48 Chapter 48

"Will you hurry up?" Delphi shouted up the stairs. "We're going to miss our train!"

"I'm coming! Hold your horses!"

A moment later, Isobel came galumphing down with her suitcase. "Okay, I've got everything."

"The boys are already in the cab. Come on."

They let the front door slam behind them, and Isobel rolled her suitcase down the path.


Isobel turned to see Talia flying down the sidewalk toward them. "I thought you already left," Isobel said.

"I'm taking the four o'clock. I just went over to Geoff's to say good-bye. A real good-bye, as in good-bye and good luck."


"Listen, I wanted to thank you for not ratting us out to the cops."

"There was no point. Felicity would have had to press vandalism charges against you, and considering they've shut down her theater and she's facing prison for fraud, she isn't in a position to make a fuss. But I don't think I would have in any case. If ever a show was worth sabotaging, this was it."


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