
Odyssey through the Sea of Stars

The end can arrive without notice. Unexpected and cold. Abstract in its meaning. Yet without a conclusion, a new beginning cannot properly begin. Aiko Sato is going on a new adventure beyond his imagination. A start with no easy path to end.

PA1110 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Prologue: An early end

What is death?

Different people give their own meanings to that fundamental law that plagues all.

For some, it is the natural continuation of life. The ultimate end to the journey.

For others, it is an injustice that can happen anytime and to anyone unexpectedly, no matter one's circumstances. Without a sign, the reaper can come to reap its due.

For many, it remains an unanswerable question.

It is commonly accepted that such a morbid subject leads to no easy answer, least one delve into philosophy to find a more descriptive response to describe the mortality that concerns people. In any case, Death is when the body stops its functions for any number of reasons and the sweet breath of life leaves.

"What happens after death?"

Another example of a quarry whose solution eludes the confines of our mind. But its answers can be far more interesting.

While the unavoidable truth all humans face is commonly accepted as a fact, its continuation is the cause of concern for many. Since we are unable to prevent the body from succumbing to its impermanence, humans focus on what happens after.

Of course, as is the case with many questions that plague human mind, there exist many answers. However, these answers can be categorized into three variations.

The religious answer regarding the existence of heaven and hell in any kind. Deciding factor being one's life that dictates the result. Where those who had honest lives and were abiding by some requirements such as helping their fellow man, being filial to their family and spouse shall enjoy Elysium or Paradise. A reward for their way of life and the virtues they carry. On the other hand, those deemed evil, heinous and "bad" people only wait for punishment in the Depths of Hell, where Demons will see to their penance.

Another more scientific solution is that there is nothing to await after our demise. By our body giving, we simply cease to exist. Similar to closing any kind of machine after its intended function is completed. The brain stops working and the body becomes an empty shell that shall receive the appropriate treatment and honours.

Lastly, reincarnation, where the karma a person amasses determines his next life. Their actions gaining a "numerical" value in either the positive or negative spectrum of a scale. Like the first answer one who has accomplished a better result more inclined to the positive side will gain a better life with added perks such as wealth, talent and luck. On the other side is-naturally-misery.

Now one might question the significance of anyone thinking about such things.

No matter the intrigue of searching for what our predecessors defined for the question of Afterlife, the subject is quite morbid and uncomfortable for any sane person to bring lightly.

It is more so, a philosophical question. A kind of query where no readily accepted answer exists and every person hold their own belief.

Normally I would reminisce. Of how a much younger boy pondered such queries with his parents.

The answer his mother and father would provide. Concerned that plagued his juvenile mind brought up, rattled by the sudden passing of his grandfather. An unpleasant memory, yet one who brought him much food for thought about the fragility of human life.

Despite the time, the boy became a man Aiko Sato- as far as I'm concerned- would constantly try to find a satisfactory answer. To unreachable arguments that his beloved logic didn't abide by any scientific conclusion. However, he wouldn't stay rooted on puzzles his mind couldn't hope to conceive the answers to.

Time passed, he managed to complete his studies at the University before he would be on the hunt for a job.

Finals took a lot of him, but the results were more than satisfactory. In fact, they went against any kind of anxiety that plagued him.

With the goal achieved he returned home triumphantly. A modern hero who slew the terrible beast. He surpassed the words written on the paper and responded as best he could.

A small snort of amusement left my lips. My very own admissions add a modicum of humour to this impossible situation.

Unfortunately, he never made it back home.

As he was reaching the house his folks owned a scream brought him out of his musings on the sneaky surprise he planned.

It was a woman's voice filled with terror.

Immediately, like other people passing by the busy street, he turned to its source. Without completing the motion his sides were assaulted by a white-hot pain that made him hiss in displeasure and anguish.

His eyes spotted a small spot of red in his black shirt and a sharp object embedded within.

