
OGO: Boundless Desires (Remake)

Mel who died at the age of eighty two years old reincarnated into the world of game where she would vent out her sexual needs. With the chance to take revenge upon those who massacred her subjects on her last game, she now plan to make all of those, who had an involvemnet on the downfall of her kingdom, pay back a hundred fold. PS. The picture is not mine. It is credited to the artist. Also, this is my first time making a smut story, a novel in general, so there will be many awkward moments. Thank you for understanding. I don't know whether I should put this, but I'll put it anyway. [Trigger warning: S.A., R@pe, and other freaky things will appear in the story]

Melanie_Cruz_32 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Load 11: A Goddess' Entertainment

As soon as Aster's knot disappeared, the two were transfered to another room in my palace for Lavella to do her job, which is to slightly alter their memories and make them dream other things to gain their cooperation later on.

And since only those who have the permission to enter the palace are allowed to come near here, the escorts of the Bluemoon royalty and the Beast royalty weren't able to voice out any complaint.

"Who will be the one to arrive tomorrow?"

"Assuming that they want to arrive as soon as possible to prevent insulting your grace, the tower master of the Crimson tower and the Second King of the Land of Damnation is assume to arrive first thing in the morning, while the crown princess of Aelius will arrive in the afternoon, your grace"

Elmenz replied.

"That leaves the saint of the Holy Kingdom and the Archduke from Everblack the day after tomorrow?"

"Yes, your grace"


The next day, the two arrived simultaneously as soon as sun rose just as Elmenz predicted.

A man with a thick red robe with a fire symbol, long silver hair, and fiery red eyes introduced himself.

"I, one of the seven Tower masters of the Magic Kingdom, head of the Crimson tower greets the Goddess of all Bitches!"

A boy with black hair and an eye patch introduced himself.

"I, the second king of the three kings who serve the Goddess of War, Murphy greets the Goddess of all Bitches!"

While the palace knights and Lavella were dumbfounded to see one of the ten most powerful individuals in the world to have an appearance of a 14 year old child, Elmenz and Rojh weren't as they could feel the calm but deadly presence lurking around Murphy.

"It is good to see someone who is not bound by bloodline. I've only met royals and nobles the past few days after all"

"I am glad that our presence alone are able to lighten up your mood, your holiness"

"Yes, which is why, I hope you two do not mind having to play a game with me"

Murphy raised his hand.

"I believe that neither of us have the capability to entertain, or even win, against a deity such as yourself, your holiness"

"Don't say such things. After all, I won't be included in the game"

"Then... will you please tell us what it is about?"

"A fight. A spar to exact"

The two took a pause and look at each other in unison as they understood what I meant.

"I would like to see you two fight. The winner will of course be rewarded appropriately. And, you do not need to worry about sustaining injuries for I will heal you myself"

This time, the tower master raised his hand.

"I apologize, your holiness. I believe that would be hard for us. We hide our abilities from one another to prevent wars from happening. This way, none of us within the most powerful individuals in the continent will have to fight therefore preventing possible damages in times like this where peace is currently prospering"

Murphy nodded as a sign of agreement with the tower master.

Peace, he says, when he is a battle maniac himself. These two sure are doing good job holding back their desire to fight.

"Then, what if I were to tell you that I will also remove your memories after the fight and that I will tell no one about your abilities?"

With no other excuse to use, the two was silent as they know they cannot make any half-baked excuse in front of Mel and that there were no other ways to decline the fight.

The two ended up agreeing with the fight with the condition of both of them will lose their memories regarding the fight to ensure secrecy about their abilities and that the winner will receive a reward from Mel.

It was only possible with the conditions that Mel gave and the fact that Mel is the Goddess that the slimes worship.

Even if she were to somehow find a loophole from the agreement and tell her subjects about it, slimes are naturally weak against them. Which is why the two who are renowned as the most powerful in the continent do not think that they are a threat to them.


After arriving at an open space where no one can interfere the fight, the two naturally took their battle stance.

'To see a fight between the highest rank of a shcolar and a martial artist... this will be a good time to collect actual information'

"Then, let the battle... begin!"

Using magic to his advantage, the tower master flew to the air by continuously casting beginner class fire magic on his feet to propel himself in the air.

"Grand magic: Hell storm"

Boom. Boom. Boom.

Using a bombardment type spell, the Crimson tower master innitiated the battle which changed the entire meadow into a land full of craters.

"Where is he?"

The tower master spread his mana all over the place to find Murphy from within the smoke screen.


The tower master's automatic shield activated in time to stop a black dagger.

Soon after, countless daggers pierced the smokescreen which was directed to the tower master.

The tower master kept on firing intermediate class fire magic from where the daggers where coming from as he block the daggers that was homing after him with an artifact that creates a sturdy mana barrier.

"You rely too much from the things you see, senior"

Murphy said as he smashed the tower master's barrier by punching it with his bare hands from above.


The collision alone created a shockwave enough to tear the trees that were more than a kilometer away.

The tower master was sent flying away unscathed but was able to stop midway and kept his composure.

"What monstrous strength. I suppose you're not one of the strongest for nothing"

"You too. Not even my older brothers were able to last this long against me!"

The two were happy.

As they kept dodging and attacking each other, the smiles on their faces became bigger and bigger until they were laughing and complimenting each other.

The never ending attacks from the two shook the ground and completely change the terrain.

Mana started to gather around two places.

"Looks like they are about to finish things up. I should prepare then!"

Mel said as she stood up from her seat.

"Forbidden magic: Fire of Origin"

"<Black moon: Howl>"

A meteorite like ball of fire from the sky and a pitch black dragon could be seen from far away.


Just before the two powerful skills could collide, it vanished.

Everything vanished completely.


"Where did... my spell go?"

The two were confused and look towards Mel's direction upon sensing her divinity.

The two ultimate moves were devoured by Mel's skill completely.

[You have leveled up]

The two were in awe.

[You are now level <2>]

It is common knowledge that when a deity descend, they cannot use their full power and are extremely weakend. Despite that, they are still able to maintain their immortal properties and a most of their divinity will be sealed.

[Skill <Acid generation/manipulation> is now available]

They were left speechless. They knew the history among the deities around the continent.

However, there is no such record that says that a deity who descended in less than a month was able to pull off such a thing with great ease.

"To effortlessly cancel our trump cards..."

"As expected of a Goddess"

The two whispered.

[A new side quest is now available]


To avoid confusion I will be showing the power chart

Scholars (Levels of Magic):

Beginner Magic - Intermediate Magic - Advance Magic - Grand Magic - Forbidden Magic

What they are called as base on the type of magic rank they can use:

Apperentice - Magician - Wizard/Witch - Sorcerer - Sage


Martial artists

Warrior - Grand Warrior - Master - Grand Master - Singularity

For them to know what rank they are will be explained in future chapters.