
The car

The night were crowded, a lot of employees come from their works. In the middle of that chaos a boy runs mindlessly bumping into men and women.

- I know they're after me, I can sense them. The boy kept running, a man wearing a black coat appears in an alley and quickly notices the boy that was wearing a cardigan and sandals.

The man started to run towards him, the feeling of adrenaline runned through his veins, Geumin wasn't giving up.

- Ugh, when this guy is going to stop chasing me?

The boy was almost teary, almost every night he was used by man for their deepest desires, as the boy tried to run suddenly he noticed the man stopping having a expression of something happening.

The streets were crowded, the lights were in all the places. And some girls were shouting to help.

- Why... Are they shouting?

The young boy looked around his vision was blurry, he could only see a red luminosity that was blinking and lots of phones.

- Kid wake up, are you alright?

A woman comes and grabs the young boy in her arms, the young boy glances at her blinking until his vision goes to normalcy.

- My body... I don't feel anything... Why?

The young boy was looking at the woman his eyes teary, he realized that he had in an accident.

- Don't worry, I'm going to help you.

A tear falls along his cheek, the woman carries the man to a car. The woman drives towards a place having the boy laying in the car.

When they arrived the boy was treated by some nurses and examinated by a doctor, he gladly only had a fracture that would be good in several months.

- Hello, darling.

The woman talks, her voice was soothing but there was a sign of her being a person that smokes a lot.

- Hi...

The boy speaks in a croaky way as he wasn't still really good after the procedure.

The woman sat with him, in a small chair that was next to the bed. She looked at him in a pity way.

- Poor boy, those bruises are all...

- I'm ok, actually that's the best thing that happened to me in a while.

The woman was taken aback by that, she didn't know what the say. The boy was smiling but she didn't know why.

- What's your name? Darling.

- Geumin. Actually, I should ask your name. You've saved me.

The woman smiled, the placed her hands above his own, her arm was covered in tattoos that went really well with her appearance.

- I'm Chaeminsuk, and don't think you're in debt with me, I just followed my chief orders.

Geumin stared at the woman for a while, until he came to his senses and decided to ask about who this chief was.

- Your chief?

- Oh, yes. You don't know him, his name's Taecheok.

Geumin was glad to know the person's name that helped him but he was also kinda confused on why he hadn't appeared if he was such benevolent person.

- Where's him?

- Oh, chief Taecheok right now is busy but he'll soon arrive to check upon you.

The woman smiled reassuring Geumin, that was preoccupied that this man wasn't going to appear then.

She kept talking with him for a while until she leaved for him to rest.

The room was cold, the feeling was of some sort of foreigness but also inspiring

Geumin glanced around the room while he rested on his bed in the room.

- I can't move a single muscle...

Geumin wasn't worried about not being able to use his body, that was actually what he wanted being able to not having to use his body for any.

- That man, what was his name, Taecheok?

In a while Geumin was asleep, the tranquility that he felt was novelty for him as his nights consisted of having to sell his body for who knows that.

While Geumin was sleeping, somebody opened the door. The person went to Geumin's bed quietly and then stood up there.

- Geumin... That's your name, right?

That was the voice of a man, he was smoking but wasn't bothered that he was in a hospital room and there was a patient sleeping tired.

Geumin didn't wake up, he kept sleeping as if he didn't hear him, when the man saw how peacefully the boy was sleeping he decided to just sit up there and sit together.

. . .

Geumin slowly started opening his eyes when he finally opened them he saw a man sitting close to him using his phone.

The man noticed that Geumin was awake he put the phone in his pocket quickly.

The man had some tattoos, his clothes covered some of them.

- How are you feeling? Any discomfort or pain?

Geumin wasn't really woke up, when he came to his senses his eyes turned bright and teary.

- I'm good... Do you mind if... I ask if you were the person that saved me?

The man smirked, approaching Geumin his breath was overtaking. His voice was deep and throaty.

- Yeah, it was me. I'm Taecheok by the way.

Taecheok was smirking as Geumin was staring at him having tears almost formed.

- Thank you! Ouch!

Geumin tried hugging him but his body wasn't recovered. He immediately felt the pain of his bruises that weren't good.

- Are you ok?

- Yes, I'm fine... I'm just not really used to being on bed like that.

Taecheok helped him to sit down, Gemeun eyes were sparkling.

- Thank you! I don't know how to retribute...

- How to retribute? I didn't think about that.

The realized what that could mean, his work consisted of selling his body for money, then if he has a debt with this man then he would need to pay him too.

- How about you work for me?

- Work on what?

- What are you good at?

- I...

Geumin froze up, he didn't know what he was good at... He tried to think but nothing came.

- I'm sorry, I don't have anything I'm good at.

- Hm, then how about we find it when you recover from all those bruises there.

Taecheok grabbed his arm and covered him, as he stand up.

- Where?

- Don't worry I'm just going to talk with Chaeminsuk, I'm coming in a minute.

- Really?

- Yes, don't worry.

Chaeminsuk was waiting for him next to the door, Taecheok went and closed the door Geumin was there staring at the room having a sudden feeling of excitement rushing through.

- What's it? Did the Workdays managed to attack our organization again?

- That's not what happened, I've heard some rumors that they've actually deviating money from the congresswoman although I don't know exactly...

Taecheok was taken aback hearing that, since she was an important person for business of them.

- How did this happen, and when?

- I'm not sure, maybe they've kidnapped her or...

The congresswoman, she was a woman that worked for the government and also had her own departure where she gained money from there.

The Workdays were a criminal organization ascending in the obscure reality of crime. They've already managed to have lots of Taecheok territories being attacked by them.

Chaeminsuk kept on a different subject then she asked about Geumin.

- Anyways, what about the boy? Maybe he's going to find soon the...

- No... He's not going to...

The boy, Geumin. What was waiting for him wasn't a simple rest in a cozy hospital room, actually there was something that Geumin didn't know and Taecheok was at that.

Hello, this going to be a novel I'm testing for a method of writing!

Seong_Hancreators' thoughts