
Oh Mr General!

Sato had to drop out of university as he lacked the funds to continue his education. Due to some unfortunate encounters, his original scholarship funds had disappeared and now he was forced to earn enough to carry on his education journey. As such, he saw a advertisement ad recruiting a personal assistant in the military. Anyone could be eligible and not only that, the pay was high too. Immediately Sato applies for it, where he soon finds out that it was to be the Personal Assistant for a Major General of the Army of Country Z. Read this novel as you start to see the relationship that blooms between these two contrasting individuals! Support me on Patreon and you will receive some personal benefits! https://www.patreon.com/OverTheHorizon *I DO NOT OWN RIGHTS TO THIS PICTURE* Please drop a VOTE and 'ADD TO LIBRARY' to keep me going and motivated!

Over_The_Horizon · LGBT+
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241 Chs

Gray’s Decision 2      

"There is no universe where I would be willing to give myself away as a chess piece for my family. It is disgusting that you had even considered such an option." Gray started off strong with a blow onto his father's back. The older man frowned at his son's rude behaviour. Before Alex could say anything, Gray continued speaking, "And the reason why I would not be willing to give myself away is not just because of love. I am not willing to sacrifice myself because I believe I have more worth than just being a trophy that sits on a wall. In addition, my lover, Sato is by no means an idiot. He is the smartest and most talented individual I know. You of all people must've searched up on him. You do realise that Sato's IQ score is more than double an average human's IQ right?"

Hearing Gray's words, Alex and Melanie remained silent as he listened to their son's point.

"In this world, a person is never alone. They have family and loved ones behind them that would help them along the way. Just like how father had grandfather to help you in the business line. Just like how Noah has you as a mentor. I may have not been in the picture these few years, but I am also a Tobion. Why are you being so selfish and are only thinking about it from your own perspective?"

The last sentence from Gray finally concluded the Tobion head's doubts. The middle-aged man had been pondering on this issue for many years by himself. He had never considered asking for other's opinions on the subject matter. All along, the man had been standing in the darkness, when all along, there was a lamppost beside him that would've shone light on him.

Alex turned to look at his wife. Melanie nodded, seeing that her son had really grown up and knew how to bear some responsibility in the family. With tired eyes, Alex wanted to clear his final doubts with his son, "Gray, can you, with absolute certainty, say that Sato will be willing to fight to the death with us against the two largest powerhouses in this world?"

"I know he will." Gray did not hesitate with his answer. He knew his lover best.

"Alright. Could the two of you go back to your room? I would like to have a word with Sato this time." Alex answered exhaustedly.

Gray nodded and left the room to call for Sato. Melanie placed a hand on Alex's shoulder. It was her sign of showing that she wished for her husband to be less stressed out. "Don't stay up too late, alright?"

"I won't. Good night, dear."

In the case of Sato, the young man had already changed into his pyjamas and was ready for bed. When Gray got back to the room, the General had a smile on his tired face. Clearly, that talk with his father just now had truly put a toll on his mental stamina too.

"My father would like to speak to you. Are you fine with that?" Gray sat on Sato's side of the bed as he leaned his head on Sato's head. The boy's hair smelled like passion fruit.

"Yeah, I am okay with it. I do need to change right?" Sato didn't know what was up, but seeing how his boyfriend was this tired, he knew that what Gray's father was about to tell him was very important.

"It is fine. I think my father would not mind seeing this cute side of yours." Gray smiled playfully.

"Gosh, you're so cheeky." Sato slowly stood up and went ahead to change into something more presentable. He left the room after a short while.

Gray had already told him where his father's study room was and so, Sato, with heavy feet, made his way over. Taking a deep breath in and out, he knocked on the door and entered the room to see the older man. Alex had his eyes closes with one hand rubbing the temples on his head.

"Come take a seat." Alex said after opening his eyes. Sato obliged.

"What were you looking for me for, sir?" Sato automatically went back to being polite.

"It should've been quite obvious that I was being very rude with you, correct? Every time Gray had spoken about me, I am sure it was never anything good." Alex did not mince his words. This made Sato laugh nervously as he did not know how to reply to such a question. In the end, Alex continued speaking, making the atmosphere less awkward. "Don't worry. That was a rhetorical question. Although I am more leaning towards Gray having a traditional family, I am usually open to modern concepts of same-sex marriage. However, a few years ago, I had encountered a problem that stumped me for a good period of time and only now, did my vision become clear again."

For the third time, Alex explained the story again. Sato, being a complete outsider, was actually quite familiar with the world trends. The Lee and Tabola family were families known by everyone in the world. Just that, now, the Tobion family was added into the mix. Hearing that Gray had declined the marriage between him and a lady from the Lee Family, it made Sato very flattered.

"You should be able to see what I problem I am facing now correct?"

Sato nodded. With his high IQ, Sato could see what problem the Tobion family head was currently facing.

"If you decline their proposal, this would mean that the Tobion family business would most definitely be facing pressure on all sides by the two other families."

"Correct." Alex nodded, knowing that the boy was indeed very bright. "Just now, Gray had already declined the marriage proposal adamantly and with it, he had proposed a new plan."

Looking up at Sato, he did not hide anything from the young man. "Gray had told me that you would be willing to help us, the Tobion family out of this predicament."

"Me? Wh..What can I do to help?" Sato pointed at himself cluelessly. Seeing Sato's humble nature, it reassured Alex more so that Gray's proposal was possible.