
OGO: Boundless Desires (Remake)

Mel who died at the age of eighty two years old reincarnated into the world of game where she would vent out her sexual needs. With the chance to take revenge upon those who massacred her subjects on her last game, she now plan to make all of those, who had an involvemnet on the downfall of her kingdom, pay back a hundred fold. PS. The picture is not mine. It is credited to the artist. Also, this is my first time making a smut story, a novel in general, so there will be many awkward moments. Thank you for understanding. I don't know whether I should put this, but I'll put it anyway. [Trigger warning: S.A., R@pe, and other freaky things will appear in the story]

Melanie_Cruz_32 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Load 20: A New Kingdom

As the Gods and Goddess are controlled by the AI in the game. The same thing is no longer applicable in this 'game'.

After the system updated, Mel was informed that the setting and the theme of the game was the same as the last time she customized the game.

While the setting and themes are the same, there is no longer an AI to control the God and Goddess, leaving them having their own ways of thinking but with the same personality as they had in the game.


Knock, knock.

Lavella entered the room.

"Your grace, a message from the Western Beast Federation has arrived"

"Oh, just put it in the table. By the way, what is prince Aster doing?"

"He is currently reading the letter that princess Lucy sent over after training with the soldiers in the training grounds, your grace"

"That's good. Make sure to have a good rest"

"I will. Thank you for worrying about this lowly one"

After Lavella left the room I went back to stroking Elmenz and Rojh's hair who were sleeping soundly on my bed after having non-stop 'exercise' last night.

- Master, are you sure you are fine showing me all of this?

"Hey now, I don't think someone as old as you should be bothered by seeing things like this. Have you never seen your previous masters do it?"

- I have, but the previous never did anything like this. He was always busy training and discovering artifacts in dungeons.

"You mean that... Cassius of Everblack, never had... sex?"

- As far as I know, no, master. He never did anything like that or what mortals call 'masturbation'.


To think a handsome stud like him is a virgin with no desire to do it, it is making me imagine all sorts of things.

Well that is not for me to worry about though.



A message in full red appeared.

[An extremely fast entity is heading towards your direction]

While Mel was reading the message, Red who already sense the danger have already activated the barrier around Mel and to the two who were sleeping.

"What is it this time!?"

Mel said in annoyance.


As if a meteorite hit the surface of the earth, the entity landed near the palace.

The shockwave destroyed the walls.

[The God of Dragons is extending his greetings through his apostle]


- Master, this presence is coming from the demi-god race!!!

"Your grace... I..."

Using <Pheromone control>, Mel forcefully knocked out both Elmenz and Rojh.

"I did thought that they would appear when I saw the updated patch of the system but to think that they would actually appear... This soon too. How convenient"

The dragon took the form similar to a human's and proceeded to walk towards Mel through the broken walls.

The dragon knelt down on one knee without bowing his head.

"I am the almighty God of Dragon's apostle who is representing the Kingdom of Dragons, Darius Flinn Oertio"


Mel crossed both her legs and arms.

"Who the fuck do you think you are to destroy someone else's place?"

The dragon was confused, thinking that Mel, the Goddess in front of her, should have been confused about the appearance of a dragon that should have been extinct since the Age of Blood.

[The God of Dragons is perplex to see your confident look saying that "How is a young Goddess not surprise at the sight of a dragon?"]

Of course I know! Before dying, I watched the news about the game saying that three new species was going to be added into the game which included the dragons along with the angels and demons.

With their appearance, the Western Beast Federation, Everblack, and the Aelius empire are no longer the three powerful leading nations in the continent.

As the God of Dragon's apostle tried to stood up, he was forcefully stopped by Mel with her divinity while she used her <Pheromone control> to make him sleep.

Although the dragon didn't fall asleep, Darius was having trouble staying conscious.

"How dare a mortal have the audacity to stand up before me before getting my permission! And that's after destroying my palace!"

[The God of Dragons is enraged at the Goddess of all Bitches for humiliating his apostle]

A moon-sized meteor appeared in the sky which was created by the God of Dragons.

"Even if you are the God of Dragons, not even you would be free from the covenant that all Gods and Goddesses sign, your prideful lizard"

[Penalty is being applied to the God of Dragons for breaking the third law of the Ten Commandments]

[For breaking the third law, the God of Dragons will be forced to 'sleep' for exactly one hundred days]

The meteor disappeared as if it never existed.

"You are too prideful, asshole. Do you really think I would tolerate such act just because you are one of the most powerful races in the world?"

Darius was still holding out, barely able to keep himself from fainting.

"Your grace!!!"

Lavella along with Aster, who was able to keep their consciousness despite the high density of mana due to the appearance of a dragon arrived at the scene.

"Lavella, knock him out!"

Hearing this, she quickly used her skill to knock out the dragon from a safe distance as Aster focused on creating a field to make sure that Lavella will not faint from the dense mana in the air.

"Ugh... haa"

In just a few seconds, Darius lost consciousness causing him to fall to the ground.

"Good job you all..."

"Your grace!!!"

Lavella and Aster shouted as they ran towards Mel who teared blood and fell down due to fatigue.


The dense mana in the air got sucked into Mel's body which restored her back to full health.

"For now listen closely to me, drag his body somewhere and make sure to do what you do best, Lavella"

Mel said in a vague way so that Aster won't know about Lavella's ability.

"Don't worry, he should be asleep for another six hours or so"

"What method shall I use, your grace?"

"Make it so that he will stay here"


Aster carried Darius while Lavella followed from behind.

- Base on the mana that dragon possess, I think he is currently at the level of a grand magician in the field of magic and a grand warrior in the field of martial arts, master.

"I know. Which is why I plan on using that lizzard however I want"