

Ivy refuses to marry. She then created a scandal by sleeping with her driver, Jayde Ulrich. Ivy forced Jayde to marry her only to derail her marriage to a man of her father's choice. After successfully marrying Jayde, Ivy hopes that love will slowly grow between the two of them. Even though the caste gap is huge between them and her father hates Jayde for working as a driver, Ivy tries to accept Jayde for who he is. But Jayde's dark secret is starting to come to light. He was once engaged to a supermodel and almost had a child before the model miscarried. One by one Jayde's secrets are revealed. The man was not as good as Ivy had suspected. Their marriage which was originally full of sweet romance in an instant turned into a terrible disaster. And while Ivy is facing complicated issues involving her marriage, Ivy discovers that her father is dying. Ivy is in a dilemma between having to fight for her marriage or standing by her father who is struggling with his illness.

chalista_saqila · Urban
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116 Chs


Author Pov


"Can't sleep?"

Abraham turns to his right and finds his ex-wife emerging from the shadows in a mauve satin pajama that fits her perfectly. Sharon's blonde hair was messed up in a red bobby pin. In her hands Sharon carried a mug that had a thin white steam that danced in the air gently. Abraham finds himself stunned by the appearance of his ex-wife. It had been a very long time since he had seen any other woman apart from Ivy in his house. And he seems to miss the good times in the early days of his marriage to Sharon.

"Just accidentally woke up. What are you doing now?"

"Making hot chocolate. I kinda can't sleep. Thankfully George and the twins slept well tonight. They are clearly exhausted after a very lively party today."

"I still can't believe today Ivy married Jayde."