
60— murmuring and distrust

Juniper ,Elm ,Oak, Maple , Red fir , Beech and Pine. Lily looked round the woods, identifying the trees as she and her people passed them. She remembered with a small sting of pain the first time she came into these woods. Baba Mbari had gone on one of his journeys and he'd asked her to accompany him. She'd been so delighted. She'd learned her first fighting moves here, in these woods, practicing with her now dead friend and running around, feeling the forest dew in her hair.

Those were some fond memories she would cherish forever and venturing into these woods had somehow sprung her feelings of nostalgia. Shaking her head, she directed her attention somewhere else, banishing the flow of memories from her head. They would do her no good, she thought, walking faster to keep up with the group she was walking with.