
Okami: Hero's Shortcomings

Genji Amasaki, the first male to the King after 16 previous attempts, and one of the only guys in Hell. After an abduction from the Heavens takes away his loved ones and peers, he strives and trains to become the Ōkami, a powerful demon who protects Earth from supernatural threats. Things begin to shake up when the people he wants to save are turned to fight him, he gets trapped in Heaven's poisonous environment when seeking a formidable heart, his cursed sin stirs up internal conflict, and two powerful beings threaten Earth's safety. Will he be able to rise to the top and claim victory? Or explode from the stress?

Umesau · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Hand of Retribution

Hell, Aug. 5th, 2012 @10:34 AM. Several years have passed since the incident at school, but it's been long forgotten by most. He knew he shouldn't hold on to the past, besides, the present was much more troubling.

Genji stared at his paper until his eyes dried out, and his brain ceased function due to burnout. Simple pre-algebra questions were leaving him stumped. 3x=24, 2x+5=17, even x+3=10 left his mind scurrying. No matter how many times he was tutored, he rarely understood.

Unfortunately, this was a quiz and time was up roughly a minute ago. He didn't know that of course since he was so tunnel-visioned on his paper.

"What a complete dope, just goes to show how dumb boys are." A girl whispered to another as the bell rang over the speaker.

Some snickers were heard as dozens of feet marched out of the room and into the crowded halls.


His self-induced trance ended when he heard his name.

"Wha? Oh jeez!"

He jumped from his seat and grabbed his paper, crinkling it up a bit from the force. He ran up to the front and turned it in.

"Sorry 'bout that, have a good weekend Mrs. Parker!"

She didn't even have to look at his paper to know he failed.

"Genji, please come back for a moment. We need to have a little chat."

He ran to try and escape those very words, but they yanked him right back to her desk.

"Genji, I'm worried about your grade. I've asked your other teachers and learned you're a brilliant student. Scoring high B's and A's. But you have a twenty-seven percent in my class. Is there anything I can do to help you succeed?"

"Wait, isn't that against some type of rule to know my grades in other classes?"

"Well, yes…but that's not the point! I know you have potential to succeed, so I want to know if there's anything I can do to help."

Genji thought about it for a brief moment, but ended up just shaking his head.

"Thanks, but I'll be fine. Besides, mom promised me she'd bake me a pie of cheesecake if I pass so there's not a chance I'm failing."

He gave a confident but cheerful smile, enough to persuade Mrs. Parker's thinking.

"Alright…if you say so. Still, don't hesitate to ask me for help."

"Gotcha, I'll keep that in mind. Have a good weekend!"

"You as well."

Genji had a bounce to his step to get him out of the classroom a bit quicker. Typically, he wouldn't care about being timely, but right outside of the classroom was someone waiting for him.

He looked slightly up to see her short snow-white hair and golden amber eyes reflecting his blue seemingly always doing something to his hearts and breath, causing both to stop briefly. Zoey stood there, undergoing the same feeling.

"There you are, what took so long? It felt like ages."

"Relax, Miss Desperate, it's been like a minute. And you know, it was the usual after-class chat about my grade."

"Again? Maybe another study session is in order."

"It's friday, the last thing I want to do is study."

"Most of your studying is with Katrina, when we try we just end up playing video games or watching movies."

"Yep, and I think it's perfect that way." He said as he started the walk to the exit. Zoey followed right beside him.

"Sooo…do you have anything going on later tod-!!!"

Unbeknownst to them, someone lurking from behind came bolting in. With scissors in hands, she jabbed them into Zoey's lower back.

Zoey felt it, but didn't react. She simply reached around and grabbed them. Genji noticed the scissors, knowing what it meant.

"Amber again?"

"You bet. I just wished she stayed so we could talk about why she does this. But she just magically disappears the moment we turn around."

"Yeah, I bet Alyssa has something to do with this."

"I don't think so, I mean, she hates you. So what would she gain from using Amber to get at me?"

"...Good point. And good job not bleeding this time, how'd you do it?"

"Oh, just developed a resistance is all."

This was technically a lie. Times before Zoey would react in some type of way to being stabbed, but this time was different because of something she wouldn't share with Genji.

"Oou, maybe she wants to separate us? But that obviously won't happen…and why is that?"

"'Cuz we're…inseparable!"

She had hoped for a more meaningful answer, but was satisfied nonetheless. She wrapped her hand around his and together, they left school for the weekend.