Its owner wore a hood and was trenched in black. The moment he turned his face to regard him, a wide smile appeared on his face.

Aiko didn't react until the man pulled the knife viciously out of his stomach, leading to a pained grimace painting his face.

Million questions flashed through his mind.

From the injury and its severity.

The man who attacked him and caused him a wound on his abdomen.

The suddenness of it all.

Yet one conclusion managed to reach his ever-clouding consciousness.








This man was a killer and he was near his house...

Disregarding the quick numbness that enveloped his side, Aiko lunged immediately to the induvial, who appeared to look frantically around and waving his weapon menacingly to any person near him.

By the time he understood a large shadow over himself, the victim he previously discarded as dead delivered a punch.

Adding the massive frame of Aiko who was over a head taller than his attacker and the cold fury that swept him, the retaliation landed square on the cheek of the aggressor.

It managed to make him lose hold of his knife and fall helplessly on the sideroad, unable to understand how the ground seemingly elevated and reached his face.

Be that as it may, Aiko fell shortly thereafter. The numbness expanded upon his lower half. Pressing his hand on the wound a creeping realization struck him.

He could not hear anything.

Not the shouts of people who finally reacted and rushed to his aid, nor the ones who pried the weapon away from the unconscious killer. Instead, a deafening silence overcame his senses. He felt coldness spread from his head all the way to his very spine.

'At least.... they... won't get hurt...', with that final thought he relented to his growing weakness and closed his eyelids.

'And now here...'

A tall figure, around 2 meters, is standing on nothing. Any law of physic didn't affect his body or force him to fall in any perceivable direction. He had black unkempt hair that didn't reach past his ears. Intelligent brown orbs were hidden behind glasses. His body is fit as evident by the noticeable muscles on his arms. His outfit consisted of a black T-shirt with a logo of a musical band, jeans and black shoes with red accents at their sides along with a logo.

All and all, an attractive young man in his mid-twenties was standing-

"Can it be called standing? Maybe floating?", after a moment of hesitation he decided on the latter, his tone light and awkward, "Consider that a childish dream come true..."

-over space. Around him, planetary bodies lazily moved. Stars illuminated this incredible scenery that would be impossible for the modern man to experience, without the assistance of modern equipment. More commonly this field outside the grasp of man, a land filled with uncertainty and dreams could be captured through lenses of a Satellite. Thus, allowing an everyday human to appreciate something yonder the grasp of mother Earth.

His hands twitched slightly at the never-ending expanse. His mind replaying what happened a moment before. It was the only clue in his hands that painted a rather obvious, albeit uncomfortable, picture.

And then it happened. Without any notice.

A bright light that sends goosebumps to my spine materialized out of nowhere. It managed not only to illuminate the whole of this never-ending void but also enchant the eyes of any beholder. Yet surprisingly my own eyes did not simply evaporate by simply gazing at its brilliance.

A voice that rippled throughout the sea of stars, as space is nought but a pond, appear through that simple sentence of whatever being can create those terrifying effects with their mere utterance.

"Welcome to the Afterlife Aiko Sato!"

The feeling of distress... disappeared.

Any attempts to rationalize the situation swept by the sheer relief my soul felt at those words.

After all...

Since this is the end...

'I would be able to meet them.'


What is God?

How may one define the metaphysical concept of a higher Entity humanity prayed at one point in time? In what manner can we unequivocally title an article out of human grasp- far beyond science itself- Divine? What attributes should humanity forever engrave in their consciousness for a Celestial assembly by abiding to Domains a person can perceive?

The answer significantly varies.

Depending on the religion on question God or Deities may obtain form- a material representation of their Essense in a manner man is able to perceive. On the other hand, formless Almighty Creators whose form escapes our very imagination.

Another peculiarity happens upon their very standing- a Concept an Idol should symbolize. A distinction far more intriguing in lieu of how our minds provide Domains to the All-seeing Makers, one heavily reliant on a group's cognition rather than induvial imagination.

