
Odyssey through The World of Origin

2158 E.E. Kaiser Interstellar Federation Valent, a world of interstellar exploration, with archaeologists through the constant excavation of ancient ruins in different planets. One day found mysterious technology on a barren planet that dated millions of years ago. Constant research brought forth an epoch-making game called "Origin World", due to its unknown origin, only a few qualified individuals are given slots during its testing period. Zoe, a "less-than-average" high school teen from Blue Star, died unjustly of choking on a popsicle. Waking up finding himself in the body of a rich second generation, Zoe Von Walker. The 2nd son of the head of the Walker Family. Follow Zoe as he enters "Origin World" and lives his life peacefully. Or not. - - - - - - - - - - - - - This is my first time writing, please bear with me. uwu

Void_Butterfly · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Moonlit Birthday

7 Years Passed

7:63 AM Valent, Planet Zokov, December 13, 2158

Rays of light flashed through the opened curtains on the window. Falling onto the face of the youth laying dazed on the bed with his phone. Auburn hair reaching his ears, the front, covering a portion of his view, small nose, porcelain white complexion, butterfly-wing-like eyelashes, and bright glinting eyes. Seemingly bored while looking at his phone, lips pursed.

Blowing air to the hair covering his view, the boy flipped to the side laying over his tum, avoiding the light directed at his face.

Today is a very special day for Zoe, knowing that he will be officially an adult, and will be starting his adult life. Especially after knowing that he can now go outside without the supervision of others. After all those years of tort-living inside the manor, he can finally be free from these unseen shackles.

Zoe is currently looking through his phone searching for a home to settle on since his father decided that he can live on his own after he's 18 years old, and has been so excited since then. Just thinking about going everywhere and trying new things makes him feel so jittery. So excited that the butler and random servants at home can see him just walking idly in the corridors then suddenly jumping and squealing.

Scrolling continuously on his phone, passing through random options of large variations.

[Seaside Villa]? Nope, next

[Forest Cabin]? Might meet some bears, next

[Courtyards]? Too ancient, next

[Farmhouse]? Nonono, next

[Apartment]? Somewhat okay, next

[Commercial Space Housing]? Ummm… no, next

[Condominium]? Hmmm? This looks nice.

Clicking into the [Condominium] category, listed down are all condos available for sale near the Central Star. Various listings are shown in his phone, without further ado clicking the filter button, filtering those exaggerated and overrated options, settling with those low-key peaceful and beautiful within a price range he can afford.

Berkeley Condominiums? Rental only? Too troublesome

Vista Housings? Too far from the capital T^T

Kaiser Land and Housing? Fudge, this is too expensive, I can almost buy myself a small planet with that amount.

Starry Heights? Eh?

Squinting his eyes slightly, giving this option a good look.

Zoe couldn't help but exclaim with all the information about this housing company, not cheap but not expensive either. With high-tech floor-to-ceiling glass on the side facing outwards, where you can see from the inside but cannot be seen from the outside. With furniture more on antiques, the house is a mix of ancient and modern style existing with balance and harmony in mind, making the house more pleasing to the eye. Prompting himself to click into it to read more information.

Starry Heights featuring: Crescent Moon

Verdant Hills, Metropolis, Moon City, Lumen Planet, Central Star

Price: 50 Million Starnet Credits

Currently Tenant: 1

Available spaces : 3

A 10 Storey Semi-Circular Condominium with complete facilities ranging from recreational, leisure, entertainment, sports, etc. perfect for both outdoor and indoor activities. Self-sufficient for electricity, having both Solar and Lunar Panels interchanging for day and night. Each space has a Highly Intelligent AI capable of performing complex instructions and high learning capabilities, but limited only to the tenants' wishes. With a free Starnet Connection.

Pets are not allowed

Pets are not allowed

Pets are not allowed

Qualifications for Leasing :


No Pets

Requirements for Leasing :

Identification Card

Legal Documents

For further information please contact 02-XXXX-XXX

Reading the words on the screen, he couldn't help but giggle. This place is interesting.

'It seems that they really emphasized that pets aren't okay', Zoe thought while petting the black cat just beside him on the sofa. The soft black fur of the cat brushing past his palm feels so good he can't stop and just keep petting it.

