
Of Space Whales and Battleships: Worm(Parahuman)

A fan of naval history and Worm ends up in worm as a shipgirl. General chaos ensues along with a bit of escalation. Can our protagonist save this doomed world?

Commonnerfer · Book&Literature
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96 Chs

Chapter 6-12

May 14th 2011

Georgia had just gotten off of a "phone call" with Dragon the topic being her next retrofit, after she had gotten her hands on the wave motion core, she had the idea that the gun which was a literal planet-killing weapon would be able to kill Zion or Scion or whatever his name was and save the planet once and for all.

It was the perfect ending to worm, then from there she could grow her fleet and help humanity recover from the space whale. I mean they kept their powers and everything. With what she just gave Dragon to work on. Humanity should easily be able to reach their destiny among the stars.

"Boss! I have a gift for you!" Archerfish announces walking into the museum's office.

"How many times must I ask you to stop calling me boss." Georgia asks

"Never gonna happen boss." Archerfish responded before pulling out a box from inside of her hull.

"Fine, what is that exactly?" Georgia asks

"Eugen was meant to give it to you; however I apparently didn't give her enough Weihenstephan." Archerfish admits.

" That was because she heard you mutter too easy under your breath. Hello, I was told you can bring me back." A ship girl says she appeared as soon as the box came out.

"What is your name?" Georgia asks to take the box, making sure to be careful with it.

"I am the USS Barb, and you are holding my compass." Barb says

"The submarine of one Eugene B Flucky?" Georgia asks

"The one and only." Barb affirms

"You needn't ask then." Georgia says summoning a wisdom cube and shoves it into Barb's chest.

"Welcome to the team Barb." Archerfish says with a smile.


Dragon was once again talking to Georgia, although the 5 inch confoam shells were in the works and had been tested successfully the mass production had seen several delays.

However this new email was something utterly insane. A mix of tinker tech and modern that was designed to be used in ways never tried before.

"Positron shock cannons, a wave motion core, engine, and gun? A slip space drive, how does she have two different tinker tech versions of FTL. Nano machine integrity field, and self repair. Hard physical force fields plasma, based force fields, hard light force fields some of the stuff is just straight up insane." Dragon says aloud in shock

'I know it's a bit crazy now.' George sends over text

'Crazy how in the hell did you get some of these!? Like this gravity hammer schematic is just bat shit insane.' Dragon responds instantly.

'So, if my crazy plan works. You will send me the newly made non tinker black boxed designs?' Georgia asks

'The designs? I would give you the material's too. If you actually managed to kill an endbringer that would change everything.' Dragon responds

'If you could also adapt the positron cannons for 18 inch shell fire and have them alternate between physical shells and the positron rounds that would make my day'' Georgia states

'If you can do the impossible, so can I.' Dragon responds

'Great just make sure it gets to Enterprise, or Taylor if Big E is too busy with her daughter.' Georgia responds

Dragon is just staring in wonder at some of the scanners.