
Oh love! Goodbye to you

Love happened to be in the air but for him no love existed. He was in his late 30s but was totally engulfed in his work. It took time but destiny surely has never left anyone alone. He happened to be arrogant with a desperate heart dyeing for love. That one day in valley along borders totally took him out of what he was and spent his years in her love. She was an innocent teacher. Betrayals never let her hopes die for true love. Her belief and love for God made her meet him. The girl gave him tough time during the unexpected tour arranged by the destination for them. Sometimes in the valley and sometimes up the hills, she seemed him annoying and a caring one too. She was simple but colourful for him. The unexpected love in the valley arose in his heart for her. Finally they met but the hatred and rivalry among the two nations couldn't let her stay with him. He did his best to keep his love with him. The hurdles and misunderstandings couldn't apart them from eachother. They were meant for eachother. This was clearly written in God's destination book. Finally they lived their fantasy life in real but together. Love is not just making memories together and leaving eachother. Love is making memories but living together with pure heart and innocent care.

HinaTajKayani_28 · Urban
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100 Chs

2. Her world of fantasy

She was snoring in her bed peacefully when at 9 a.m in the morning her cell phone vibrated. Her sister on next bed threw a pillow on her and asked her to shut her cell up. With clumsy looks she woke up and threw back the pillow with harder shot on her sister and annoyed her more with silly words. In the meanwhile their mom arrived and asked them to wake up for grocery shopping.

The two girls among the three sisters woke up and rushed to the bathroom. "Never mess up with the elder one." replied Aanaye who has won the battle. Feeha made noises and went back on bed to take a little more nap that always made her happy.

Keeha the youngest among three was always a freaked child and gets annoyed of people and things early. No one among the family of five ever tried to argue her. But still she was considered as genius and intelligent student in her university who was always scoring good grades. She loved giving surprises to her teachers and section mates in the field of business studies.

Moving to Feeha,considered herself as most beautiful, the middle one who always thinks of herself as any celebrity in the town. Yeah yeah! She had long fan following but she stays media hidden lady.

Aanaye, the silent, shy, introvert, honest, who always abide the laws and makes assure that everyone around stay bound to world and nature laws.

She was the eldest of all but harder to understand. She passed her 26 years of life making others happy but no one was ever happy from her.

For these sisters and for only teen brother was like shelter to them after their mom as their dad expired when they were all young.

Mrs Shaaiqa who runs a small toddlers academy in the city was a reputed lady. She has earned good respect because of her teaching field.Aanaye and Feeha helped their mommy in earning a living.

Aanaye being the eldest one faced the much troubles in life at quite early years. She had deeply felt the pain her mother had faced during all these passed years. Aanaye was most sensitive girl.

Since childhood she used to create fantasies of her life. She waited for the real prince till now.

"Dreams come to you because they have possibilities of existence." This was her inner strength.

Everyone in this modern times consider prince and princess as fantasy but she was the modern girl with old dreams and grandmas thoughts. During her school years she dreamt of prince who will catch her up after her doctor studies will get complete.

But the fate wrote something else for her. Her father died and she couldn't managed to carry on with her medical studies. So she joined literature and completed that. On dying of one dream, she didnt leave behind the prince dream back but it hid deep down in her heart. During her university years, she was in love but soon realised that it is immaturity. Quite late after that some one in the town, a guy proposed her. She took it serious but he was cheat. Sooner or later she covered up her depression with spirituality and woke love for only God in herself. Annaye was ready and stood in the kitchen with mom making the breakfast for everyone.

Feeha took the car out of garage and mom with two of her daughters drove to the market.