The black cat just purrs in response to his petting. This black has been with him for almost 7 years. Still looking the same. He once tried to ask his father about the cat but his father just told him that the technology in the empire is advanced now that they can even extend a human's life, why not animals? He said that maybe before we found the cat, it must have escaped from a biological laboratory. I believed that theory of that father of mine at that time, but after so long he just disregarded it. Since the cat is his, he'll be with him all the time, so he doesn't need to bother with the issue of his cat's long life. At least he'll have company.

Zoe named the black cat "Crow", which matches its black silky color, at first he suggested to it the name "Blacky" when it suddenly scratched his hands and he cried loudly that servants in the house panicked and wondered what happened to him that made him cry that loud.

Butler Carrion at that time hurriedly came to Zoe asking if anything was wrong. Zoe, not wanting to implicate his newly found friend, lied to the butler telling him that his pinky in the foot just hit the corner of the chair. The butler could only facepalm at the silly reason of this young master of his.

After that gaffe, he returned to his own room and talked with the black cat all night, giving random names, and choosing which name the cat reacted to the most. When Zoe said the name "Crow", the black cat visibly stiffed for a mere second thus prompting Zoe to name the black cat "Crow". By which the cat never disagreed. He was happy that time and remembering those times he couldn't help but touch the cats' head while brushing its ears with his fingers. 'Hehe, such a cutie' thought to himself.

The cat as if knowing what Zoe was thinking at this time slapped his hand away. Its plump pinkish-white paw pads pressed against his hand deeply contrasting with the cat's black color.

Zoe didn't bother with his cats' antics but just hugged it closer to himself. Enclosing it with both arms, snuggling his face in his cat's fur. The cat, though can be seen as feeling uncomfortable, just rests and lay in his arms without moving along with its signature lazy look.

After sniffing a dose of "felinergy", he reluctantly let go of the cat, leaving it in the bed. He stood up, and fixed his clothes, walked from his bed closer to the window sill looking at the morning, and took his phone from his pocket to make a call. The call soon connected and started ringing.


"Zoe, do you need anything from daddy? Or do you want to buy something? Just tell daddy, it's your birthday today.", hearing the stern but soft voice on the other side of the phone, Zoe smiled.

"Dad, I've found a nice place to stay after today. It was called Starry heights or something", thinking about it again he couldn't but be excited. "I'll send you the link and photos of the place, I really like this place so much."

"I'll see to it later after finishing things here.", the voice on the other side softened a lot. Answering with a bit of reluctance and a tinge of sadness.

"Thanks, dad! Love you!", Zoe, oblivious to the change of his dad's tone, ended the call, beaming up.

'I'll just talk the details over to dad later at dinner.'

After the call, Zoe got to his room and just lay on his bed, dazed, by which the black cat Crow followed quickly too besides him. Snuggling to his arms, the fluffy fur of the Crow brought forth to him comfort and satisfaction. By which he soon fell asleep.

~~[(--)]zzz ~~

A few hours passed, at noon, soft knocking can be heard from the door. Evidently afraid of disturbing the person inside the room.

"Mmm!", a muffled voice can be heard from inside. Asserting permission to the one knocking on the door to enter.

As the person inside answered, the butler in a suit-and-tie slowly opened the door and wheeled in a serving cart with, chicken salad, a few slices of fruits, a bowl of soup, and a bunch of sweets as a side dish. Pushing it over the bedside.

"Young Master, the Master asked me to bring food over.", Butler Carrion said respectfully, standing beside the food cart.

The lump on the blanket did not move even once, as if not hearing the butler's words. But a small lump separated from the big lump moving off the side of the bed.

The cat, Crow, sat in front of the butler, licking at his claws. Seeing the cat looking straight at him, the butler stood there unperturbed of the cats' gaze.

Noticing that his young master haven't responded to his call, the butler could only sigh and remove the transparent lid on the food, letting the aroma from the food permeate into the room.

Only a few seconds have passed, muffled sniffing could be heard clearly in the silent room. The lump on the bed twitched a little as if perceiving something.

