
Of the Streets

Sam spends his days among juvenile delinquents, trying to reach their hearts and teach them a better way of life. At night, however, he takes a more hands-on approach to change people's views.

Habsazin · Action
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14 Chs

Episode 2 - A Brand New Face (3)

The boy standing in the doorway was tall and well built so it was only natural for Benjamin to fall to the ground after the unexpected punch. His face was bruised and he was in pain from throwing the punch. I couldn't be completely sure, but he looked a lot like Tyler.

I jumped over my desk and hurried to the door.

-Stop that at once!-

Benjamin was on the ground and his nose was bleeding. He began getting up and his right hand clenched into a fist. I was about to step in when Benjamin bowed out of nowhere.

-I'm terribly sorry for what I did Ty. I swear I'll make it up to you and the guys!-

Both Tyler and I were shocked at his words.

-The guys all left after you were gone you piece of trash!-

Tyler was preparing to throw another punch with Benjamin just standing there, ready to take the punch head-on.

-Stop this, right now!-

My hand moved fast enough to catch Tyler's but he was fast to shake it off.

-You're coming with me. NOW!-

Fighting in school was strictly forbidden and he had to be taken to Steve immediately. As for Benjamin, he needed to go see the nurse and get his nose checked out. I was just about to stop a few students and ask them to take him there when Benjamin stepped in.

-Don't worry teach, he used to throw harder punches, this isn't as bad as it looks.-

His words sometimes really bordered on the insane. I proceeded to tell two students who were passing by to take him to the nurse.

-This isn't some kind of street fight, go see the nurse immediately. As for you.-

I turned towards Tyler.

-You're coming with me to see the principal.-

He didn't have much he could do in the situation so he followed my instructions and came with me to see Steve.


-Ah, Sam, I'm glad you came by. I was just about to pay you a visit.-

Steve shook my hand and gestured towards the seat in front of his desk.

-We have a problem, Steve. Our new student here is causing trouble.-

His signature smile faded away and his expression changed into what we would frequently call his "Serious form".

-Bring him in.-

Tyler came through the door, avoiding eye contact with both me and Steve.

-What did you do young man?-

Tyler took a seat on the chair and without lifting his head spoke.

-I paid back an old debt.-

Steve leaned in and crossed his hands.

-This isn't a comic book, tell me what you did.-

-I punched a student.-

Steve let out a deep sigh.

-On your first day, that's impressive, most of our students do that in the second week. I take it the student in question has been sent to the nurse?-

I nodded.

-Good. Now as for you, I will let Sam determine your punishment and let me be clear, we absolutely do not allow any form of violence in this school. If you are caught assaulting another student again it will be considered as a breach of your disciplinary procedure and you will face proper charges for what got you here in the first place, understood?-

As Steve spoke, I became as frightened as Tyler himself. This was Steve's "superpower". Most of the time he was like a ray of sunshine that spread warmth everywhere it went, but if you made trouble at his school he'd essentially become a thunderstorm at open sea. This was one of the things that contributed to him becoming the principal of this school.

-Yes sir.-

All the rage that he had in his voice just a few minutes prior was completely gone and he had become completely obedient.

-Sam, I trust you can handle the rest?-

It took me a moment to snap out of it and answer the question.

-Of course.-

Steve nodded and Tyler and I left his office.

-So, what do I get, detention for a week?-

I couldn't help but smile.

-Something along those lines. You'll spend your breaks with Benjamin and me and both of you will stay after school if necessary.-

Tyler scoffed at my words.

-And how long do we have to do that?-

It was clear that just the thought of it was infuriating for him.

-Until the problems between you two are resolved, obviously.-

His grip tightened around his bag, but he continued walking without any further comments. We soon arrived at the classroom.

-I'll leave you alone here so you can enjoy the rest of your break. Please try to get to know your new classmates and get along with them, I'd greatly appreciate it.-

As soon as I was finished talking, Tyler entered the classroom and found himself a desk. I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and head towards the bathroom to try and calm myself down a little.

Hopefully, no one seemed to notice, but my heart was racing at a pace faster than a horse. The boy who tried to beat up David and whom I fought myself was now in my class. If I didn't know better, I'd say it was karmic justice that he'd end up here.

It was curious, however, that he seemed to know Benjamin. I know that Benjamin had formed something akin to a small gang before he came here, but I hadn't expected one of his former friends to also appear here.

-Oh god, Sam, what did you get yourself into this time.-

I splashed some water on my face and tried to gather my bearings. Tyler obviously doesn't know that it was me who beat him up that night and it's best if it stayed that way. As for him and Benjamin, it's probably best to try and learn what exactly happened between them before trying to fix anything.

I returned to the classroom to see most of the students had returned and Tyler was still sitting at his desk. Benjamin was probably still at the nurse's office, taking care of his nose.

-Tyler, a moment.-

Tyler gave me a stare of pure hatred as he got up and walked towards my desk.

-What you need?-

-Look, we're here to help you, get you back on the right track. So please try to stop looking at this as a form of punishment and instead look at it as something that's good for you. Everyone in this class has done something to get them sent here, but through a lot of hard work and dedication they're all doing a lot better now, Benjamin included.-

He scoffed at the mention of Benjamin.

-What everyone here wants is for you to realise your full potential in a positive and productive way instead of wasting it away on things that will only get you in trouble.-

This was something that needed to be made clear to our students since most of them saw our school as an alternative to getting sent to juvenile detention. Most of them learn that that wasn't the case and we really try to help them here, but there are always those who need extra convincing.

-I'd like you to stay after classes today so we can have a talk about your past, present and future.-

-How long after?-

Maybe my words really did get through to him.

-An hour, maybe two if necessary.-

-I can do one hour at best, I have important things to take care of.-

Well, it's not optimal, but I'll take what I can get.

-Is Ben going to be there?-

His angry tone returned.

-No, it's just the two of us for today.-

-Fine, I'll stay.-

I nodded and Tyler began walking back to his seat. As he walked, Benjamin came back into the classroom. I was preparing myself to step in, in case a fight broke out again.

-Ty, can we talk?-

Tyler stopped abruptly and turned around. I had rarely seen someone with such burning fury in their eyes. I already started to prepare myself to intervene when Tyler spoke up.

-Stay the hell away from me you asshole.-

Thomas spoke up.

-Hey, don't swear in front of the teach.-

Tyler just gave him the same furious look that was pointed at Benjamin up until now and went back to his seat. The atmosphere in the classroom was suffocating, to say the least.

Seems like I have one hell of a day ahead of me.