause of zombies, same for Eevee. I'm here because you're cool and there is kind of, sort of, a small zombie hoard on it's way and we should bunker down until night time."

Clem sighs, looks at me then at the food and drinks on the table. She picks up a packet of chips on the table and throws it at me. "so, what's the story behind this?"

I look at the packet of crisps chips which I bought from the inventory specially to bring on this trip. "A bag of air that had food accidentally dropped into it before being sealed?"

"either you're fucking with me or you're an idiot, look at the date and give me an explanation."

I turn the packet around and check the date. Expiration: 25/12/2251.

'Oh my god I'm such an idiot, I even bought American snacks'

"Soo the explanation." Clementine says after a few moments of waiting, she's no longer standing but sitting across from me.

"Ahh first do you want to go somewhere more secure, preferably a roof or a second story." I can hear the moans of zombies in the distance.


Clementine takes a big breath in and out. "fine." She goes to the window overlooking the front "There's a fire station just over there, how about we camp in there, it's more secure."

"Yes, lets go there." I respond

"And you're gonna explain everything, beginning to end the moment we get there."

"If you want, I can start now while we pack all this stuff up" I start shoving all my stuff back into my suitcase. "What's your first question Clem"

"Are you a time traveller?" She asks without skipping a beat.

"Starting off hard, your meant to ask weather I'm human, or am I really named Theodore. Well to answer your question I'm not from the future."

"Ok, if you're not from the future why do you have food from the future." She asks as we walk up to the front door.

"Now that I think about it I'm actually an alien, I'm from another planet that is in the year 2249"

Clem seems to pause while I walk on ahead


"Eevee, use quick attack" I indicate to a tipped car on the side of the road with a walker crawling from.

"Eevee!" She shouts and runs over to the zombie, there's almost no resistance as Eevee jumps towards its head and uses her claws to cut right through its skull

"Well that explains why shes covered in blood but now she can talk, I must have been slipped something back in Prescott, this is crazy."

"I just told you I'm an alien but a fox that can speak one word is doing it for you. Eevee use Tackle." I indicate to a zombie hanging around in front of the fire station

"I'll take this one clem" I tell before walking over to the downed zombie, I activate my Dissipation, I can feel the small drain on my energy, after using it continuously for a year and a half my reserves have definitely improved. Standing over the zombie that claws at me I raise my hand into a fist and punch as hard as I can into its head.


I stand up and watch the blood slowly drip off of my sleeve. "You alright clem?" I ask noticing she's a little stunned.

"Yea, just a little shocked, let's just get inside, I'll take the lead since I have the gun, Let Eve take the rear" She seems to force herself to stay calm, probably something you have to learn to survive the apocalypse.

We search the entire fire station the front door was open and the inside was clearly raided but all the doors were closable and lockable.

"I bags the spinning chair" I shout as I practically jump into my chosen chair.

"Ok quiet, as long as we don't make much noise the hoard will either pass or disperse." She sits on the leather couch

"So you and Eve are aliens, got a mission or just want to finish the job the walkers have started." She says oozing with sarcasm

"Nah I do what I want, when I want, literally wherever I want. I do have missions but right now they include killing 500 zombies, overcoming the hoard that's right around the corner and making my first humanoid friend.

"so are you some kind of god?"

"Not even close, I could probably pass as some kind of jesus figure in this planet if I wanted but that would take too much of my time and honestly sounds pretty lame" I respond, I had thought once about becoming a leader of a religion but the thought didn't seem to stick long.

Clem just looks at me for a little bit, she seems to be a little sad, maybe not I'm not very good at reading peoples' emotions from their faces yet.

"What's it like, where you come from? Is it facing similar problems, are there actually more people like yourself coming?"

More than happy to tell her about the academia world I the conversation eventually leads to my age which had surprised her at the least and I eventually told her about how I died and was reborn, I spoke about my quirks and living with big-sis and dad. I answered every question she asked truthfully even finally freeing my ears and tail and wearing normal clothing to be more comfortable. We talked for hours and the only thing I avoided telling her about was Nagisa and the system. It feels great to be able to talk to someone who although not my age is definitely mature enough to understand everything.

Everything was going fine until she asked the question, I would want to answer but feared the response she would give.

"So you can travel to any planet in the multiverse and you chose to come here to experience killing and using weapons, but it seems like you searched for me specifically, do you somehow know of me or was it just dumb luck meeting me"

Imagine spending a few weeks writing a completly different ark that dosen't involve the walking dead but you just happen to buy and play the game so u spend the week trying to change the whole thing because Clem is amazing and I don't even think I'll make her a partner or anything. IDK I'll see how it goes

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