
Oh Mr General!

Sato had to drop out of university as he lacked the funds to continue his education. Due to some unfortunate encounters, his original scholarship funds had disappeared and now he was forced to earn enough to carry on his education journey. As such, he saw a advertisement ad recruiting a personal assistant in the military. Anyone could be eligible and not only that, the pay was high too. Immediately Sato applies for it, where he soon finds out that it was to be the Personal Assistant for a Major General of the Army of Country Z. Read this novel as you start to see the relationship that blooms between these two contrasting individuals! Support me on Patreon and you will receive some personal benefits! https://www.patreon.com/OverTheHorizon *I DO NOT OWN RIGHTS TO THIS PICTURE* Please drop a VOTE and 'ADD TO LIBRARY' to keep me going and motivated!

Over_The_Horizon · LGBT+
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241 Chs

Sato’s Personal Butler

The next day came in the blink of an eye for everyone. Today, Sato woke up earlier to finish his rehabilitation workout. He was expecting a visitor in the afternoon and wanted to get it out of the way before he came. Showering off the sweat, Sato requested for the aid of one of the butlers to help him down the steps. Some point last week, Gray had even requested for an elevator to be built to give Sato easy access downstairs. However, Sato declined such offer. Climbing up and down steps were a good workout in itself for the weak young man. As of now, all he required was someone to help support him on the steps.

A knock on Sato's door and instead of Potter or Hank coming to his aid, a lady dressed in a formal black suit, that was representative of the Tobion family's butlers, stood by the exit respectfully. She spoke in a respectful tone, "Nice to meet you again, Mr Sato. I, Madel, shall be your personal butler throughout your daily life."

"Ms Madel? What are you doing here?" Sato was surprised that one of the leaders of the four horsemen was saying that she had become his personal butler.

"In alignment with my near fatal mistake during the trip to the Underwater Railway Station, I choose to repent for my blunder by serving under your authority." Madel got down on one knee, her head faced the ground. Sato was not able to see her facial expression, but he knew that the lady was serious about her decision.

"There is no need to become my personal butler, Ms Madel." Sato tried to project his voice due to the seriousness of the situation, but it was to no avail. "Whatever happened in the toilet was a result of me telling you to omit the checks."

"Regardless, I failed to protect you," Madel looked up at the young man who was seated on the bed. Retrieving a pistol from her holster that hid under her arm, she walked forward and placed the cold gun by Sato's side, heading back to her original half-kneeling position. "If Mr Sato is not willing to take me as a personal butler, you may do the honours of ending my life."

"Huh?" Out of shock, Sato was able to project his voice for the first time in weeks. Soon after, his voice went back to the soft quiet tone, "There is no need for that right?"

"Before your recovery, I had been prepared for my life to be ended by the Head of the Tobion family. However, the Head said to me that if I wanted to repent for my own mistakes, I should serve unconditionally under Mr Sato's care. If I am not needed then, should I ever consider ending my life." Madel explained herself.

She was unafraid of such a grim outcome. Ever since she was born, she had been abandoned as an orphan and was raised to be a cold-hearted killer. Only after being accepted into the Tobion Family did she know what companionship was. In the family which she called home, she had committed a grave crime that warranted a death punishment. If Sato had died, she would not have been alive in the first place.

Sato was rendered speechless by what he had heard. Death punishment? Was it really that serious? In order to rescue me, Madel had ever sustained a head injury that left a permanent scar on her forehead. Now, she has no choice, but to follow me?

"Okay," Sato sighed helplessly. He quickly gestured to the lady, "Put your gun away, Ms Madel. There is no need for that."

"Understood, Master Sato. Also, you should call me by my name. There is no need to say 'ms'."

"Ah that would be inappropriate."

"No, as Master Sato's personal butler, I will always be a tier below you. Please do it for my sake as I will feel uncomfortable serving under you if you continue to call me 'ms'."

"Then can you not call me Master? I feel uncomfortable too."

"That is not allowed, Master Sato. I am obligated to call you my master." Madel strongly declined such a request.

"…" Sato could only sigh one more time, before relenting to his new personal butler, "Alright then. Madel, could you help me down the stairs? I have a friend coming over to visit in the afternoon."

"Understood, Master Sato." Madel quickly got back up on her feet as she retrieved her gun and started to help the young man down the stairs.

Most of the time, Madel gently aided in Sato's balance, while the boy tried his best to walk down the steps independently. His muscles were wobbly, but he still pushed through to the very end. When he reached down to the ground floor, the boy was already sweating again. Madel retrieved a handkerchief and helped to clean the boy's sweat off his face.

"Thank you." Sato said gratefully.

"It is to be expected that I aid you in your everyday task." Madel replied respectfully. During Sato's five month vegetative state, Madel had attended the prestigious Butler School in Country K. She had graduated just in time when Sato had awoken. She was now equipped with all of the relevant skills to aid Sato in his daily life.