
Of all the gods...

One day the gods went on a mission in order to save the Earth from destruction. They saved Earth, but it cost them their lives. None of the gods or goddesses had heirs, because of the old rule that they couldn't fall in love with anyone. So, they picked new people to take over and abolished the old rule. This time they kept it simpler, there would be there would be only seven types of gods and two representing each, except for one type, balance. Balance would be only one person and they would keep the gods from fighting and try to keep peace. When selected you are ripped from where you are until notified that you could leave. The new gods and goddesses would still live a human type life, but with godly powers. One of the new gods is a girl named Annalysa. What God will she be?

Blaire_Cassanova · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs


Hi, this is a warning page. So, warnings:

1. I'm a cliche romantic, so be prepared

2.I will make spelling mistakes, but I try to limit them

3. There will be blood and graphic descriptions in this book, so if your not comfortable with that I will leave warnings on the chapters that have that.

4. Plot twist will happen often, so beware

5. Okay, not really a warning, but I will post Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.

Original Story


©2019 all copyrights reserved

This story may suck, but I still own it so please don't steal or post on other apps. If you see this story on other apps please notify me at blairecassanova@gmail.com .

Thank you! Happy reading!