
Oh Mr General!

Sato had to drop out of university as he lacked the funds to continue his education. Due to some unfortunate encounters, his original scholarship funds had disappeared and now he was forced to earn enough to carry on his education journey. As such, he saw a advertisement ad recruiting a personal assistant in the military. Anyone could be eligible and not only that, the pay was high too. Immediately Sato applies for it, where he soon finds out that it was to be the Personal Assistant for a Major General of the Army of Country Z. Read this novel as you start to see the relationship that blooms between these two contrasting individuals! Support me on Patreon and you will receive some personal benefits! https://www.patreon.com/OverTheHorizon *I DO NOT OWN RIGHTS TO THIS PICTURE* Please drop a VOTE and 'ADD TO LIBRARY' to keep me going and motivated!

Over_The_Horizon · LGBT+
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241 Chs

What Now? (End Of Arc 1)

At the end of the firework show, Gray and Sato made their way back together to find the others. Sato was still breathless from the kiss. His face flushed red whenever he looked at Gray and his charming face. He could not believe that he had just confessed his feelings to someone.

Ming had already found his way back to the group. He had changed back to his usual demeanour, although, beneath that layer of skin was just pure sadness. After 5 minutes, the pair got back to the viewing deck, where they headed out of the theme park together.

Hobz explained to Sato what he had missed during the time they were gone. Sato had told them that they were stuck behind a building that blocked their view and so, they weren't able to see anything.

"So, the last firework that went off was this rose shaped one, it felt so real! Look at the video look," Hobz showed Sato on his phone enthusiastically. He continued on, "Also, Ming went looking for you just now, but it seemed like he couldn't find you."


Sato turned around and slowed down his footsteps to walk with Ming. Sato spoke to his best friend. "Thanks Ming, for trying looking for us! I hope you were able to see the fireworks and it wasn't ruined because of me."

Of course, Ming shook his head and smiled as best as he could. "Nah. I was able to see the fireworks from below. You did not ruin anything."

"Phew that's great..." Sato sighed in relief, at the same time, he felt something wasn't right with his best friend. He couldn't pinpoint it, like it was masked up by some fog.

Looking at Ming right in the eye, Sato asked again. "Are you sure I did not ruin the experience for you? You know there's no need to lie about it right?"

"Yes yes, I'm sure. There's nothing for you to worry about." Ming pushed Sato away jokingly as he put on yet another fake smile for him.

When they reached the exit, the group seperated from Sato and Gray. Butler Potter was waiting for the duo by the gate.

"See you guys in school or in game!"

Sato waved goodbye to his friends before entering through the door that Gray opened for him. They left immediately after settling down.

In the car, Sato looked out the front of the vehicle absent-mindedly. He was still in a daze from what had happened. The young man would take quick peeks at Gray, who sat on his right. Without fail, Gray would notice them.

"Are you done looking at me like that?" Said Gray teasingly.

"No," Sato followed along, "Never."

"Do you want to continue from where we left off?" Gray guided his left hand towards Sato's cheek. He moved closer to the boy, whispering it into his blushing ear.

"N..no. I do not want to do that right now. B.. Besides, there are others around. Be more considerate."

Sato recovered from what Gray had said. He quickly moved away Gray's hand from his face before replying sheepishly.

"Oh? So if Potter was not here, you would like to continue from where we left off."


Gray enjoyed teasing Sato down to the last bit. Seeing the boy unable to retort made him really happy.

Eventually, Potter had reached home and the two got out of the car together. On their way up, Sato decided he should ask something he thought about on the way back.

"So Gray..." Sato looked at Gray curiously, "What now?"

Gray didn't give an immediate answer to the boy. The General wanted to gather his own thoughts before saying anything out to him. The main thing that he was contemplating was in fact directly related to Sato.

"Before we go any further, I have something that you should know." Gray looked at Sato with serious eyes. Sato knew that the man wasn't joking around about this. "How about we talk about it in my room?"


Gray and Sato sat on the leather sofa, facing each othef. Sato got himself into a comfortable position before Gray spoke.

"Although I have not lied to you in any way since I met you in the interview. I have been hiding something from you, " Gray continued. "Do you remember when you told me that you lost your memory three years ago? Not only that, on separate occasions, you told me that you would have dreams, extremely vivid ones that felt more like memories to you?"

"Yeah, I remember. That day you also said that you would help me get back my memories. Correct?" Sato remembered.

"Yes, I did say that and I will follow through with my promise." Gray took a short pause. He continued to speak with importance.

"Hence, what I am about to say will probably muddle with your brain. What I say after this is all the truth. No lies."

He took a deep breath in and out. Gray spoke. "The memories that you had lost during your highschool days contained times that I spent with you when you were in highschool. I was the man you dreamed about several times. The one who made you breakfast. The one who made you get out of bed in a hurry. I was the blurry man that you seeked."

Sato didn't speak and so, Gray carried on.

"Back then, I was involved in an undercover mission where I became a highschool teacher, your highschool teacher to be exact. We fell in love back then and so, disregarding my mission, I had a relationship with you. As a result, there came a day that the terrorist organisation had attacked my home. You were there with me, sleeping in my bed. I heard the noises to which I immediately thought of getting you out safely. Luckily, you lived and survived, but you had lost a part of your memories in return. I was deeply regretful that I compromised your safety and so, I left. I was a coward that abandoned you at your lowest, when you knew of nothing about that three years. I have been sorry from that day on and everyday, I wished to see you again. Luckily for me too, lady luck was by my side and you came into my life again. I wanted to make things right. I wanted to make it up to you. I.."

Before Gray could squeeze out another word, Sato had stood up and walked to where Gray sat solemnly. He opened his arms and embraced the General. Sato did not speak an ounce of a word. He hugged Gray warmly, lovingly.

Tears started to roll down from Gray's eyes. He had kept everything in him for far too long and now, the flood gates had been opened by Sato. He couldn't control himself.

"Thank you. Really. Thank you."

I just realised this would make it my 100th chapter for Oh My General! Not only that, I have crossed the 100K views mark for this novel. I am very thankful for those that supported me through out the way.

Just nice, the book came to a turning point for the main characters. This marks the end of Arc 1.

Arc 2 may or may not start tommorow. I'm considering taking a break, but who knows?

I hope you enjoyed the novel so far. Be sure to comment, vote, and add my novel to your library!

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