
Oh Mr General!

Sato had to drop out of university as he lacked the funds to continue his education. Due to some unfortunate encounters, his original scholarship funds had disappeared and now he was forced to earn enough to carry on his education journey. As such, he saw a advertisement ad recruiting a personal assistant in the military. Anyone could be eligible and not only that, the pay was high too. Immediately Sato applies for it, where he soon finds out that it was to be the Personal Assistant for a Major General of the Army of Country Z. Read this novel as you start to see the relationship that blooms between these two contrasting individuals! Support me on Patreon and you will receive some personal benefits! https://www.patreon.com/OverTheHorizon *I DO NOT OWN RIGHTS TO THIS PICTURE* Please drop a VOTE and 'ADD TO LIBRARY' to keep me going and motivated!

Over_The_Horizon · LGBT+
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241 Chs

Asking Questions

The Lee family was just as pretegious as the Kouglas. Unlike how the Kouglas was one of the founding banks in Country Z, the Lee family had opened the first hospital in Country Z. The Lee Medical Group is an organisation for medical practioners to work in. Only the top 5% of doctors were able to get a rightful spot in the interview stage. Only those that have impressive accolades and achievements, would be able to get into the medical group.

"Let's go then." Marion turned around to leave the room. Pete followed behind. The only ones left in the room was Jesslyn, the President and his Vice.

"Tch.. That cocky bastard." The president, Bruce Solomon complained only when Pete had left the room.

"Calm down, Bruce. You know how powerful his family is." A female voice rose from the sofa. Jesslyn said while drinking her tea slowly.

Unlike the other two, Jesslyn's family wasn't as prominent as the two guys. She was a true genius that came from a humble family background.

"Just because his family is so prominent, I have to put up with his shit?" Bruce grinded his teeth in anger. Looking at his Vice President, he asked. "Who was that boy in yellow?"

The vice president went ahead to look through the itenarary that was given to them. He flipped to the race page, finding the information that his Head wanted.

"His name is Sato Takahashi. If I remember correctly, he was the top scorer in the Engineering department last year."

"Hmph. Help me find out what's so special about this boy. I don't believe I can't find anything more on him." Bruce grunted.

Jesslyn heard the conversation between the two older men. She laughed lightly, standing up and walked towards the door. "I advice you to not look into it."

"Huh? Why do you say that?"

Looking back at the President, she spoke innocently before leaving the room too. "Mmm.. Intuition?"


The race came to an end, with a placing that was more or less predicted. The first 8 places were all Track athletes from University Z, following which was a Sports Science student. Surprisingly, Sato had managed to squeeze in 10th place in his group. He was currently lying sprawled on the ground, panting furiously.

"I did it." Sato whispered under his breath. He covered his eyes with his arm, blocking out the sun that beamed brightly from above.

"Not bad, little bro. Not bad." A man dressed out in designer clothes appeared behind Sato. Realising that someone was talking to him, Sato sat up and looked at the familiar man.

"Huh? Aren't you Pete Kouglas?" Sato was surprised by the person that approached him. When he noticed the person standing behind him, he got even more shocked. "Ma..Marion Lee? Oh my god...."

"Hey! That's rude of you to react to Marion that way and not with me." Pete complained.

The man standing behind Pete, walked up as he reached out a helping hand for Sato. "It's nice to meet you, Sato. Let me help you get up."

"Oh, okay!" Sato quickly wiped the dirt and sweat off his hand. Clasping his hand together with Marion was both a dream come true and slightly embarrassing. He couldn't believe his first contact with his idol would be after a long grueling race.

"It's nice to meet you!"

Of course, everything that happened just then was seen by the students and staffs around. They were all talking amongst themselves, discussing who was that special youth.

"Does anyone know who that runner was? Why did the two godlike alumni approach him?"

"The two of them looks so handsome up close! But who is that boy standing around them? He's ruining the picture."

"Isn't that Sato from our department? He's so lucky to get to talk to the Marion Lee, the creator of ROL! I wish I would get that chance!"

Seeing how more and more people were noticing them, Marion proposed to Sato. "How about we pick somewhere quieter, so that we can talk more in private?"

"Oh, sure sure! Anywhere is fine!" Sato enthusiastically approved to his idol. Pete felt like a third wheel while following behind them. Though, he didn't really mind. Since his main mission for today was to look into the young man that was following Marion and him into a quiet room.

The trio arrived in the University cafe. As everyone were cheering for their respective sports and enjoying the outside vendors, the cafe that was located on the second floor of the Common building was close to empty.

Sato ordered a cup of freshly squeezed orange juice to quench his thirst. He sat there stiffly while looking away from the stares of the two grown men. They were definitely staring at me right? Right? Sato thought inwardly.

"Are you and Gray dating?" Pete went straight to the question that was burning in his heart. The sudden popping of the question made Sato choke on his juice. He started coughing heavily in shock.

"What?" Sato didn't know what to say. He was blushing slightly from Pete's decisiveness.

"So, Is it true?" Pete looked at Sato dead in the eye. He really wanted an answer from Sato.

"Um.. Why don't you just ask Gray yourself?" Sato followed up with another question. "Aren't you close with him?"

"Well of course! Both Marion and I are as thick as thieves with Gray! However, you know Gray. He is the type of guy that wouldn't share anything with his bros!" Pete complained. Marion being nodded along to Pete's words.

"So? What's the answer? You guys are dating right? Right?"

Seeing that the two guys were definitely not lying about, Sato decided that he should just revealed it to them. Embarrassed, he gave the two curious alumni a simple nod.

"I knew it! I told you, Marion! That son of a gun was clearly hiding his relationship from us!" Pete said to Marion contumely.

Sato chuckled seeing how proud Pete was for predicting their relationship. The boy couldn't help but ask them about Gray.

"Well since I answered a question. Would you mind if I ask one myself?"

"Yeah, of course. Ask anything." said Marion smilingly.

"Mmm, could you tell me about how the both of you became friends with Gray?"