
Chapter Eight

"I understand " I said

"I'm really sorry " she apologized again

"Stop, if you apologized again I will get mad again" I said so she stopped

We sat together quietly just looking to people in front of us.

I hope I still can go out in this place, with you and with Noah, Elijah, Natalie, James and Gian" I said and she look at me

"I don't think so..." she said

"It's hard to escape here" she continued

I just sigh.


"We were really sorry" James apologized

"Please stop apologizing now" I said and James just look down


In next few weeks Gian and I get more closer.

If I know he needs help I will help them and if he knows I need help he will help me, sometimes he's with our group too but most of the times he's with his friends, I said to him his friends can be our friends too but he says his friends are not friendly and don't want a lot of friends and he thinks it's not good if us and his other friends will bond together, he thinks it will just make trouble to our group, so he decided to separate his time with us and his friends, if he's with his friends and can't go with us we understand him.


I was in a deep sleep when someone shake me slightly hard so I open my eyes and I saw one of the helper in front of me

"Get up" he said so I get up

I'm about to wake NOAH to say i will just go some where when the helper stop me

"Let's go" the helper says so I quickly followed him

We went in a place that I haven't seen before.  Its a place with a lot of people that I haven't seen before too. Where is this place? This place is so big, maybe there's more place here that I havent still seen yet too.

This place is different, people here looks sad, this place has orange Light that makes the place more sad

When I already entered the door I look at them and they all looked at me too but with a sad expression, why??

I heard the door closed and the helper in my back is already gone. I tried to open the Door but it's lock

I look in the people around me. I walk while looking all of them who look at me too with a sad expression.

I'm looking at them when someone called me

"WILLIAM!!! " a familiar female voice shouted

I look back because I heard the sound in my back

And I was shocked to see Lexi there

"Lexi?! " I said, she ran towards me and hugged me tight

"Why are you here? " she asked while crying

"you, why are you here too? What are you doing here, me and Oliver search for you everywhere and here, I will find you here,  what happened? Why are you here? " I said

"You shouldn't be here" she said while looking at me with her teary eyes

I touch her face and look her face

"I miss you" I said

"I miss you but first listen to me" she said while taking my hand off her face

"What is it? " I asked

"this place is very dangerous, They killed innocent people to serve to their boss, you already saw the boss right? But only the shadow because he was always hiding behind the curtain, This is a MUMSECHID place, you should escape, once you locked here your schedule for your death is coming, all people here are still hoping that they can escape here so once we escaped we should help them too because we can't all escape together" she said while holding my hand

"We should leave but first I'll tell it to my friends too" I said and I was about to walk when she holds my hand to stop me so I looked back

"They are not a true friends" she said

"They know all of it, you're already scheduled to die and they know it in first time you came here,  don't believe them, they are lying, they are not true to you,  they are not true friends, we should leave without them" she said

"But... " I said but didn't continue because she talk

"but before we escape, we should help Oliver too" she said that got me confused

"Oliver, is he here too? " I asked

"Yeah, iM the first to came here. He came here on October 1st, 2 weeks before but he break 2 rules so he schedules to die earlier to his scheduled before, we should help him" she said

October 1st, I came here earlier than him, I came here on June 22nd but now he scheduled earlier than me

"where is he, do you know where is he? " I asked

"Yes, he's scheduled now, he's in DEATH ROOM now" she said

I was about to run when she stopped me again

"Just wait here, I'll be back I promised" I said while holding her shoulders then use my all strength to break the door since it's still locked

1 time,  2 times then in 3 times I already broke the door

I came back to the place where am I before and saw Elijah and others there

"Hey, where have you been? " Noah asked while walking towards me

I hold his collar so tight that makes them shocked

"hey what's the problem? " Elijah asked

"You? All of you, you already lied to me and apologize to me but you all lied to me since i first came here,  is that your plan huh? I thought you were really a true friends but I was wrong, I already forgiven you but this time I can't" I said

"What are you talking about? " Elijah and Noah asked

"Remember what I've told you, my friends outside, I know you already know whats happening, Oliver is scheduled to die now and I saw Lexi in the room where the helper take me early in the morning,  Lexi told me everything, now I know, tell me where is Oliver, where is the death room?!! " I said while I'm so angry