Hell, Aug. 5th, 2012 @9:57 PM. Though he just wanted to spend his day cooped up in his room, Zoey's pleading and persuasion led him to change his depressive plans to a much more vibrant one.

After an intense homework and study session, which he hated every minute of. They spent hours and hours in Zoey's room playing video games and talking about recent drama they've heard at school.

And while he was hesitant at first, Zoey got him to share some of the music and poetry he's been working on.

Currently, they are finishing up the final round of their fighting game.

"And…boom. That's game."

"Ugh, why do I agree to keep playing this game? You don't think you should let your girlfriend win sometimes?"

"I never go easy on anyone. If you wish to beat the king, you gotta train your thumbs like crazy"

"My thumbs are sore from trying to keep up."

"If it makes you feel any better, I started to struggle a bit."

"Uh-huh. You're just saying that."

"You're probably right about that." He said with a chuckle.

He stood up from the edge of her bed and reached for his backpack.

"Well, it's been fun but I should really get going home. It's getting late. Have a good night, Zoey."

He turned to face the door, but before he could reach for the knob he felt his other hand being held. He turned his head to see her eyes looking beggingly at his.

"Do you…really have to go? I want you to stay."


"I know, it's late. But it's a Friday night. You told me yourself you didn't have any plans tomorrow…so why not?"


Slowly, she released his hand and they just looked at each other.

"I just think since we're a couple…" She involuntarily began to twirl her hair on her fingertip and looked away shyly, "we should spend more time with each other…even at night."

Genji watched her in silence as she proposed her offer, thinking her nervous side was cute.

"And I get really lonely at night. I don't expect you to understand what I mean since you have siblings, but my life is pretty dull when you're not around…so…"

Genji patiently smiled and dropped his backpack.

"I can say the same about my life too. I'll just shoot my mom a text that I'm spending the night here."

Zoey's face was painted with delight, so much she could jump from joy.

"Buuut, what will I do about clothes? Not too big on wearing these for bed."

"Oh, don't worry! I have some of yours here with me!"

She went to the dresser next to her TV and opened the top drawer.

"You have what?"

"Your clothes…Ah! It's not like that, really! I just figured I could take some for scenarios like this. We both know how forgetful you can get!"

"Uh-huh…Well, I'm going to hit the shower. That soccer game in gym class was something else entirely."

Zoey was left alone in her room, happy he decided to spend the night. She could hardly contain her excitement anymore and started rolling around on her bed, quietly squealing to herself. After all, this is the first night Genji would spend the night at her place.

Underworld, Aug. 5th, 2012 @11:51 PM. After their showers, they spent some more time playing games. This time, Genji let Zoey win. Even though she knew he wasn't trying, she liked the thought of it.

Though that was all several minutes ago, now, they're getting ready for bed. Genji had shut off the TV and the lights while Zoey snuggled up underneath her blanket.

Her eyes were closed tight as her hearts pounded against her ribs. The thought of Genji sleeping next to her in her bed was nearly overbearing, but she was infatuated with the thought. She waited, but didn't feel anything else come onto her mattress.

When she realized he was sleeping on the floor, her nervousness washed away.

"Umm, you can sleep up here with me…y'know?"

"Sleep? Up there? I'm fine down here."

"But don't you think it'll be way more comfortable up here?"

"Maybe, but who knows? I sure won't"

"Why are you being like this? I just thought I'd put it out there as an offer."

"I'll have to decline…Good night."

Zoey could feel cracks in her hearts, leaking her happiness out. With nothing else to say, she turned so her backside faced Genji and softly tried to hold back her tears.

Genji's Instability was mostly dormant, but it still caused him to struggle with processing and dealing with his emotions. This is the truth Zoey convinced herself into believing. But felt her mood change for the better once she felt something press down on her bed and place their arm over hers.

"Just kidding. Even though this is something for adults…I'll go with it. Besides, we're a couple" He said, feeling his face begin to burn up. It took a lot of courage for him to say that.

Hearing him say those words caused her hearts to beat out of sync for a brief moment, she was overjoyed.

Connected together, they peacefully fell asleep.

Hell, Aug. 6th, 2012 @12:32 AM. The room was dead calm, only their light breaths filled the empty atmosphere around them. Even while they were deep in sleep, they were happy to be next to each other. One would think they would dream of each other, but only Zoey dreamt of their future. Genji's mind was full of cheesecake, both had happy dreams nonetheless.

