
Oh?! Should we file a divorce?

Beatrice Hawk's life was full of love and fortune, until she married Atlas Hawk — a CEO with a secret criminal life. After a coma, Beatrice experiences visions of a parallel world where she is Blade, a professional assassin betrayed and killed by his lover, Atlas. When she wakes up, Beatrice discovers that her jealous sister, Victoria, has taken everything from her. Including, stealing her husband. Will Beatrice's visions of another world help her change her fate, or will they lead her down a darker path? #action

Tizzz · Urban
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Hey, it's not the time for that!

🔞⛔️Please refrain from opening this chapter if you are under 18 years old. Exercise discretion; this is a work of fiction with all its imaginative elements.


Atlas's lips curled into a cold smile. "We'll see about that. Now, get out of my office before I change my mind about letting you leave unharmed."

Victoria's lips tightened into a thin line. "Just find her, Atlas. And this time, don't hesitate to do what's necessary."

Victoria turned on her heel and marched out, her resolve unshaken. As the door closed behind her, Atlas's smile faded, replaced by a steely expression.

The game had just become more complicated, and he relished the challenge.

"Keep an eye on her," he ordered one of his men. "I want to know her every move."

"Yes, sir," the man replied, hurrying to follow Victoria.

Atlas returned to his desk, his mind racing with new possibilities. The hunt for Beatrice was far from over, and now, with Victoria in the mix, the stakes were even higher.


Approaching the boutique's glass door, Blade's movements were swift and confident. The street was eerily silent, illuminated only by the dim light of a distant streetlamp.

She pulled the expired card from her pocket, eyeing the door's lock mechanism.

"Alright, let's do this," Blade muttered to herself, sliding the card into the narrow gap between the door and the frame. She angled it just right, feeling for the latch inside.

"You think this will work?" Beatrice's voice echoed in her mind, uncertain.

"Trust me," Blade responded internally. With practiced ease, she wiggled the card, applying pressure to manipulate the latch.

The card flexed slightly, its edge pressing against the lock's tongue.

"Almost there…" Blade whispered, her fingers sensitive to the subtle feedback from the lock. A soft click echoed in the still night as the latch gave way.

"Got it," she murmured, pushing the door open. The hinges barely made a sound. She slipped inside, her senses on high alert, scanning the dark interior of the boutique.

"Blade!" Beatrice chided herself, her voice a harsh whisper in the quiet night. Under Blade's influence, she had successfully broken into a boutique using an expired card she had found along the way.

"Sshhh, quiet!" Blade scolded herself, stepping inside the boutique. She moved quickly and silently, her eyes scanning the dimly lit interior.

"We're in," Blade said, closing the door behind her and ensuring it was securely shut. The shelves and displays cast eerie shadows, but her focus remained sharp.

Blade headed straight for the electrical panel at the back of the store. Her movements were swift and purposeful as she located the panel.

Opening it, she quickly identified the main switches. With a decisive flick, she shut off all the power, plunging the boutique into darkness and disabling the CCTV cameras.

"That should take care of the cameras," Blade muttered under her breath.

"Now what?" Beatrice asked, her voice quieter, almost subdued.

"Now, we get what we came for," Blade replied, moving with purpose. She felt the thrill of the successful break-in coursing through her.

The two voices inside her mind fell silent, unified in their shared resolve. Blade moved quickly through the boutique.

Beatrice grabbed several stylish men's outfits, holding them up for a moment before letting out a sigh. "Oh, I forgot. I'm here as a woman," she muttered to herself.

Satisfied with her choices, she headed towards the fitting room, the soft glow of the emergency lights guiding her way.

The boutique was eerily silent, the only sound being the rustle of fabric as she walked. Once inside the fitting room, she closed the door behind her, setting her chosen items down.

"Let's see if these fit," she murmured, beginning to try on the clothes.

As Beatrice stripped off her clothes, Blade—lurking within her mind—was momentarily captivated by their shared reflection.

"Nice tits!" Blade commented, the admiration clear in her voice.

Beatrice paused, slightly startled by the sudden praise. She glanced down, suddenly self-conscious. "Really, Blade?" she muttered, a hint of exasperation in her tone.

"Hey, just calling it like I see it," Blade replied with a mental chuckle, her presence lingering as Beatrice continued to change into the new clothes.

"Makes me want to masturbate," Blade murmured, her voice dripping with desire.

Beatrice's hand moved almost involuntarily, guided by Blade's influence. Her fingers brushed against her breasts, squeezing and teasing the sensitive skin.

Her other hand slid down to the soft flesh between her legs, caressing and exploring.

A soft moan escaped Beatrice's lips as Blade continued to play with her body.

The sensation was intoxicating, her breath quickening as waves of pleasure began to build.

For a moment, she was lost in the feeling, her mind and body succumbing to Blade's desires.

But then, a flicker of realization broke through.

Beatrice's eyes snapped open, and she jerked her hands away, her heart pounding.

"Hey, it's not the time for that!" she scolded herself, her voice a mix of frustration and urgency.

She took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing thoughts and regain control.

"Blade! This isn't why we're here," she whispered, shaking her head to clear away the lingering haze of arousal.

"Lame!" Blade mocked.

Beatrice grabbed a few pieces of clothing from the racks and quickly changed into them, a simple outfit of jeans and a blouse. She barely had time to admire her reflection before Blade's voice echoed in her mind.

"Ah? Your taste is terrible," Blade sneered. Beatrice felt her hands move as Blade took control, discarding the chosen outfit.

Blade's eyes scanned the racks, landing on a sleek, sexy dress with a plunging neckline. It was bold and striking, something Beatrice would never have chosen herself.

With swift, confident movements, Blade selected the dress and paired it with a long, tailored coat that cinched at the waist. The combination was both elegant and daring, accentuating Beatrice's curves in all the right places.

Satisfied with her choices, she headed towards the fitting room, the soft glow of the emergency lights guiding her way.


