
Off with his head!!

Au: (MY!) Broken au Ship; Sanegiyuu Amount of chapters; 6 Rating: safe for work Demon king! Giyuu Demon Prince! Tanjiro Demon Princess! Nezuko Demon Princess! Shi Giyuu, the adoptive father of Tanjiro and Nezuko Tomioka and the elder brother to Shi Tomioka, the four of them are demon royal’s, they have split all of japan into four parts. Nimemiok - Nezuko’s territory. Kanimkoa - Tanjiro’s territory. Shnkinna - Shi’s territory. Ginnakua - Giyuu’s territory. Each of them rule over their section as a demon royal while Giyuu has to put up with all the demon slayer hashira’s in his own. He goes to sleep for a hundred years and wakes up to one of his ‘most trusted’ demon followers filling his place, having killed the whole court and now Giyuu has to deal with cleaning up the mess. What happens when he meets a badly hurt Sanemi after killing Muzan Kibutsuji? _____________________________ Updated every Wednesday.

MioShiTomioka · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Act one; It's time to wake up.. Ani

Giyuu Tomioka, the demon king has been asleep for the last hundred years, having no idea what was going on in the world, that is until a voice in his head whispered to him, it sounded like his sister. "It's time to wake up.." he had been in an endless void for one hundred years after being laid down to sleep by one of his most trusted followers.

"It's time to wake up… Ani."

Giyuu's eyes slowly fluttered open, the sun was out, covering his whole body, his skin as pale as ever, the blue wave-like marks on his face hidden with one of his many blood demon arts "it seems i've been asleep for a while.." he could tell my the air that murder of human and demon was now entering the lands of his rest, all around him stood his children and his sister.

"Kibutsuji has gotten out of control." Shi, the one who protects the land under the name of 'Shnkinna' hissed, gritting her teeth, clearly she was not happy about it. "He's been saying that he's the demon king and has been trying to find the blue spider lily." her brow twitched "he hasn't found it yet."

"Good." Giyuu hummed as he sat up, stretching out his arms."Tell me everything that's happened while I was asleep." His two children instantly cuddled up to his sides as Shi spoke about what had been going on.

"Kibutsuji killed off every last court member, and has been turning people into demons; he isn't even doing it properly! They're going around and eating humans to stay alive." she sighed, watching Giyuu's eye twitch. "He almost took over red-light but I kicked him out before he and his little pet 'Daki' I think her name was."

Giyuu hummed and nodded, rubbing the top of his children's heads. "Where is he?"

"He is currently near the demonslayer corps headquarters." Tanjrio, the eldest of Giyuu's children said with a smile, leaning into the affection he was getting from his father "Nezuko and I have been helping them out lately!"

Giyuu smiled softly, "I'm glad." He gently pulled his hands away from their hair and stood, the sapphire blue blanket wrapped around him falling to the ground and the mitch-matched haori was now on display over a plain white kimono. "Shall we go deal with him?"

Nezuko stood, grabbing his hand and smiling brightly "Hai!" Tanjiro grabbing his fathers hand as well, smiling brightly, Shi was already opening the vine door to the clearing which was where Giyuu Tomioka, the demon king was sleeping.

After a hundred years of rest Giyuu was ready to do anything, he had his strength and speed at max and the demon who had betrayed his trust, will fall by his own hand. "Muzan Kibutsuji, I'll be coming for your head."