
Oil Tycoon: Let's Find Oil in a Martial World

In a world filled with monsters, Qi, and myriad factions, a rhyme resounds across the land and the sea as Jack is roaming around, searching for a clue of an oil reserve. “I’m looking for some oil.” “I’m looking for some oil.” Jack has been transmigrated to this world with a strange robot. Their mission is to find ten billion barrels of oil. “Hmm? There is a bandit stronghold living above my oil reserve? I shall help the world while achieving my goal, two birds with one stone.” -------- Other Works: 1. I Can Read People's Comments 2. God of Tricksters (Completed) 3. Gacha Sovereign (Completed) 4. The Magician of Sound (Completed) 5. Reincarnated to Bonk in Another World (Completed)

Fixten · Sci-fi
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42 Chs


"Who dares to attack my Li Clan's members?" Li Xuan shouted, lifting her head to confront the commotion. She noticed four individuals hunting a black bear.

The next arrow struck the bear's leg, causing it to collapse. Two of the hunters moved in to sever its neck, but the bear fought back, flailing its paws. One powerful swipe hit a nearby tree, crushing its trunk and causing it to topple.

Although the bear's distraction was impressive, Li Ming couldn't help but wonder, "The bear actually crushed a tree with a single paw swipe? Seriously? Well, I don't think the bear's skin is tough enough to withstand my bullets, right?" He pondered, contemplating whether his pistol would be sufficient.

He glanced at Li Xuan, who was clenching her teeth in frustration. She seemed eager to intervene and protect her people, but since she hadn't brought any weapons due to the presence of the guards, she refrained from acting.

"Well, well, well. To think I would encounter you here," one of the hunters remarked, approaching Li Xuan. He had short brown hair and a facial resemblance to Li Xuan and Li Changming, though their temperaments differed.

Clasping his hands in a greeting, he addressed Li Xuan as "How are you, Sister? I hope the arrow didn't startle you."

Li Xuan gritted her teeth and retorted, "Li Heng, aren't you planning to say anything? You almost hit my people."

Li Heng nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders. "Oh, my? It's just a servant. There's no need to make a fuss. Besides, it didn't hit him, did it?"

Li Xuan fought the urge to strike him and pointed to the side, anger evident in her voice. "Leave right now before I beat you up."

"Beat me up? Please, Sister. As a woman, you should be more gentle. Otherwise, you won't be able to find a husband," Li Heng taunted, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Li Xuan glared at him, extending her hand to the side as if requesting a blade.

"Wait, wait, wait! Fine. I'll leave," Li Heng hurriedly acquiesced, clicking his tongue in annoyance. He turned to his subordinates, instructing them to carry the bear.

The strained relationship between Li Xuan and Li Heng became apparent, though Li Ming didn't have the time nor inclination to get involved in their family quarrels. As long as he could obtain the oil, that would suffice. However, he couldn't deny feeling repulsed by Li Heng's disrespectful demeanor.

Li Xuan continued to glare at their retreating figures, as if willing them to leave quickly. Li Ming discerned the hidden intention behind her actions—she aimed to ensure Li Ming's presence remained hidden. By refraining from any significant confrontation, Li Heng would be unable to exploit the situation in future family meetings.

Once Li Heng departed, Li Xuan returned to Li Ming, bowing slightly. "I apologize for letting you to see such a scene."

"It's alright," Li Ming assured her, noticing the awkward atmosphere. He decided to divert the conversation. "Anyway, let's begin our work. We should try digging down two to three meters."

"Understood," Li Xuan replied, turning to the workers and giving the order. "You heard him. Let's start digging."

"Yes, Miss," the workers responded reluctantly, still displeased with how Li Heng had treated them. They commenced digging atop the reserve, with the guards providing protection while the baggage carriers held a few samples.

Li Ming and Li Xuan stood by, supervising the operation. Curiosity piqued, Li Ming furrowed his eyebrows and inquired, "Who is he?"

Li Xuan paused, contemplating for a moment. "He is Li Heng, my third brother. You met the fourth brother during dinner."

"Ah," Li Ming acknowledged, grasping the situation.

Li Xuan glanced downward, a serious expression crossing her face as she asked, "Li Ming, do you believe that women have no say in their destiny? Do you think we are meant to remain at home, serving our husbands?"

The question intrigued Li Ming. On one hand, he had heard arguments on the matter from Eyses. On the other hand, his viewpoint was still influenced by his modern world sensibilities.

Wearing a small smile, Li Ming responded, "Not really. Everyone has the right to make their own choices. Unfortunately, the world is not always fair."

Li Xuan looked down, believing it to be impossible.

Surprisingly, Li Ming added with a smile, "It's hard... extremely hard. But it's not impossible."

Li Xuan's eyes widened in shock. This was the first time she had heard such a perspective. She muttered to herself, "I've trained in martial arts and acquired various forms of knowledge. I won't be inferior to other men. However, people always perceive me in the same light—as just a woman. My father has been kind enough to allow me to pursue my own path, but this is the first time someone has expressed it this way. It's difficult... but not impossible, huh?"

Li Ming's words, though seemingly simple, held great meaning for her.

"Li Heng has been pressuring me to marry someone due to my age. He plans to exploit that connection for his own gain," Li Xuan revealed, her expression serious. She looked at Li Ming with gratitude and said, "But... your words have truly meant a lot to me. Thank you."

Li Ming scratched the back of his head, feeling a bit unsure. Having never been in a similar situation before, he was uncertain how to handle it without making things awkward. Thus, he decided to change the subject, pointing to the ground. "If you're grateful, then let's focus on our work. I want to complete this as soon as possible."

Li Xuan chuckled, her spirits lifted. "Of course."