
Anniversary - Part 2

**warning this chapter contains material not suitable for those under the sage of 18 years**

Wednesday, continued

Anna immedeatly melted into Hou Yi's arms allowing him to caress her b*easts for a few minutes before turning to take his face in her hands and kissing him moving her tongue inside his mouth, causing Hou Yi to moan.  As she pulled away, Hou Yi moved her back against the shower wall.

As she reached the wall Anna commenced caressing Hou Yi with him reciprocating as they continued to kiss.  When Anna's took his p*nis into her hands, caressing it, Hou Yi moaned "Anna, if you keep going, you will finish me so soon."

Quickly retaliating Hou Yi, moved his hand down and quickly inserted one, then two fingers in Anna's v*gina while the water continued cascading over them.

As Hou Yi started to move his fingers Anna let out a loud moan of pleasure, saying "Yi, do not tease me…"