
Oh Mr General!

Sato had to drop out of university as he lacked the funds to continue his education. Due to some unfortunate encounters, his original scholarship funds had disappeared and now he was forced to earn enough to carry on his education journey. As such, he saw a advertisement ad recruiting a personal assistant in the military. Anyone could be eligible and not only that, the pay was high too. Immediately Sato applies for it, where he soon finds out that it was to be the Personal Assistant for a Major General of the Army of Country Z. Read this novel as you start to see the relationship that blooms between these two contrasting individuals! Support me on Patreon and you will receive some personal benefits! https://www.patreon.com/OverTheHorizon *I DO NOT OWN RIGHTS TO THIS PICTURE* Please drop a VOTE and 'ADD TO LIBRARY' to keep me going and motivated!

Over_The_Horizon · LGBT+
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241 Chs

House Tour

The driverless car stopped it's tracks just outside the house of Gray's. The house was a 15 room mansion that boasted an asset worth of 80 million dollars. The victorian era design was created by top designers in the Mediterranean. The high quality materials used result in a beautifully made house.

Sato stood outside the monstrous building as his mouth was agape. He was speechless.

"Don't just stand there, come in." Gray gestured the young man over as the duo climbed up the white front steps. There were several large pillars that supported the front of the house. Each pillar had a mythical god carved into it. Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, Ares and many more. The main gods were all engraved into the sleek white pillars.

Eventually the two reach the front door that was twice as tall as a normal door. It was made out of a 1000 year old oak tree, heavy and solid. The door was opened up by two people dressed in a formal suit.

"Welcome back, master Gray." The two of them were the main butlers in the house that directly served Gray.

"Mmm." Gray nodded as he walked into the house. "I brought a guest back and he is going to stay here. Prepare my secondary bedroom for him."

"Yes, master Gray." The butlers responded obediently, even though they were all confused by their master's request. Gray had never brought anyone over willingly and even if he did, they would be forced to stay in one of the guest rooms. It was a first for the two of them to see him treat another person nicely.

"These two is Potter and Hank respectively. They are the main butlers of this house. If you have any requests just ask them and they will help you out. You could also ask any of the housemaids and they would be at your service." Gray gave a brief introduction. "Now, follow me and I'll give you a tour of the house."

Hearing his request, Sato left by his side to go explore Gray's mansion. Gray first brought him outside to him backyard that spanned the entire hill peak. The yard had a tennis court, a mini golf course, a fresh herbs and floral garden, an oriental lake that contained koi fishes, a pergola that faced the city and an infinity pool that stretched outwards towards the cliff of the hill. The amenities was plentiful for any person to destress from a long days work.

Sato ran towards the pergola to look at the city view. He was a sucker for good views. "This view is crazy, Gray."

Whilst Sato was admiring the view, Gray was smiling behind his back as he was watching the reactions of Sato. He was taking in each and every detail on the face of Sato. His widened eyes and gaping mouth made Gray crease his mouth slightly. What a cute boy. Gray thought.

They soon left for the inside as Sato could always come back to admire the view later on. They first went down to the basement as Gray took him around to explore the vast entertainment ground. Below was an indoor lap pool that had a clear glass ceiling of the outside. It let natural light in that made the whole place all lit up.

There was another room that had several pool tables for people to play. A theatre room that had the latest theatre setup. There were 20 seats that had extremely comfortable cushioning. There was also a large gaming room that contained all of the latest games and technology. The thing that caught his eye the most was a futuristic gaming pod.

"Isn't this the Gamingpro Pod X?" Sato ran towards this full sized machine that was meant to fit a whole human. "This is the latest version that will be realised to the public in 3 months time! How.. How do you have one???"

"My childhood friend is the main developer of Gamingpro. So he gave it to me." Gray spoke casually.

"Your childhood friend is Marion Lee???"

"Yeah. Back when he was young, he had already started developing this game. It was only when he turned 25 did he finally put it out to the public."

"Wow... I never knew you had such crazy connections."

"Its alright. Most of the people I know are just plain annoying." Gray commented.

Well, maybe it is just your weird taste that makes you think they are all annoying. Sato thought in his head while smiling.

"So do you play the game, Gray?"

"Yes I do. Do you play the game?"

"Yes! We can add each other and play together. However, compared to your gaming setup, I am only using the Version 2 gaming helmet."

"Well, you can just use this gaming pod then. I have one more that is installed in my room."

"Huhh? Are you serious? I get to use the latest gaming pod? Thank you Gray!" Sato ran up to Gray and gave him a big hug. He had totally forgotten who he was hugging, to which he immediately loosen and backed off. "S.. Sorry for that."

"It's alright." The shocked Gray did not get mad at the young man's action, but rather, he turned around blushing slightly. "Let's head upstairs first then. I will ask Potter to bring it into your room for you."

"Oh, alright. Thank you once again, Gray. Today has truly been a crazy experience. I would still be clueless with what I should do if it were not for you." Sato thank Gray sincerely as he looked into Gray's light blue eyes. They were extremely clear and if he looked closely enough, it reflected his face back at him.

" It is my pleasure to have you here, Sato. Forever and always." Gray rubbed the young man's head as he muttered the last few words under his breath. It was soft enough that Sato could not really understand what he had said at the end.