
truth untold

Hope: right now yes(as he close the door and i hear door locking sound. )

(hey hey hey this was not in plan. How can they do this with me. Dont they know this jerk! Even enemys also dont do somethig like this with anyone.)

me:( just till you will be fine..then I will get back in my world. in the hell were from I come to die this time there....that will be my death place. i hate this damn love!)

(i hate everything, i hate love and most i hate me!..i broken and never can be fixed only death can set me free )

he:( smrink) angel

me:( look down sad) hm

he: i miss you soo much..i was dieing please don't leave me ever.

me: get fine my boy smile

he: aint you angry on me? please beat me as you want but don't punish me ...

me: you don't need that too

he: why you have this big heart

me: why it matters

he: why is your heart heavy then? don't you forget we can feel each other

me:( yea we do but you make joke of that connection...of my love..)

he: i know I had done everything wrong, and maybe I don't value you enough or mak you feel down but c

give me a chance to make it right promise, I will not do any of it again

me:( I am a monster but..) um first get fine

he: i will be if you stay in my life forever ( turn her facing him

he: angel?

me:( looking in his eyes )

( he saw tears in eyes feeling his heart stabbed )

he: c-can i? ( staring at her lips )

she look down nodding as he gentaly press his lips over her lips tripsing his lips sucking them lossing control gentaly slowly start making her down on bed hovering on her pressing his lips on her again...hug her waist.. he push corner of top up kissing her open soft stomuch with gentalness wanna show her how much he love her and how the way he love with gentalness he burried his face in stomuch wispering sorry plant kiss there and cover her stomuch getting on neck sniffing her musk smell...start pressing his body on her not fully she just grab his back he though it as positive response and leave his more body pressure rubbing his hand on her thigh....he kiss her neck then little down on chest his right hand start unbuttoning her shirt he getup closing eyes rise towards her head to kiss her forhead to show he love her but before he attach forhead with her forhead and open eyes as she was lieing not even moving closing eyes corner of eyes holding drop of tear

he notice that ( she had giveup on resist on her body for him..like do whatever he want with body ..ready to be destroyed or ruined by him...scilence from her heart she had left no bubbliness like before ...the girl who never let him touch her is letting him touch her the way he want with no resist ..how bad he must hurt her ...)

move side knowing somewere he had hurt her enough

he: why don't you stop me?

she don't answer.....

he slowly touch her toe moving hand till knees crassing her face ...

he: angel?

she: um?

he: why don't you push me kick me..shout at me...or hit me punch why you are baring my touch on you?

she:why? isn't this what you want always.

without resist she hand me powers so you save your love of life.

(laugh slowly)

don't stare at me like that...it's just different types of love we have.

your love is just mirage to gain everything want to be loved

and mine is water giving up everything to be loved

he: angel?

( staring at her still can't move eyes from her..between this beautiful sunrays of sun in morning shining in rays ).

she: dear monster king as you always wish ruin me and take my powers for the one who you love the most and have great life ahead I understand this too lately i am monster and i shouldn't wish for what is not written in my fate...its LOVE.

I had always only wish to see you happy and bless cause I had never felt that....and that's what make your life better then I am ready now

he: don't say that please

me: this monster know his value now. I already declared this heart yours. and you have use it very well more better then anyone had ever tried even kai, my family and my world around me

She lay comfortably in front of him looking at him

he:( can see her shiny mysterious eyes her mysterious light or hiding behind pich of brown colour eyes like marble..messed hairs..and her dead soul ( making him feel guilt all over )

she: now will you continue your love for me?

he:( she called my love selfish and that's how i ruin her from inside that her her heart forget what is it to be loved....) look away nodding in no.

he: last chance please i will not do that mistakes again

she: (little firm) take powers and leave mr. king to her for whom you had done all this! you lost me the day I find out you value her more then me that you fake your love and take advantage of my love trust and my care

he: can't you understand i was mess for you even thought I still love that loved one most

she: ( broken) she must be soo precious

he:( look away ) she is for me.

she: then why are you stoping yourself saving her now...when you can save her

he:( growl angry) cause if I did this I will lost you for forever ...( wisper sad) and losing you is choking my life with my hands.

she: you can't chose two. chose one her and me?

he: please don't

she: you have lost me jerk the day you chose her. what remains to lose me from you

he: am sorry please

she:( pull him in hug he relaxed griping himself around her. as jn moments alfalk sleep which he was anguesed for. the peace he found can't be described

as sleep she getup staring at him lastly..

she: i get your answer, i am not toy to play with. bye

as said she leave.....


he getup ...but find himself alone. he try to call her, but no valied

he get out of room and saw ara

ara: how are you brother?

he: do you see her? were is she

ara: ain't she is with you!...

he: no.

( all friends coming up saw him panicked )

jm: what happen now?

he: she is not in room so i

jm: she will come she might be here somewere around

he: then why her phone number is valide for me?

jm:( furrow brow) wait...um jisso call her please

jisso: ( call as she pick )

she: hello? um bae?

jisso: were are you?

she: me? umm wait let me guess you call me so he must be around. right. and phone might be on speaker.

soo tell him. I am back in my world and I have found someone else for me so no seek for me and he lost his last golden chance I had offer now he lost her too

he: ( snatch phone from jisso) how can you be cruel like this!

she: why! ain't you cruel when you want to hold me with someone else in your heart. am doing same why it's bothering you!

equal fair dude

jm:( she again open her heartless devil side and make him her game in end...one thing she is cruelest)

he: what do you mean by that ( cut call from her side) hello! hello! hey ..( trying to call again and again but failed.

jk: woh she is changed

jm: no she is back to who she was. this time ready to die in her hell, don't be mad..but i agree with her.

he: why you all not understand this! ara why don't they!..

kai: what is point at understanding when you are craving for her..but as she said you are in love with someone else. she done write. nor she belong from here..you are bad

he: ara..am sorry am telling them ...guys the one I love her most and done all this and even hurt my angel that love one is my real mother!

jk: what!

he: yes my dad married my mother but keep her secret cause of all the difference they both hold between. as she was human and he was..

kai: so you are half blooded not full and you act like you are full blooded