Unexplained phenomena, forces of nature we are unable to process, mystical sights that arouse our inner Romance- to embark on a voyage with the hopes of finding the truth and so on, abstract images we faintly conceive- trying to rationalize them upon the magnificence of a Foreign Existence forevermore outside Humanity's reality...

In sense, Divine Beings are intertwined with the limited knowledge of mankind at a time, their inner need to believe upon something grander their own established Laws of the Universe and a manner in which humans can feel connected with one another- creating a body in which a faint bond upon the precept of religion is founded.

Gods... contrasting existences contingent on the ravages of time and- funnily enough for such Omniscient Beings- in their mortal believer acceptance and assumptions.

An interesting note to explain our ancestors and own habits, core components of our History. Knowledge susceptible to evolution, change- one of the basest reasons of conflict throughout our inception to "civilized" Mammals with the ability to advance our species far above animals.

No matter our continuous inability to display behaviour, not even the fiercest predator would stoop...

Yet any thought would undoubtedly fail to properly describe the spectacle before me...

One forevermore engraved in my memory.

The Light, its blinding luminescence expanded upon everything.

All Celestial Bodies brightened, their image a remiss attempt to create Eden upon the infinite Universe by its Divine arrival...

Any star surely lacking in contrast to its brilliance- lightbulbs overturning a substandard flicker of warmth to the background of the cosmos...

The very Sun so close yet far away a pale imitation, a mere unsuccessful pretender with no aspiration- zero confidence in effectively mirroring the lustre of the Light.

/A Kaleidoscope of alternating colours/

Crimson Red, Inky starless darkness, Earthly green and Brown, Sky Blue, Unnatural Gold, Lurid Ash, Deep Azure only few I noticed.

/All creation is depicted upon a tapestry the Light created by its mere presence/

Tenths of yellow-white blinding and reddish-black marks. Revolving independent of their location in unrecognizable rhythmic patterns. Intertwined and forever opposed.

A sign, an image constantly shifting beyond my capacity to make any discernible picture...

/The end of which everything shall arrive-their final destination. The vestiges of beginning held- ready to start/

The Light had a ... centre.

A core, its outer shell an incalculable amount of embroiled chromatism nevermore revolving- inconstant. Always shifting no matter their location or interval.

The origin- one I can't comprehend the manner of which my mind could conceive...




One warm enough to encompass our entire space... dangerous enough to erase whichever element of the World.



The mere fact I wasn't vaporized didn't really concern me. A remembrance of my final moments enough to calm both the raging storm of emotions and my rapid ever-diverse thoughts- the latter of which a vein hope to rationalize my situation. A query whether I have gone insane was in the forefront of my mind...

After a moment, a degree of time my sense mistook for years passing in a blink by the most literal sense... The Light receded to present its creator.

A beautiful man in his prime. Colourless white locks didn't reach past his neck, slightly untamed. An unblemished face which can easily be called by anyone-handsome. His lips quirked in a remission of a smile, an expression filled with gentleness, while his jaw firm enough to reveal a certain hardness the Entity's visage carries- an air of seriousness. Eyes the colour of indescribable brilliant grey shining alike gems twinkled. An astonishing gaze carrying no hurry, encompassing everything in its brilliance unconsciously.

Yet no feeling of discomfort crept into my spine, but a truculent reprieve from both my sheer admiration at the spectacle he caused and restlessness for his possible identity.

The entity donned a snow-white academic gown. Gold engravings and symbols of unknown origin or purpose adorned his chest and mid-section along with azure edges. Black pauldrons with red lines intertwined to his broad shoulders, following a set of gloves that cover the entirety of his arms, leaving his fingers bare. Ebony leggings and a set of onyx boots of small red symbols.

He slowly glided at a respectable distance, at the same height I miraculously float.

"I imagine you have some questions young man?", his query was delivered calmly and politely. A gracious offer that managed to push my brain into motion and stop my gaping mouth from mimicking a fish.

