
Of Space Whales and Battleships: Worm(Parahuman)

A fan of naval history and Worm ends up in worm as a shipgirl. General chaos ensues along with a bit of escalation. Can our protagonist save this doomed world?

Commonnerfer · Book&Literature
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96 Chs

Chapter 4-4

Georgia was driving her car trying to get away from the chaos that was the dock workers union. The amount of destroyers and submarines made it pure havoc. Let's put our beds in the pool so we can sleep underwater. What do you mean that's not a pool? It's clearly a pool! Or these are oil drums? We thought they were depth charges? We can't throw depth charges out into the bay? Are you certain? Fletcher was trying her best to reel in some of them but the redhead was part of the problem too. Luckily BB-34 was there along with Nevada to hold down the fort allowing Georgia to go out on the town. Enterprise was off with her daughter who now had a physical form. Salt Lake had followed along and Georgia had no clue where they went.

Brockton bay, the place that put Detroit and Columbus Ohio to shame. The abandoned houses were likely already stripped for the valuable metals in the piping and wiring; the buildings didn't even look livable. Georgia was slowly driving down the patchwork road till her GPS told her she had arrived. The fact that the GPS on her phone worked knowing there are little to no satellites in space still surprised her.

Georgia pulls in next to the corvette stingray. Meta knowledge means she knows that Danny only has that old truck, so it is likely she is not the only one over for dinner.


CVN-65 was sitting at the edge of the flight deck as her crew finished with the Mooring lines. She noticed a Green haired teen following behind a woman who could only be her mother. It was like looking in a mirror as the two disappeared up the gangplank. Enterprise adjusted her prosthetic left arm, something she did whenever she got nervous which wasn't often.

Enterprise CVN-65 looks out towards the city before she hears a cough behind her.

The nuclear carrier spins around on her heels like she had a gimbaling propeller.

"Mom?" CVN-65 asks her voice squeaking a little.

"You've gotten so big!" Enterprise says as she launches herself hugging her daughter.

The last time CVN-6 saw her daughter was as she was being scrapped.

CVN-65 was smart and just took the hug from momma Enterprise.

"Enty what happened to your left arm?" Enterprise asks

Causing the other carrier to flush red before flinching.

"It started when the exhaust from a jet ignited several rockets." Enty says

Her mother suddenly flinches, hugging her tighter.

"The explosion threw aircraft fuel everywhere and ignited it. Most the planes at my rear were caught in the fire, and since they were on the flight deck they were fully loaded." Enty says sadly remembering her crew running into the flames only for a bomb to explode and wipe them all out before more took over attempting to fight the fire.

"Let's go somewhere." Enterprise suddenly says

"People can't see me you know?" Enty says

"Georgia gave me this." Enterprise says holding out a blank mental cube.

"What is that?" Enty asks

Suddenly the blue glowing cube is shoved into her chest as she suddenly feel like she is no longer physically tied to the ship. Is the ship still her? Yes though, now it's an extension of herself.


Georgia nervously knocks on the door. She was never good at social things she was so good at faking it she could fool herself and others.

"It's open come in!"

Georgia walks into the house leaving her sandals at the door.

"Georgia? Welcome to our home!" Taylor says with a smile suddenly hugging the cape.

'Uh what? When was Taylor ever like this?' Georgia wonders knowing meta knowledge was a cheat but with ship girls who knew what was going on.

"I'm excited to have you here! I made my mother's lasagna so you better enjoy it!" Taylor says with a brilliant smile.

'Okay, no what in the hell is happening?'

"You? like Italian food?" Georgia asks

"Yep! It's good though foods that are Americanized are great too." Taylor says

"Don't mind her when she gets into an Italian mood she'll have us call her Lanciere. Though she hasn't done that in years." Danny says

" Alright then?" Georgia says sitting down at the table.

"Georgia, I wanted to thank you for getting the dry dock working, and agreeing to defend the fleet while it's at port." Avatar says

"Your welcome vice admiral." Georgia says with a smile

"I've got a gift for you." Avatar says sliding a Manila folder over to Georgia.

"Look at it in a secure location and I didn't give that to you." Avatar says

Georgia nods in response.

Taylor suddenly barges in humming anchors aweigh as she puts the Lasagna down on the table.

Georgia suddenly hears a cough behind her.

When no one else reacted Georgia decided to turn around anyway.

"Warspite?" Georgia asks

In truth, the only thing the girl shared with the Azur lane game was the sword she looked like an Artoria Pendragon from Fate.

"Finally you took forever getting here you know?" Warspite says with a smile.

"You knew I was coming? You're a British ship, how could you possibly understand my thoughts and logic?" Georgia asks

"What do you mean, you Americans have such simple logic? If one gun isn't enough, let's add more of them. How many anti aircraft guns do you have on board?" Warspite asks sarcastically.

"Enough to supply the enemy with a sufficient amount of freedom." Georgia replies, puzzling everyone else in the room. Warspite giggles.

"You yanks are as entertaining as always."

"Georgia, who are you talking to?" Danny asks

"Warspite, for some reason she's here in your house." Georgia replies

"Ah, Anne liked to collect warship memorabilia, we have a small segment of Warspites' armor plating in a box here in the house." Danny says

so how many of y’all are in the discord. I recently started playing wynncraft again, if any one is up for some questing.

Commonnerfercreators' thoughts