
Chapter Ten


He was so quiet,  I have 30% believed that it will happen so I was not really shocked like William. It was more sad for his side because he didn't have a chance to talk to Oliver before the day he sched to died.

"You know, oliver says he was so grateful to have a friend like you, you really did your best to find me, he hoped he see you before he died and he will be happy if it happens and it happens so he was happy in heaven now because he get a chance to saw you before he died,  don't worry about him, he's in good hands now" I said to atleast makes him happy


When I wake up I stretched my arms and legs then look at where Lexi's bed but she was not there

Where is she?

I went to ROOM 1 to look if she went there and when I entered the room I saw her

She looks like she talk to Brianna and Natalis

I walk towards them and she saw me

"you're already up" she said

"What are you doing here? Seems like you and them talk about something, can I know what is it? " I said

"Just about Oliver" She said while her face is straight then pass over me

I look at Natalie and Brianna first before following Lexi


me and Natalie were talking about our life outside when someone stand in front of us so we both look up and slightly shock when we see Lexi

"Is it about Oliver? "Natalie asked

"I'm really angry because you were all so selfish but I came here not because of that" she said so me and Natalie look at each other then look at lexi

"What is it? "Natalie asked

"About William... *sigh* please look after him, If you can do to save him then do it please... Take care of him" she said then we saw William entered the door

"William is here" Natalie says

"Don't tell it to him, for sure he will asked why Im here" she said then William finally in front of us and like what lexi says William asked why is Lexi here and lexi answered "just about Oliver" then pass over william

When they both finally exit the room,  me and Natalie look at each other

"Why is she telling that? " Natalie asked to me but I don't know what's the answer too,  even me is confused why she said that but I was worried about William , what if she said that because...


"You dont have to do that" i said

"Why? Get mad of them because they are too selfish,im oliver friend too so i have right to get mad to the people who let oliver died and hurts you, now tell me whats another reason why shouldnt i get mad at them" she said but i didnt open my mouth and just shut up

"Im sorry" she said while her head is down

"Its ok,i understand you" i said then she look at me so i get confuse

"Why are you looking at me that way?" I ask

"No...nothing" she said then turn her eyes to other way

"Are you sure? " i asked because she looks like she want to say something important to me

"Yes, its nothing" she said then smiled then she look at her wrist and show me the one rubber band on her wrist and take it off

"Remember here?" She asked then i nod while smiling

"Me,you and oliver play rubber band most of time when we were young, you and him even make this as your bullet in uncle's handmade gun, i miss the old days but i" she said but i didnt answered what she said after *but i*"

"But what?" I asked for her to repeat what she said

"Nevermind" she said then take my hand and wear it to my wrist

"Its yours,take it" she said then smiled

Looks like she was thinkng about sad memories or shes missing something maybe oliver and she seems wants to say something to me, even though i want to know what is it, i didnt ask her why because she already said that its nothing


I waited him to fell asleep and when he already fell asleep I quickly walk towards the door and leave the room.

I entered the last room,  the 666 room and close the door when I already inside the room.

I know someone is behind me even it's so dark and can't see what's inside this room I feel someone behind me even it's just walked slowly towards me.


When I wake up I get up while scratching my eyes, when I'm done scratching my eyes I looked at Lexi's bed but she's not there, I look at people around because maybe she was there but I can't see her.

Where is she?

I leave the room and went in ROOM 1 but she isn't there either

Even though I don't want to, I walk towards Brianna,James and Natalie who is talking to each other

"Do you know where is Lexi? Did you see her?" I asked

"Nope, we... We didn't see her?  " Natalie answered

"Maybe she's just roaming around " James said

"Yeah maybe she's just roaming around, just search everywhere" Natalie said

"Okay" I said then leave the room 1 while looking around until I finally leave the room

I look in ROOM 2 but this room only have things around and there's no human around.

I look in ROOM 3 but it's very dark and silent so I didn't entered the full room.

I look in ROOM 4 but there's no human around but the lights are on

I can't open the other rooms because it's locked

I open the door of ROOM 101 but I didn't continue to entered because there's a guard inside so I slowly closed the room so they can't see me.