"I-I d-do s-sir-"

"No need for that.", the Entity gently stopped my ramblings from spiralling out of control as I felt short of breath, "Take some time to gather your thoughts. We have enough time to talk and rushing won't be especially helpful."

Shakily nodding my head in affirmation, I greedily breathe some air(?) in order to reacquire a modicum of calmness.

'Is it even Air at this point?!', shaking my head I slightly groan in frustration at the rather moot point considering my freaking circumstances-

"An interesting point.", the Being broke me from my reverie. His words both comforting and terrifying, "Yes, it is air- as I would imagine anything else would elicit quite the response. An understandable action."

"Y-you c-can-

"Read your mind?", if anything his smile further made me pale in fright, no matter how comforting it might have been any other time, "Only your surface thoughts without any attempt at my part. An unconscious effect of my ...abilities. A facet I am truly sorry for."

'O-ok s-so Magic Man can read minds- Because why couldn't he?!'

Clutching my head with both arms, I try to forcibly curb my raging inner turmoil. Unfortunately, even with an explanation given- one that points towards a very, very upsetting situation.

'However...', slightly opening my eyelids, I divert my attention at my surroundings.

Perpetual Planets of multiple colours moving at a discernible pace, stars majestically glistening- some large enough to be considered Suns. One ball of light with radiant colours and unknown symbols receding in order to unveil the appearance of a Being. My apparent...death.

'No matter how disconcerting it feels...', the fact I wouldn't be able to see-


I-if th-that i-is the case then!




"...Could I meet them?", I focused on this Being. Desperation evident on my tone, despite any attempts to hide my inner turmoil.

"That is certainly possible young man."

The answer arrived in the ever calm and polite tone, Aiko Sato for the first time since his death heaved in unadulterated relief. Gently rubbing his eyes, he dispelled the gathering tears.

A well-warranted reaction due to the constant stress since he "woke" up. Stress accumulated by the sheer magnitude and severity of his only obvious conclusion.

Now, a question in turn as is right.", the white-haired Being's words were delivered in a light, if not- dare I say- in a humorous tone, "Do you have any particular ideas of where you are?"

"... The Afterlife.", maybe it was the suddenness of how it all happened or how fresh the memory is, a small shudder run through my spine, "I suppose it is only natural. Your voice after all announced as such."

"Right you are.", his smile remained comforting and warm, enough to dispel any imaginary weight the revelation brought, "This space-", stopping shortly his smile widened ever so slightly, "The pun is intended young man."

My lips quirked slightly at the... odd manner of which the Being decided to joke. Although, it is mostly due to the amusement at the terrible pun. A fact, the White-Haired "man" definitely knew by his amused expression.

"It seems my terrific attempt at an amazing pun is lost upon you. For shame."

"N-normally, I would slightly laugh as terrible jokes can be amusing at times. Provided I wasn't as anxious as my current circumstances led me be."

"Quite true young man.", he chuckled slightly, further magnifying my pure astonishment at his manner of conduct, "However, any effort to lighten up the occasion is worthwhile."

"I... can understand the point.", conceding easily enough since our views strangely aligned, "I just couldn't imagine God would be so ...light-hearted? Jokey?"

"My talent, as I have been told, does lay in surprising concepts others might hold over me.", his brilliant grey eyes slightly shone, while his tone was warm. "However, not to worry as I shall explain upon my identity and role over this particular situation.", he calmly raised his right hand, placating the numerous questions that are constantly brought to the forefront of my mind, by every new sentence of this Being, "You can stop me whenever a query arises. Time is of no importance here. However, I would ask you to await for me to finish, so you can have a better-far more thorough perspective."

Events of past danced around his pupils, presumably fond ones seeing the expression upon his visage, "Yet there is a correction that need be made. I am not the same God you have pictured. I am but an Administrator."

'Filing that term.', I thought, my rapt attention over his words- only to freeze as the Being continued.

