
George a true friend

The next day, after the three boys woke up from a good sleep, they were ready to embark on the tough climb to the Beast King's home.

"Ok, old man George, we're heading out."

George walked out of the diner to send the boys off.

"Ok, you three, good luck on your climb."

"Thanks, George, for all your help. I'll make sure to stop by when I come back down from the mountain."

"Oh, you're coming back even after you earn your place back in your father's home."

"Well, yes, I might be able to prove to my father that I am a man of ambition, but I still need to reach my goals, which is why I will return to Grava Academy."

At that moment, Geroge looks at Wayne and sees his growth from the last time he saw him. George happily smiles at Wayne's statement. Georges's smile all of a sudden gets covered in tears of joy.

"Hey, is he okay? Why is he crying so much?"

Kage nudges Unknown and says:

"Shhh, just let it play out between them."

"I'm sorry that I'm getting emotional, but... it's just that I remember when you were causing me nothing but trouble, but now look at you."

"Hehe, chill out, George. I still have a long way to go, so please save your tears."

George wipes his tears and gives Wayne a big hug.

"Ok, ok, I will, but please make sure you stay safe because you never know what the world could throw at you."

"Of course, old man Geroge, whatever comes at me, I know I can take it."

George lets go of Wayne and sends the boys off. George waves bye to the boys as they head toward Kirata Mountain.

As they walk toward Kirata Mountain unknown asks Wayne a question.

"Hey Wayne that mountain seems pretty tall; how do we expect to get up there by climbing?"

"You know, that's a pretty good question."

Both Kage's and Unknown's mouths dropped at what Wayne said.

"Hey, hey, chill, you two, let me think. I would usually fly my way up there with Lex, but I have climbed before. The problem is what to do with you two."

"Hey, Wayne and Unknown, let's just stop worrying about how we're going to get up there and just start climbing."


"Well, I'm just saying it's better to find outwhen we get there than waste time here."

"Well, you have a point, so come on, let's get to the mountain."

The three boys make their way to the huge mountain sitting behind Kirata village. As they make their way to the mountain, back at Kirata Diner, George is giving a few customers their breakfast.

"Here is your food; it was a milkshake and a biscuit, right?"

"Yes, thank you so much, Geroge; your food is always the best."

George starts scratching the back of his head.

"Hehe, don't give me more credit than I deserve."

"No, you truly are amazing. You know you're always helping around the village; what would we do without you? Hahaha"

As the man George is serving laughs Hunter the same man who has been following Kage and the boys ever since they left the Grava Zone, walks into the diner. The man George is serving looks over at Hunter.

"Wow, that guy's muscles are huge, but why is he smiling so sadistically?"

Hunter walks up to Geroge at the counter with a sadistic smile.

"Um, can I help you with something, sir?"

"Hahaha, yes, you can."

Hunter grabs the customer in front of George by the head and slams his head into the counter so hard that his head splits open. Every customer in the vicinity gets up out of their seats and runs out of the diner.

"Ahhh, run, he's crazy!"

Georges's face turns to shock as Hunter maliciously murders his customer right in front of him.


"Now listen up, old man. I saw those three boys walk into this diner. Now you're going to tell me what I want to know!"

"Wh...What could you possibly need from me?"

"Hehe, thanks for listening now. Earlier today I heard that the beast king lives on the giant mountain behind this village, but when I went up there I found nothing but mist."

"Yeah, of course, because that's what's at the top of the mountain."

Hunter grabs Geroge by his collar and pulls him in closer.

"Listen up, old man, you're going to tell me how to get to the beast king right now or I will murder you!"

George starts to whimper as Hunter threatens his life.

"Oh, don't tell me you're too scared to speak; maybe this will get you talking."

Hunter's fingernail all of a sudden sharpens, and he points the nail to his neck. As the fingernail presses against his neck, George's neck starts to bleed.

"Ok, ok, I'll tell you; please just put me down."

"Good, I knew you were smarter than you looked."

Hunter drops George to the floor.

"Ok, I have a map to the Beast King under the counter; can I grab it?"

