
OGI: The Hunt for Level Three

Kage is a young spirited soul who lives on an earth that has completely been altered thanks to a cataclysmic event. Such events led to the creation of what people in this world call OGI a power source 75% of the population has flowing inside their bodies with such power, they can use what scientists call levels one and two but with the world always evolving it's is discovered there's way more to OGI than we thought originally. Scientists have discovered that level three exists and with that discovery, the world which is split into 4 zones has people from all over trying to discover level three whether it's for a good reason or a bad one. Kage and his best friend Unkown with many other individuals like them make it their goal to discover level three and what makes it so special. Threw this adventure they will have fun times, sad times, and traumatic times they will even face enemies who have their plans set on using level three for reasons unimaginable... art credt @maxemillian

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140 Chs

Life is something valuable

As the frail lady cuts her throat, everyone looks in shock and quickly runs over to her as her body hits the ground. The detective grabs the frail woman off the ground and cradles her in his hands. The detective, with a face of urgency, screams.

"Someone call an ambulance quickly; she's bleeding out!" Someone, please get me something to stop the bleeding."

The police officers around the detective quickly scattered to help save the frail woman. As the detective speaks, the frail woman continues to bleed from her throat onto the detective's coat. As she bleeds, her eyes start to slowly lose color.

Kage and Unknown watch helplessly as the frail woman slowly dies in the detective's arms.

"Bro Unknown, did that really just happen?"

"Yeah, it happened so quick, I didn't even see it coming."

"You think we should do something?"

"What can we do, Kage?" "She already cut her throat; the only person that I can think of who can save her is."

Before Unknown could finish his sentence, a familiar voice came from behind Kage and Unknown.

"You were about to say my name right."

When Kage and Unknown turn to check behind them, they notice a dark-skinned man with short blue hair standing at 6'3" tall, wearing a blue T-shirt, khaki pants, and a lab coat. He is also smoking a cigarette. With his hands in his pockets, the man approaches the elderly woman who is dying while passing Kage and Unknown. As the man passes them kage says:

"Hey, isn't that Doctor David?"

"Yeah, remember, we called him, so it makes sense why he's here."

"I remember, but it always surprises me how badass he looks in that lab coat."

As Kage and Unknown talk to each other, David stops walking, turns around, and says something to Kage and Unknown.

"Hey, didn't I tell you, kids just to call me Doc?"

Kage and Unknown simultaneously say:

"Oh shit sorry!!"

"Now back to businesses."

Doctor David walks over to the detective and says:

"Hey, you detective guy, put that woman down on the ground; I'll handle it from here."

"What?? Who the hell are you, and why should I do what you say? Do you have some type of paper I can look at?"

"Tch, could you shut up and just listen to me?" Put that woman on the ground now before it's too late."

"But how do I know I can trust you when I've never seen you a day in my life?"

"I'm the doctor from Grava Academy; you can just ask those two kids over there. Now hurry up and put that woman on the ground!"

The detective looks over to Kage and an Unknown and sees them both shake their heads in agreement.

"Ok, fine, but don't try anything funny."

The detective puts the frail woman on the ground.

Doctor David starts to glow intensely, signaling the activation of level two.

"Now fire manipulation:healing flame!"

Doctor David releases a yellow flame from his hand. The yellow flame flies to the cut on the frail woman's neck. The detective, with a face of concern, exclaims.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing!? You plan to save her by burning her throat."

"How about instead of yelling, you take a good look at that flame?"


The detective looks down at the flame and says:

"Wait...These flames—they're warm; I can even touch them."

"Yeah, they are; you would have noticed if you didn't have a big stick up your ass. Now just make sure you watch my flames closely."

The yellow flames burning on the frail woman's throat start to rebuild her throat from inside to out. The yellow flame completely heals the frail woman's throat. As the yellow flame dissipates from the frail woman's throat, doctor David says:

"There we go; now we sit and wait."

Everyone stands around the frail woman and waits in anticipation. The frail woman starts to regain color in her eyes. The woman regains consciousness, gets up off the ground, and says:

"What? Why am I here? Why am I not?"

Doctor David walks over to the frail woman and says:

"What the hell is wrong with you? Were you really ready to end it all just like that?"