"My role is to judge any who have passed away and deliver a due inference. This verdict depends on myriad factors such as the actions one proceeded over their lives, genuine character. Any honest or deceitful actions whose result is either beneficial for their respective goals and the subsequent weight those acts brought.", his smile didn't change. Comforting it may be, it did nothing to avoid the slight discomfort his words left.

"You may consider it a revision over Karma, the stigma someone left in their wake by crafting their own History and a generalization upon an entire Presence in their respective World."

The information didn't quite register in my mind...

No, I perfectly understood the meaning behind the Bei-Administrator's words, despite how impossible it is to properly visualize every piece of knowledge about how the Afterlife functions.

Unconsciously, my mouth was left agape as I tried to compose myself and not look like a fool.

"Your reaction is quite natural young man. It would be odd should you take everything unequivocally.", addressed lightly my apparent... Judge? Adjudicator?

"Should have gone to church more often like dad...", I slightly mumbled in sheer trepidation.

Properly meeting the one who is to judge you as a person, as a human being to decide what your whole... un-life is going to be, can be anything but typical!

'I mean it was believed that would be the case but come one?!', my mind was in disarray, 'An otherworldly Being to judge your life? One who can properly create magical phenomena with but a wave of their hand?! What are even the standards?!'

Breathing out, somewhat trying to calm my nerves, 'I suppose I... wasn't bad enough. But what if some law would deem me unworthy of meeting them...'

'Am I even worthy of-

"Gah!", startled my attention and slight anger is turned towards the source of pain, "What was the for?!"

"You appeared lost, so I thought best to wake you up."

Nursing my sore forehead, annoyance coloured my tone, "So you decided to flick me on the head?!", Why did it stink so much?!

"Otherworldly Being", he pointed towards himself before me, his mouth curved ever so slightly, "Normal Human. You can do the Math."

Grumbling under my breath I froze. If he calls himself that, then he ...heard.


"Indeed, your thoughts were heard.", and for the first time, his smile vanished, a serious expression replaced his previous jovial expression, "I will repeat myself young man. Your reaction is perfectly natural."



"Ex-xcu-use me?"

"Your reaction is reasonable.", he calmly sighed, "Questioning your situation, feeling uncomfortable over my role, doubting the process in which I would assess your time and even holding some reservation over the specifics that shall determine my decision.", they gave a warm and ... understanding smile.

"B-but I question the rules of-"

"What of it?", an expression of pure amusement blossomed, "Should I start shouting and raving on your legitimate curiosity and fear over the procedure after your Death? Maybe provide a lecture on keeping your composure after you felt Death, only to experience something entirely unpredictable? Or abhor your nature to doubt a new case barring a plethora of unique information?"

"It is logical to have doubts, sensible to inquire about unknown and strange conditions.", the Administrator chuckled slightly, finding the whole thing quite hilarious.

"I-I suppose.", gulping down my nervousness subsiding significantly, "I just thought having any blasphemous idea isn't the best possible alternative. Especially with an Administrator of God to hear me loud and clear."

"Understandable and despite your rudeness to not heed the words of this magnificent, coolest, funniest ad awesomest Alien Being, I shall forgive because my kindness is boundless.", all the while he turned his head sideways and floated upwards in an effort to look down on me, his manner turned "haughty" and extremely exaggerated as his tone was far too high pitched to be taken seriously, "Hoh-Hoh-Hoh. Truly how auspicious I am. Yada, Yada. I know no bounds. Blah Blah. Something- something on how high in everything I am etc, etc."

Slowly descending on the same level as my, his expression turned normal, smiling and chuckling, in contrast to mine own becoming far duller as time passed.

"Sooo! Is this better?"

"Yeah, sure.", I could feel my eyebrow twitch in annoyance at his honest question, "Especially the awesomest part."

"Ah, it seems your mind can't comprehend the language of gods.", he slowly shook his head in remorse. The worst part- his whole expression became gloomy as he looked truly anguished, "How terrible!"