"Hehe, go ahead, old man; I'll be waiting right here."

George ducks under the counter to grab what Hunter is looking for. As George crawls under the counter, he starts to think to himself.

"After spending so much time working on anti-OGI user weapons with Wayne, of course I kept some for myself."

"Hey, old man I'm starting to lose my patience. Hurry up with that damn map."


Hunter starts to get impatient with George's silence.

"Ok, that's it, old man, I'm done waiting!"

Hunter cocks back his arm and destroys the counter with his fist. When the dust clears, he sees Geroge holding a small machine gun.

"Hahaha, what the hell is a gun supposed to do to me, dumbass?"

Hunter pulls the trigger on the gun and unloads the entire magazine onto Hunter. Each bullet hits its mark and completely tears through Hunter's skin.

"Ahhh, what the fuck type of bullets are those?"

George reloads his gun and stands over Hunter's bleeding body.

"You thought it would be easy just because I have no OGI, huh? Sorry to tell you, but I can't let you get to the beast king."


George quickly backs away from Hunter's body."

"What the hell, how are you alive?"

Hunter's body starts to spit out all the bullets inside of it and quickly regenerates.


Hunter, while laughing hysterically, slowly rises from the floor.

"You know, those bullets might have been strong enough to kill A regular OGI user, but too bad for you, I'm no regular OGI user."

George quickly points his gun at Hunter. Hunter opens his mouth wide and spits a green substance onto the gun. The gun starts to melt.

"oww, hot!!"

George quickly throws the gun onto the floor and looks at his palm, which has been burned to the point where he can see the inside of his hand.

"Ahhh, what the fuck!!"

As George looks at his burned hand, he starts to think to himself.

"Wait, that green acid I know I've seen that somewhere."

"You really thought you could kill me. Hahaha, don't make me laugh."

Hunter grabs George and throws him into a table.


George starts to bleed from the head and back.

"I'll have to take the information I need from you by force, but this will be more painful than just telling me you know."

"I'll never tell you where the beast king is; he's done too much for the Moro zone for me to give it to you so easily."

"Who said I needed to ask you anything?"

Hunter picks George up by the collar and sticks his sharp finger into his neck.


"Now it's time to get the information I need."

George starts to drool from his mouth. A strange poison starts to spray into George's body from Hunter's finger.

"Now talk, old man."

"You you...can g.g.g get to the beast king by screaming the password while inside of the mist."

"Wow, you're trying to resist impressive, but you still ended up telling me anyways. Now Go ahead and tell me the password."

"The....the password is."

As Georges's consciousness starts to fade, he starts to think to himself.

"I can't let him win, damn it."

George quickly pulls a black ball with a button on top of it out of his pocket.

"Go to hell, you bitch."

George stuffs the black ball into Hunter's mouth and clicks the button.

"This is what I call an anti-OGI bomb; this for sure should kill you!"

The bomb explodes and destroys the diner. When the dust clears, all that's left is rubble and George's beat-up body. As George breathes deeply, he starts to see flashes of his life, but most importantly, he starts to see flashes of the time he spent with Wayne and Lex.

"Hehe, to think I lived for 53 years and these are my happiest memories. Aye Wayne I know you can't hear me, but please never lose your way, no matter what happens."

As George starts to regain his vision, he sees Hunter standing over his body.

"Like I said before, those tricks would work on a regular OGI user, not me, but thanks, now I know how to reach the beast king."

Hunter lifts his left foot and slams it into George's skull, completely crushing it. As his skull splatters onto the ground miles away from the fight, Wayne, with Kage and Unknown following him, all of a sudden stops climbing up the Kirata mountain.

"What the hell was that? It almost felt like someone was calling out to me."

"Hey, Wayne, are you good up there?"

Wayne looks down at Kage and Unknown to answer Kage's question.

"Oh no, it's nothing; let's just keep climbing."

"Oh, ok, but how the hell does he climb so fast?"

"I have no idea, man. Let's just keep following; we're almost at the mist Wayne was talking about earlier."

"Alright, then let's get a move on!"

Chapter 25 end  

R.I.P old man George a true friend

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