None of them could feel it, but there were some light tremors shaking things around. It wasn't until the tremors built up more of their power and released it, causing Zoey's TV to fall from the dresser. The loud crash abruptly woke them from their sweet dreams.

"Wha-Huh?" Zoey asked with a bit of drool stuck to the side of her mouth. "Genji?"

"I'm still here…" He said sleepily, rubbing his eyes to wipe the drowsiness away.

"What was that loud noise? Do you think someone broke in?!"

"Possibly…I'll go check."

He slid off her bed and was going to check outside, but noticed her TV was down.

"Oh, your TV fell."

"Really? That's strange. Can you put it back up there and come back to bed?"

Genji blushed, but didn't know why. Maybe it's only because he's only ever heard his mom say that phrase to his dad.

"Yeah, but we should find out why your TV just fell. There has to be a rea-!!!"

As he picked her TV up, he fell right down with it as the tremors returned.

"Wh-What's going on?! Genji?! Is this the thing people on Earth call an Earthquake?"

"Well, yeah! But this is something else entirely!"

Genji fought his way up to move the blinds on her window. He could see some white beginning to bleed through, feeling his hearts begin to sink. He moved them off to the side for both her and Zoey to see.

"It's just as I thought, this is worse than a Quake."

"Is that…what I think it is?" She asked as she left her bed to stand by him.

"Yeah…It's the Hand of Retribution."

Zoey's eyes widened and her hand involuntarily moved to cover her mouth.

"The thing our people live in constant fear of. The night where the Heavens reach down and abduct demons for brainwashing and servitude."

Slowly, they could see the dark sky split open, introducing a blinding white light to the atmosphere. Along with that, they could see fingertips poking through.

"I never thought I'd see one…What are we going to do?!"

"We'll stay right here, we're out of its range. It looks like it's near…my home!!"

His blood chilled, coming upon this grim reality. With his family in mind, Genji ran to the front door.

"Genji! Wait up!"

She chased after him, but he wasn't listening.

"Stay home, Zoey! This is my family!"

"Are you crazy!? I'm not going to stand back and watch! What if you get into some trouble?!

"Just go back home, I'll be fine!"

"No, no, no! A thousand times no!! Wherever you go, so will I! We're in this toge-"

She spoke, but she too was looking upon despair itself. Thanks to her extraordinary eyes gifted to her by some other source, she could see two familiar figures being dragged up into the sky.

"MOM! DAD!" Zoey shouted as she picked up the pace, running even faster than Genji.

"Wait, Zoey!! You're almost in the range!!" Genji shouted as he tried to catch up with her, but she's always been faster.

His words reached her, and she forced herself to stop after seeing the line herself. Inside of the perimeter was a strong vacuum that consumed demons, but outside of it was safe.

All she could do was watch with teary eyes.


She sobbed loudly, falling to her knees moments after. Genji slowly approached her, feeling her pain. He wanted to embrace her, and ease her mind, but things changed in the blink of an eye.

"That girl…she will do nicely."

The line she was inches away from extended outwards to get her inside. Slowly, Zoey began floating up and towards the center of the vacuum.



Genji desperately wanted to, so much so he was about to jump in for her. Though his heart wanted it, he forced himself to dig his feet into the ground, knowing how foolish it'd be to get pulled in as well.


Genji's hearts churned and went out of rhythm, stress piling on him by the second.

"I-I can't right now! But I promise, I'll find you one day! I'll save you!!"

He said with tears beginning to roll down as he held his hand up.

Zoey, though still worried about the event, felt some relief come over when he made the promise. She held her hand out as well.

"O-Okay!! I'll look for you too! And we'll be together again, I love you!!" She shouted before getting too far to hear.

There were hundreds of specs, all floating to one point. All he could do was hope none of his family were affected by this tragedy. He waited for this catastrophe to close, and when it did, he made a beeline to his house.

Hell, Aug. 6th, 2012 @1:19 AM. Dreadfully exhausted, he ran up the stairs and abruptly opened the door to the living room.

"Mom! Dad! Big sisters!" He shouted, hoping they were still here. Fortunately, they were sitting on the couch in front of him.

Sung-ho sat there with his face in his hands, softly crying. Sayaka gently rubbed his back, and two of his older sisters sat there to console him as well.

"There you are, lil' bro…We were worried sick." One of the sisters said.