"Shut the hell up!" Why did you save me, you fucking asshole?"

"I saved you because human life is not something you can just throw away, even if it is your own!"

"I don't give a shit about any of that!" My son is dead! I have no reason to go on now. Leave me alone!"

The frail woman runs and grabs her bloody knife from the ground.

"I'm done with this life!"

"Oh, you're down with this life." I'm sorry to tell you, but I won't sit here and watch someone throw away their life."

Doctor David walks to the frail woman and punches her in the face.

"What the fuck!" Why did you punch me, you—?"

"Would you shut the hell up and listen?" I know how you feel. I have a kid of my own, and if I lost her, I would lose my mind as well, but even so, that's no excuse for you to throw your life away!"

"No, I refuse to live a life without my—"

"So do you think your child would want this?"


"Do you think your child would want his mother to cut her life short all because he was too weak to defend himself against some dumb kidnappers?"

The frail woman's face turns into a face of realization and sorrow.

"Umm... I don't—"

"Yeah, go ahead and think about it."

Doctor David walks away from the frail woman to go talk to Kage and Unknown. As he walks away, the frail woman falls to the ground and starts to cry.

"I can't believe I've been such a fool, my son. I'm so sorry."

The detective grabs the frail lady and nicely escorts her into a cop car. Doctor David goes over to Kage and Unknown and says:

"Sorry for the delay; it seems you two have had a pretty tough battle. I'll go ahead and heal your wounds now."

David shoots a yellow fire out of his hands. The yellow fire surrounds both Kage and Unknown. Both of their wounds start to heal. As Kage's wounds heal, he exclaims:

"Wow, I can feel the poison in my system disappearing. Doc, you're as amazing as usual. Thanks!!"

The yellow flames dissipate, and David says:

"Of course, kid, just both of you, for the love of me, avoid getting injuries like this again. This takes up a lot of OGI, you know.

Kage and Unknown simultaneously say:

"Yes sir!"

The detective walks up to talk to the group.

"Hey, you said to call you Doc, right?"

"umm yeah"

"ok doc I'm sorry for doubting you before. I was just trying to do my job."

"Nah, it's ok. I know you don't know me; it would be dumb for you not to question me."

"Ok, good, now that is out of the way. Kage and Unknown, I appreciate your help in catching Nest. My name is Luthor, and here's my card. Call me if something like this happens again."

Luthor flings a card at Kage and with his coat flowing in the wind walks away. Kage catches the card and looks at it.

"He gave me a business card, but I wonder why we would ever need this."

David pulls out a cigarette and, with a tired voice, says:

"Okay, my work is done here. I'm going to go take a nap. I did a lot of healing today. Make sure you two stay safe and do well in all your classes."

"Ok, Doc, me and Unknown will make sure to do just that. See you at school, doc."

As David walks away, Unknown's face turns to a face of realization.

"Oh shit Kage He just said, "Class right."

"Yeah, he did; why do you ask?"

"Our project, Kage, its due tomorrow, and we never found that dendae flower."

Kage's face turns into a face of panic.

"Oh shit, you're right! What do we do?"

"Wait, calm down, Kage." I got an idea."

"Oh, really, let me hear it, and it better be good or Mr.Mink will have our heads."

"My idea is to just use what we learned in that forest as our project."

"Oh yeah, you're right the level-one techniques. I'm sure if we present those, it will be an instant A++."

"Yeah!! I know it's late, but let's go back to your house and prepare for tomorrow."

"Right, let's go."

Kage Unknown finally leaves Grava Forest and goes back to Kage's house to prepare for tomorrow's presentation.


The very next day is a sunny day at Grava Academy. In class one, everyone is here on time, and Mr.Mink stands at the front ready to give instructions.

"Ok, welcome back to class." I'm happy that all six of you decided to show up on time today. Even Akira made it on time. Now let's get straight into the presentations. I hope you all did good research."

Chapter 11 end

There are three more chapters left in volume one!!! Thank you to the ones that made it this far I post every Monday Wednesday and Friday so make sure to stay tuned and Share with your friends and family. Also if you're new and you enjoyed consider adding this to your library.

THE_GOAT_HIMSELFcreators' thoughts