Rustling a few times, the blanket was thrown over the foot of the huge bed. Zoe with his closed eyes can be seen sitting on his bed listlessly, with his hair disorganized.

Moving aside the hair covering his face, yawned, and brushed his hands to his eyes a few times, lessening his lethargy. Then smiling sheepishly at Crow and Butler Carrion.

Crow, at the edge of the bed, looked at him in disgust. While the butler, still standing at the side moved his hand motioning toward the food tray, directing Zoe's attention to the tray containing his lunch.

Seeing the food prepared at the bedside, he quickly scooched over the edge of the bed, right in front of the tray. Smelling the aroma the food gives off, Zoe's eyes glistened. Eyes darting over the sweets on the side, then to the butler standing still. After making sure that the butler has no other reaction, Zoe proceeded in picking off the sweets on the side, starting with the gummies first. Then continuing with the chocolate cubes. Munching on them.

Having enough of the sweets, he took his spoon taking a portion of the strawberry mousse cake on the side. As he spooned the cake to his mouth, his eyes couldn't help but brighten up.

"This!- Uncleeeeee!- Who made this?!- It's so delicious-", Zoe said in between spoonfuls. As if someone will take away his food.

"Young master should eat first before speaking, it isn't good for your image to act like this.", Butler Carrion interjected, frowning at the way his young master is eating.

"But it's only us here uncle, no one's watching, and you wouldn't tell dad right?", still eating the cake. His eyes focused on the butler, using his ultimate move, Doe Eyes.

Seeing those puppy-like eyes, Butler Carrion could only sigh inwardly.

"Just this once, young master."

"Young master should always keep in mind etiquette, even outside the manor. Especially Young Master's moving out soon."

"Masters' parents, young masters' grandparents wouldn't want you sullying your reputation just as you've reached adulthood and can reveal your existence to the public.", uttered the butler while bowing towards Zoe

"Uncle should stop nagging, I know all of that."

Zoe stopped eating, putting down the spoon he's holding. Picking up the napkin on the side, he gracefully removed the crumbs of the food he'd eaten, possibly left on his face. Having this serious face.

"Have uncle prepared the empty luggage I need?", asked Zoe, trying to change the topic. He didn't want to spoil his farewell with this loyal butler of his father.

"The luggage young master asked for has been prepared", acquiescing with his young masters' avoidance of the topic.

"Uncle can get it inside first. Then I'll do the packing myself.", said Zoe while slowly pushing the food cart towards Butler Carrion.

"Yes, young master", bowing slightly then pulling the serving cart outside through the door, and closing it.

After passing the task of returning the serving cart to the kitchen to some maids on the corridor. Butler Carrion came back along with the empty luggage.

"Here's the luggage you've asked for, young master.", Butler Carrion said while organizing the empty luggage in the open space of the room.

"Thank you, uncle. Uncle has already packed my clothes, and I can just buy more after moving out. Uncle can go out now, I can pack those things at the storeroom myself." persuading the butler to not bother with packing anymore.

Seeing his young master so adamant on this matter, Butler Carrion could do nothing but stop packing. Standing and fixing his suit. The butler walked towards the door, leaving the room.

Just before closing the door, Butler Carrion said, "Happy birthday young master.", just a 'thud' of the closing door echoing inside the solitude room.

Hearing Butler Carrions' earnest words, Zoe smiled softly

'Thank you, uncle. I'll miss you.', Zoe thought inwardly

After that episode, Zoe decided to start packing the things in his storeroom.

Pulling the empty luggage towards the door, standing in front of it.

A deep breath can be heard along with the creaking of the door.

Looking around the heavily dusted room, a few dust particles can be seen flying around the air, making Zoe cough out. Covering half his face with his clothes' neckline, Zoe entered the storeroom.

'Hmmm... It's been so long.'

"I don't even remember when was the last time I was here.", he muttered.

Crow, on the door, hesitating whether to enter or not, as if deciding something, suddenly followed behind Zoe with firm eyes exuding intelligence.

Zoe walked over to the pile of boxes inside the storeroom. Wearing the gloves he brought, he opened the box closest to himself.

