
Chapter Two

i'm Noah Elias, came here 3 years ago, in our group , im the longest who stayed here , i was a police back then and im just like you when i first started here" the man who greeted me first said

"I'm Elijah Juaquin, came here last year, i'm a college student back then, i think this place is really fun at first and until now" the 2nd man said

"I'm James Voi, came here 8 months ago, in this group , im the last to join but now you are. I'm a high school student back then , im also the youngest here and i think even now im still the youngest if you will join our group because you look older than me"

"I'm Natalie Froyage, A college student back then, i enjoyed this place"

"I'm Brianna Estova, College student back then, its nice to meet you"

"now you know all of us, like what james said,will you join us?" Noah said

I think before i answered "YES"

I said yes because i wanted to know who they are talking about.

"And you, who are you?" Noah asked me

"I'm William Collins, I graduated college two years ago" i said

"Nice to meet you william" they said

"So  tell me about yourself" Elijah said

"I'm just a normal citizen, i only have 3 friends but i lost 1" i said

"you lost 1 of them?why?what happened?" Noah asked

"She's missing  , she dissapeared like a bubble, i dont know where is she, me and Oliver search everywhere but we cant find her, but im still hoping that she's still alive" I said

"who's oliver, your other friend? " James asked

"Yes, he was" I answered

"and what is the name of your missing friend? " James asked

"She's Lexi" I said while looking down

"I hope you can find her soon" James said while smiling and I know he said that to make me smile so I smile slightly even I know it's so obvious that I'm only faking it but I appreciate it.

"now, can I ask? " I said

"yeah, go on"  Noah said

"Why you all end up here? " I asked

"Just like you, we don't know why, we don't have idea" Elijah answered

"Natalie said she enjoyed Here but why?  I thought you only serve here then why Natalie enjoyed here?  Serving isn't fun" I said

"you don't know my life story back then" Natalie said so we all look at her

"Why? " I asked

"yeah tell us why" James said while smiling

"You still don't know James? " I asked james

"nope, I'm new here so I still don't know her story, I only know Noah and Elijah's story" James answered

"I'm outsider but a smart student, everytime I get a high score my classmates always throw hurtful words and even hurts me physically, my family doesn't care about me at all, I really tried my best for them but they only said bad things about me, they always see what's my mistakes but never see what I'm doing right, then one day I wake up here in this place and since then I treated well, I don't feel lonely because I have them, Noah ,Alijah,James and Brianna, that's why I enjoyed here more than my life back then, with my family and with my classmates" Natalie said while we all are listening carefully to what she's saying.


I slowly get comfortable and slowing learning what they are doing here,serving for the boss that I still don't know the name

LET'S EAT NOW!!  Noah yelled our the group  gathered together and make a round

I only eat few because I can't get more food because all of them struggle for the possession to get a food because we only eat twice a day.

But I'm OK, I'm slowly get used to it

I'm glad because they all kind at me and they treat me as their friend.

I slowly got closed in each of them and knew their different stories, Noah the oldest and longest who stayed here and a police back then, Elijah, the strongest and full of confidence , always wear a smile, he's a college student when he went here. Natalie, who find her happiness here, A sister in our group. Brianna a college student too when she went here, I'm 2 years older than her. She lives normal and no problem at all and just accept the fact that she is here. James, the youngest here, he's only high school student but he already ended up here, I feel sad for him because they said once your here already, there's no turning back,i don't know what will happen if you tried to escape here , I asked them but they said I will know it soon  so I only need to wait.

While I'm sitting alone, Brianna sat beside me

"Aren't you bored? You're only sitting here but Natalie and others are playing, why don't you join? " she asked

"No, I don't get bored, I'm thinking something" I answered

"is it important? " she asked but I just look down

"oh... I guess it's important, what are you thinking?  " she asked

"nothing" I answered

"you're thinking about your friend, am I right? What's is here name??  Oh I remember...  Lexi, what a beautiful name" she said

"yeah you're right" I answered while smiling slightly

"you like her? " she asked while looking at me so I look at her too

I think it's not bad if I'll tell her the truth, I know I can trust her and she dont know Lexi too and specially it's impossible that the two of them will meet so I don't have worry

I nod and she smiled

"I guess it right too" she said while smiling

"You? " I asked her so she look at me

"you already fall in love to someone? " I asked and she look down and smile

" I don't know, I don't know what love is" she said

"seriously? " I asked her while looking at her and she look at me too and smile

"yes *laugh* I don't know what love is, I don't know what's the feeling of loving someone" she said and I look away

"If you feel something, like spark or getting attacked to someone, feels happy when your with him, feels comfortable with him, can say all you want in front of him, if you're afraid to lose him, that was love is" I said while she was looking at me

We become quiet for a minute then she talk

"I think you're a love expert" she jokingly said

"nope, I know what love is because of someone" I said