"Suzume, Nozomi! I'm so glad you're safe, but where's Katrina?! Wasn't she home?!"

Suzume and Nozomi are the elder twin sisters of Katrina and Genji. Out of the sixteen siblings, they are the 4th and 5th youngest, with Suzume being the oldest twin. They have green eyes and black hair, as well as another trait specific to them, which are tails.

They aren't demon ones since they're usually removed during childhood due to their adverse effects and likelihood of standing out in a human civilization, if a demon wishes to live among humans.

"Oh, Genji…Katrina's been…taken." Nozomi said.


"Yes, by the hand…she was taken by it…"

Genji didn't want to believe it, how could he? Losing his lover and sister on the same night was too much on him. His thoughts raced as he stared blankly at the couch.

"She…was taken…and you're all just sitting there?"

Slowly, they felt a disturbance ignite in the room. It was enough to get Sung-ho to lift his head.

"It's not like that, Genji, can't you see we're mourni-"

"How come she was the only one?! Huh?! Did any of you even try to help her?! Did you send her out there to fight it alone because she's the Ōkami?!"

"G-Genji, calm do-"

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!" He shouted as this dreadful energy spiked. The four of them began to feel it, and see the gloomy dark purple aura surrounding him. His Wrath marking began creeping up.

"Katrina is gone, Zoey is gone, and you're telling me what to do?! I just lost two important people…and I couldn't do anything about it."

Shockingly to both Sung-ho and Sayaka, he started to calm down. Usually, they have to get involved during his anger spikes, but his Instability is likely depressing him.

"I saw the hand was right by our house…and I ran out of fear that I would lose all of you. If I had just stayed inside Zoey's house, she wouldn't have ran out and saw her parents get abducted too…I got her kidnapped…"

"Genji…" Sayaka spoke, but had no words to offer.

"I was too weak to stop myself, too weak to save her…but…I made a promise to find her someday…and that's what I'll do!"

Genji picked his head up to show his bleeding determination in his watery eyes.

"I'll do it! I'll become the Ōkami to save Katrina and Zoey!"

This newly lit determination began to uplift their spirits, but there was too much uncertainty.

"The Ōkami? Are you sure?" Sung-ho asked.

"How else will I become strong enough? I need to be the Ōkami!"

"Son, this is no easy task. It took Katrina years to train her mind and body for that power. And even if you do, there's no guarantee it won't consume you whole and leave you shattered…with that in mind, do you st-"

"I don't care what happens to me! I won't die, I can't until I get them back! I'll train for as long as I need to! I won't just stop at Katrina and Zoey, I'll save every demon that was taken!"

Sung-ho was impressed by his son's resolve.

"Then, you're ready for the training you'll have to endure for the next few years?" He asked. He stood up to approach and kneel in front of him.

"Throw anything at me, I'll become so strong I can go straight to the Heavens and fight the angels on their own turf!"

"You'll die trying to get up there. Besides, they send their minions down to Earth once they're fully trained. I suspect Katrina and Zoey will be among them, so you'll just have to be patient and have faith in them."

He placed both of his hands on his shoulders, and gave a firm look. "I'll ask once more, are you up for this challenge? Being the Ōkami is much bigger than yourself, bigger than any of us. Once you swear to it, you are the very being demons and humans alike look to for protection. It's no exaggeration to say you'll be putting the world on your shoulders."

With that understanding, Genji could only imagine the stress Katrina was under. It didn't scare him one bit, however.

"Katrina told me being the Ōkami means facing the challenge, and fighting until the bitter end until you're declared the winner. And I swear, I won't ever lose!"

Sung-ho was fully confident in his son now, and his words brought relief to his mom and sisters.

"Well then, that's all I needed to hear. There's no time like the present, so I want two-hundred push-ups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks before two. Dear, let's get started on his breakfast."

"Huh? Before two?! Like two PM?"

"Nope, AM."

"But that's in like thirty minutes!"

"You told me you were up for the challenge, and besides, this is the easiest of what you'll have to go through. Now get to it, time only moves forwards." He said with a chuckle.

Immediately, Genji got down and started his pushups. He could do about 17 before getting tired. He alternated between the three exercises, switching whenever he got tired doing one. He was given a bit of a motivational boost by his sisters to finish in time.

Just like that, Genji dedicated his life to becoming the Ōkami. With each grueling rep, he knew he was getting closer to his goal.