
"You...... You...... You, who said he would look at you in." Girl finally realized, also is the out of the door. Part with something of indefensible, become angry from embarrassment, part does not giv

"You... You... You, who said he would look at you in." Girl finally realized, also is the out of the door. Part with something of indefensible, become angry from embarrassment, part does not give up she finally leave the dragon do day room, right, is just a little bit, after all, brother is a man, can satisfy their curiosity, change clothes look at him, as if also pretty good, but that she wouldn't say, also won't do, so can only make a day out of the dragon in the room and closed the door for him.In at the moment she closed the door, a proud dragon day finally can be a good breath a sigh of relief, and then he put on the clothing, in a plain dress robes, again according to the mirror, have to say that this proud day dragon really looks nice, proud day dragon himself felt the impulse of a bent to yourself, ordinary dress robes, but he wear a different temperament, Like a fairy master, of course, this is a real practice cannot waste wood, so why you think so? A proud dragon suddenly good to see the face of the world despair.Dressed, proud day dragon finally put his younger sister, please come in, he remembered the sister called dragon resists the frost, is the daughter of his uncle, his uncle heros day listening to name is one of their own, so that the goods should be on their talents.Dragon resists the frost went into the room after the proud day dragon and a little embarrassed, after a period of calm at this time she has found it is oneself do not authentic, but according to her temper, embarrassed to apologize to the dragon do day again, so can only silently to help him clean this almost is not she pulled down the room, while packing way: "I... I am to see you dead."This sentence, feel proud day dragon how listen to how uncomfortable, but wanted to think, see, if translation, this sentence is I am to see you again, any thing talk to this character of girl, no imagination, is absolutely not."So, you've come to care about me?" Proud day dragon didn't intend to give her down the steps, then what she said directlyThe tao.As a result, he looked at her sister's face was red, but still side teeth itch to say "just... Didn't care about you, hum, you die is the best." Dragon dike do cat tunnel, the appearance of individual to feel proud day dragon, may be faster and to play the game of throwing furniture and escape, hide not open just the sort of death"But... But, how do I listen to other people say, you stupid?" The first half is the domestic outfit with bad tone, but the second half of the proud really concerned about dragon day again.See that resists the frost, dragons proud day finally to their sister down a judgment, this is a tsundere, hopelessly do jiao, but do jiao good fun ah. Double horse do jiao properties, coupled with the low height and slightly baby fat and lovely face. Oh my god, this is my sister? My sister is so cute? Fate ah, just Benedict you embarrassed, now I will praise you.As for someone to ridicule dragon do frost had almost put an end to the dragon proud day life and there is some poison tongue? These are all floating clouds? Sister this creature, no matter what is should be forgiven.