
The Extent of wickedness - Part 15

Thursday continued ….

Those simple words broke through the barriers that James had erected. All he could do was sweep Alecia into his arms, and kiss her. Alecia slipped her hands down and under his top needing to touch his bare skin. Feeling her hands on his chest, James realised that things were getting out of control quickly. He slowed down the kisses and gently pulled away, urging her to sit up on the couch.

"Alecia, I am way too old for you. You deserve everything the world can give you, to make your choices and fly. Not to settle for the first man who shows you affection."

"James, my step-mother will not tell most people, but she fell in love with my father when she was seventeen. It took her seven years of devotion to get him to marry her, as he stubbornly focused on us and their age difference, rather than realising his own feelings. They missed out of a whole lot of a life together because of us, which makes my brothers and I feel guilty."