Laying inside are clothes of his when he was still a child. Seeing these clothes he couldn't help his eyes but moisten. Thinking that those clothes won't be of use to him anymore when he moves, he pushed the box to the side proceeding to the next box.

'At least these can be kept here as a memento when I come back in the future.'

Moving over to the next box, Zoe kept opening and checking each and every box in the storeroom, putting those that can still be used and "somewhat nice to bring" inside his luggage. This kept going on for hours until Zoe's exhausted every spare energy in his body.

Sitting atop a box, he removed the dusty gloves he's wearing. Taking the towel Crow brought over, Zoe wiped off the beads of sweat on his forehead.

Seeing Crows' well-meant actions, acting this cute, Zoe patted the head of the black cat. With the cat, getting shy because of his petting, immediately turning its head with a 'hmpf', avoiding his hands.

Zoe could only laugh at this "tsundere" cat of his. Acting all cold but secretly worried when he's out of the cat's sight.

Yes, this cat of his is a little tsundere, me getting out of its sight makes it panicked but when I'm with him it always acts all cold and aloof. Having its head raised all the time, sometimes looking at me like I owed a kilo of fish.

With all the boxes checked, Zoe looked at all the things he set inside his luggage. Inside are a bunch of random stuff he had while growing up. A few toys, a music box, a 'former' white teddy bear, a gaming console, a wristwatch, and a lot more stuff which is considerably still functional.

Zoe after sorting the things in the luggage arranged the boxes to their previous places, thinking that it'll be much more accessible if ever he comes back here.

Looking through the window, it is already dark, approaching evening. Which after some consideration, decided to finally leave the storeroom.

Pulling the filled luggage, Zoe sauntered towards the exit of the storeroom. Walking on steady strides, with the cat behind him.

Looking back at the dark storeroom, Zoe pulled the doorknob to close the door.

Just before closing Zoe saw a small gleam of light from the inside. Which made him puzzled.

"I checked everything right?", Zoe turned to Crow beside him suspiciously.

Crow turns to him with a 'are you dumb?' look.

Obviously, by-no-means comprehending what Zoe meant with his words.

Zoe looked inside, feeling suspicious. he already checked everything. Did he forget something?

After some deliberation, Zoe enters the storeroom again. Walking slowly towards the source of the flash that his view caught on just now.

Arriving at the corner of the room, what caught his eyes is a hollowed-out part of the floor, sunken inwards.

"I was just here a few minutes ago, why is there a hole here now?", Zoe removed the random thoughts in his mind, decided that maybe he just ignored it before or it was covered with those layered boxes.

Kneeling down, Zoe tried to reach his hand inside the hole but was stopped by a paw.

Looking at Crow beside him, Zeo appeased the black cat, "It isn't so dangerous, it's too shallow. And we're on the second floor, any further means that this hole can also be seen downstairs."

What Zoe didn't know is that the Cat wasn't worried about him getting hurt by extending his hands inside the hole, but something of an entirely different reason.

With the cat removing his paws out of the way, Zoe reached his hand towards the bottom of the hole. Faintly touching something, Zoe brought it out.

What he got surprised him much. It was a box tied to a red string giving off a dim light, with unknown characters engraved on it. Turning to look at the cat on his side with a teasing look.

"So you hid it here... You don't want me bringing up our "dark history" huh? Making me chase you for this tiny box you always kept?" Zoe said while looking at the panicked cat. Under the horrified gaze of the cat, Zoe opened the exquisite box.

Opening the box, thick black wind visible to the eye surged out of the box, blinding the whole room. The window was forced open by the billowing of the wind, gushing out. Moving like a black surge, straight to the sky. Alerting the local authorities and some passersby.

The black wind reached everywhere, slowly drifting along with the wind. Which slowly lessened much to the authorities' relief.

With the rising of the moon, moonlight drips inside the room.

What was left in the room is a cold body, as if asleep, along with his beautiful look, made the body look sickly beautiful. Laying down on the dusty floor with an opened box, giving off a faint white light.

With the noise of silence permeating the room, the effulgence of the moon brought little warmth in the cold room.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Void_Butterflycreators' thoughts