A fan of naval history and Worm ends up in worm as a shipgirl. General chaos ensues along with a bit of escalation. Can our protagonist save this doomed world?
March 14th, 2011
Brockton Bay
Sitting on a pier looking over the massive carrier undergoing pre-drydock maintenance was 3 women. Two looking almost like twins if you missed the green eyes and cybernetic left arm on one of them. The third being a green haired young adult with an amused look on her face as she watched the mother and daughter catch up for the past few hours.
"Enty I just remembered something I saw on the internet, a movie called Top-Gun. Is it anything like dive bomber?"
"Dive-bomber, I'm familiar with the type of aircraft if only from Captain De Poix but I am confused what does that have to do with Top-Gun?"
"It was a film that was made in 41, and I was the carrier they shot it on."
"Oh, then probably not the only similarity is probably Hollywood choosing to shoot both movies on enterprise. Besides I personally liked the homage to you in Star Trek both with the naming and the picture on the recreation deck."
"Star Trek?" piped up Salt Lake for the first time in the entire conversation.
"Wait you two have not seen Star Trek, please tell me you have at least heard of Star Wars if not then we need to rectify that soon." Retorted Enty.
Enterprise pulled out a little book and a pen then proceeded to open it and start writing in the book. Curious on what was in the book Enty peeked in and saw on top of the page 'Things to look into in the modern age.' It was then that a large growl emanated from Salt Lake's stomach as she looked sheepishly at the mother daughter duo.
"On that note I do know of a place that should be run by one of my old commissaryman back in Nam' supposed to inherit it from his dad, and I did just get a few hundred-dollar food allowance."
"Do you know if its still around?"
"Yup saw the old man watching me come in, plus I double checked with Matsuo if it was still around even got the directions."
"How does she know the local area?"
"She is a refugee from Kyushu and came to Brockton when she learned her brother lives here. She joined the navy and my crew to get out of refugee status and expedite her citizenship."
Fugly Bob's
"Umm Enty I don't know if anyone has told you, but the owner is not old enough to have served in the Vietnam war."
"Maybe he doesn't own it anymore, but he definitely runs the place, see there he is." As Enty pointed towards an elderly gentleman walking out of the kitchen with a CVN-65 service hat walking out of the kitchens before making a B-line to a group of naval aviators, "C'mon let's go in and get some grub, and add more to that list you got there mom."
Walking into the dive the three ship-girls started looking for a seat. Looking up one of the pilots looked to the door wondering who entered the place, before freezing as he recognized the second silvered haired woman as the ship he served on having been on deck when she first manifested. He stood up and gestured over to the table next to the group with a loud, "Hey E there's an open table right here."
Walking over to the empty table the trio of humanoid ships looked at the man and upon recognizing him from the supercarriers deck they sat down at the empty table.
"Thanks for the seat Cookie, and its good to see you deutschman still prowling around the griddle I see. I would have thought that you would have left it to your son in law."
"Ha haven't heard that nickname in a long time E, and no I would not leave grampa-Bobs grill to Kurt he can crunch numbers, but I swear the boy can burn water, Lacey mostly runs the griddle in my stead. But for you I think I can get the ol' spatula out and don't worry it's on the house, for how well you've taken care of me in Vietnam." Before turning around and re-entering the kitchen.
"So Enty I've been meaning to ask but I didn't want to interrupt your talk with mamaprise. You got any interesting or funny stories from your service." Questioned the treaty cruiser.
"I've got some good stories from before the floating golden dick and some after, take your pick."
"After please."
"Ok so to preface this I've only had good interactions with two parashits, one was a former crewman, and I will assume that I can't talk about them to much but the super name they chose started with the letter H. The other was with a professor Haywire and I ran into him twice. The first was him running to the navy to help deal with and I quote 'Angry Eldridge Stripper Ships' that was an interesting Tuesday thankfully only one of them got through before a woman wearing a fedora popped up out of nowhere and managed to close the portal. I think its somewhere around Newfoundland probably killed when the oversized whale sank half the place. The second interaction he called us up because he wanted to see some advanced tech and he wanted to do it in the ocean and not a little hidey hole. The portal he opened lead to some dark harbor with red lines everywhere, a weird pale individual with tentacles growing out of her. We launched a couple of missiles at that shit before sealing that portal, the salvage was good from what little we got from it and DARPA was happy to have non tinker advanced prints submitted for once."
"Don't forget being the only ship to survive a purposeful attack from all 3 endbringers."
"Enty explain." Demanded Enterprise with worry in her voice.
"Okay so first up to the plate was Leviathan during the siege or sinking of Kyushu he tried to use the water in my reactors to blow me up, but something happened where the water in reactors 4 and 6 went wonky and somehow no sold his water bending. Next was behemoth who tried to hit me with lightning when he was assaulting Kuwaiti oilfields near the coast, and I have no idea how I survived that, but it really cut up my flight deck and that was about it. Lastly the Simurgh was when I was in a British port not long after the London incident maybe an hour after, Propeller 1 and 4 jammed and forced me to slow down before two dozen meteors splashed down not 50 meters from my bow, and a rogue cosmonaut pod."
"Wait I thought modern AA could shoot that stuff down."
"Theoretically yes but when you have over a dozen meteors falling at the speed of Mach-fuck the radar couldn't track them fast enough to get guns on target."
The kitchen door opened and out came George and Lacey with 3 triple stacked burgers and delivering them to the now drooling shipgirls.
"Ok no more stories from me for a bit I need to eat this." Spoke Enty to Enterprise's and Salt lakes agreement.
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