
Chapter 94: Mockery

"What a shame, baby what a shame~" - Aurelia's cousin kept singing the song to mock her to death.

"Shut up Marilyn!". Aurelia's anger had turned the floor below her feet into gold. 

Marilyn Mirage comes from the family of gangsters. Even though they are related, however, they are still on the total opposite sides. The Mirage family works with the mafias, criminals, and rebels. While that, the Blaire family is loyal to the king and the law institute. 

"Everyone always says that you're better than me". Marilyn smirked scoffingly. "But now you prove them wrong, thanks sister!".

Her mother is Leah Blaire. She rejected the prince just to marry the lord of all casinos, which was Marilyn's father, Mr. Mirage. If people called Aurelia the Princess of Treasures, then they would call Marilyn the Princess of Hypocrisy. 

"I hope I can see you after the second round". Marilyn smiled wickedly. "Or not".