
Of Foxfire and Cultivation (A Kitsune Young Master DxD Fic)

A formerly crippled cultivator was killed in a bar fight. He ends up reincarnated in the world of DxD. Reborn as a spirit beast (the son of Yasaka), Onari must make his way through this world that is so alien to him, yet so familiar to us... If you wish to support me, you can now! At Pat reon.com/dryskies_btb Polyamory warning: (MC has one main girl and they 'share' a harem. The main girl will always be loyal to the MC first though.)

Daddy · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs


Onari and Yu Wu winced when Gabriel said the stranger's name. They were both familiar with the name. Indra, King of the Devas and leader of the Hindu pantheon. Had their actions really drawn the attention of such a powerful being?

"Sup, sugar-tits," Indra dismissively said. Even if he knew it was a terrible idea to fight the god, Onari couldn't help but get mad on Gabriel's behalf. "It's great to see you again. How are things in that false Heaven of yours? Whatever, I don't actually care. Anyways, I'm not here for you so run along now. I've got business with the two cultivators behind you."

Even as Indra's insults rolled off Gabriel like water off a duck's back, Onari could barely contain his anger. Sure, some of it was because he was still somewhat simping for the innocent Archangel, but most of it was because of Indra's unbearably cocky attitude. It may have been deserved because of Indra's overwhelming power, but it still rubbed Onari the wrong way.

A part of him noted that Indra's dismissal for Gabriel was a bit like Onari's earlier disregard for the mortals he had pranked. But pranks and mischief were in his blood, another part of him reasoned. It was hollow consolation though. His prank at the DMZ had still been more punching down than he now felt comfortable with.

Onari recognized that 'might makes right' had been a cardinal rule for both of the worlds he had lived in. With his position in his previous life, it was impossible for him to not have internalized that rule. The power he now wielded in this life had only enforced it in an unhealthy manner. And only now, when he was faced with a being so far above him once more, did he truly remember how shitty it felt to be on the weaker end of that rule.

"Surely you can see that they have been reprimanded for their actions in North Korea. I believe I have the situation under control," Gabriel said. Her tone, position, and posture all screamed protectiveness.

"Ha!" Indra scoffed. "I don't give a shit that they buzzed the tower on a bunch of mortals or that they stole a nuke. Though, props for that last one, dude. Fucking hilarious. But nah, my business with them is a bit more… personal."

Gabriel's wings flared out behind her at that, obviously preparing herself for a fight. She might not be able to win, but she should be able to slow Indra down enough for Onari and Yu Wu to escape. For even if the youths behind her had made some mistakes, it was her duty to protect all of her Father's creations.

Onari stepped around Gabriel's wings and laid a hand on her shoulder. Yu Wu was quick to join him. He gave Gabriel what he hoped was a reassuring smile.

"Fine," Onari said, addressing Indra. "We're willing to talk. But Lady Gabriel stays."

Indra shrugged, "Whatever. No skin off my back."

Gabriel floated behind the couple as they summoned their flying swords and rose to face off against Indra. Onari kept a tight leash on his anger and dislike of the Hindu god-king, but the punchable smirk on his face certainly didn't help Onari keep calm.

Yu Wu asked something that had been bothering her since Indra first appeared, "How do you even know about us?"

"Skipping all the respect BS?" Indra smirked. "Nice… Anyway, I found out about you two through my Vanguard, Sun Wukong. He's actually been watching our boy Onari here for years now. He says you two are the most promising cultivators he's ever seen, not including himself of course, and he finally decided to tell me about you after you pulled that stunt with the nuke."

Onari tensed at the idea that he had been being watched by a higher being. Sure, he had always known that it was likely. Higher beings had to entertain themselves somehow after all. But having confirmation just felt weird and kinda creepy.

"So… I'm guessing this is the part where you kill us because of our talent? Stop any potential challengers before they can grow strong enough to become threats and all that?" Onari asked rhetorically.

"There's that cultivator mindset!" Indra laughed. "But nah, not today… I actually have a proposal for you two."

"Oh? And what would that be?"

"Well, I've got this rivalry going on with someone from my pantheon. We've been going back and forth for centuries, but now he's all like 'I don't want war' and 'I've got more interesting things to do'. It pisses me off. Like that brat thinks he's too good to rumble with his friend like old times…"

"What does this have to do with us?"

"Chill, bro, I'm getting there. So, a couple of years ago, I started gathering an army. I'm gonna take the war to that brat whether he wants it or not. And that's where you two come in. Wukong seems to think you would make some decent recruits."

"Why would we even agree to join you?"

Indra looked at him queerly before spelling out his thought process, "You're cultivators… Cultivators love to fight… I'm offering you training, resources, and worthy opponents… The way I see it, we both win here."

Onari glanced at Yu Wu, feeling that they were on the same page through their bond. Indra's offer was good… Like too good. Almost as if it had been drawn up with cultivators in mind. Which, to be fair, it probably had been. But working for a being like Indra didn't sit right with either Onari or Yu Wu. His attitude was abhorrent. They didn't trust him at all and the way he had treated Gabriel had certainly done him no favors.

"... And if we refuse?"

"You don't want to fight a god and his army?" Indra asked incredulously.

Yu Wu shrugged, "Not as we are right now…"

"But that's what I'm saying!" Indra said, trying to stress his offer. "With my proposal, you can get the training and time to get stronger!"

"If we don't join you, we'll have even more time to get stronger. And, when it comes to training, we've been doing well enough on our own so far. I think we'd prefer having agency over our own strength. Also, we have no reason to believe you won't take advantage of the leverage you would have over us if we agreed. You didn't exactly make the best first impression…" Onari said.

Indra scoffed, "Pfft, whatever, dude. I'm likable as fuck."

"How about giving us some time to think about your offer?" Yu Wu said, extending a bit of an olive branch.

"Do what you need," Indra replied, hiding how much he wanted to have the pair of cultivators in his service behind a nonchalant, stoic facade. "Wukong will probably be visiting you soon. Just tell him your answer. I don't have any more patience for this diplomatic shit."

Yu Wu nodded, "Understandable. Have a nice day."

"Damned youths," Indra chuckled, shaking his head. "Whatever, dude. I'll catch y'all later."

Indra disappeared in a flash of light, not even bothering to say goodbye to Gabriel. The hidden tension in Onari, Yu Wu, and Gabriel relaxed.

"Should we have just accepted his offer?" Onari asked, glancing at his fiancee.

Yu Wu pursed her lips, "I don't know. Maybe… But I definitely think he was hiding something from us. Hundred bucks say he's not going to just let it go like that if we refuse."

"That is an astute assessment of Lord Indra," Gabriel spoke up from behind them. "I believe he means well most of the time, but his methods are not always palatable."

Onari sighed, "Well, that's something for us to look out for in the future…"

"I-If you would like, I could grant you sanctuary in Heaven for some time. Lord Indra would not be able to easily reach you there. A-And it would be nice to have some company…" Gabriel hesitantly said.

Onari instantly agreed, "Absolutely! A-Ahem… I mean, thank you, Lady Gabriel. I believe that will be a favorable arrangement for all of us."

Yu Wu smirked at him, but didn't say anything. Onari ignored her. Many, many people would kill to spend time with the Archangel Gabriel. He was not going to be a fool and pass up the opportunity. Though when it came to his brand new dream of seducing the Most Beautiful Woman in Heaven… he didn't know the first place to start.