"…", if anything, I think my eyebrow couldn't twitch more. I didn't know exactly what I should be more surprised about. His mannerisms or his ability to be completely genuine in those acts.

"Yet your pause did leave a great chance to explain two points.", as if it was an illusion his expression returned to his normal, "The God you might picture doesn't exactly exist here in his specific form. Additionally, the "rules" laid down by the true Being at the very top are the same as the beginning of Existence. She has created them both fairly and unbiased."

"Good and evil aren't as easily discernible as most would like to think. People can hurt others and themselves through a myriad of ways for plenty of reasons. However, does one act simply define their entire life?", he calmly addressed.

"Because a child took a piece of candy from their local stole without paying, are they condemned since the act of stealing is wrong? What of speaking ill in times of frustration-when one is so overcome by emotions- words flow out carelessly alike poison, thus hurting others?", he slowly walked over nothing towards me, his smile restrained and gaze sharp, "In History People were forced to fight their kind in order to protect their land, driven into strife over wealth or resources few desire. Shall all parties involved be criticized equally? Or should we only denounce the ones who started the escalation? Then is it not the case, people who begun revolts to fight for their freedom and livelihood would be in a similar group with those who committed atrocities?"

"What of the motives for any action a person may commit in their life? Are only altruistic goals and ideals all justification anyone needs? Existing only to regard the happiness of other people and animals so as to better your very own material and spiritual side? Does such an outlook truly bring you happiness devoid of any personal ambitions? Or do ambitions lay the foundation so your path might be led astray, constantly grasping at a possibility yet be seen- without any legitimate confirmation it could be realized? Hopes of achieving a goal and focusing your time in pursuit of such is equally necessary. However, the time it might take to actualize a dream would take away from spending actions helping anyone!"

I was simply staring at his eyes. No real thought at the forefront of my mind. Too transfixed in his speech were I to properly consider any kind of answer or comeback.

"In conclusion, dreams are unnecessary as they deprive time to actualize a goal of helping others. Yet, what if a dream is to help people by taking the position of a doctor? Should such a notion be allowed, despite the myriad of years it would take to acquire the proper education? Does the end justify the means? Is personal happiness not a noble goal to try and reach? Could we ignore the manner in which this sweet delight would be obtained?"

Silence filled the space around us.

A pause, far more literal.

I could faintly understand the gear in my mind halting. Not the irregular movements of the planetary bodies, neither the brilliance of the scorching orbs nor my otherworldly circumstance of post mortum meeting with this kind of Being- this Administrator... Everything miserably failing to bring me back.

'How should one judge someone's life...', my mind drew a blank over this question. Even with my reservation, I couldn't imagine a crystal-clear answer. Much less any counterargument which doesn't fall into the abyss of doubt over its veracity.

However, I was woken. Something was on my head.

"Life is full of contradictions.", he smiled lightly, patting my head. Both actions filled with... reassurance and warmth. One far too reminiscent, "It is filled with both good and evil. Pleasant memories and moments of pain. The important fact is to always remember; Life can never be filled with light without some darkness, just as dusk can paint our sky before dawn arrives. Even if we, more times than not, have to find the morning ourselves. The manner in which we deal with those moments mould us."


"You don't have to believe my words. I am quite aware of how ludicrous it all sounds. Those are my own thought on the matter young man.", a small sigh escaped his lips, "I can understand your disbelief and trepidation over all of this. However, your case doesn't bare any abnormalities from the trillions of other similar quandaries. Unfortunately, it is a process you have to bear so I apologize for any form of discomfort it creates."

Shakily breathing, an attempt to further alleviate the anxiety which drown my rationale. The situation didn't diminish in any part of its severity. I wasn't truly level-headed in any part of this odd occasion, nor do I believe marvellously all my questions were alleviated.

However, I am quite silly it seems.

"Thank you...", heavily sighing, as genuinely as I could those words left my mouth.

"You have no reason to thank me young man.", he chuckled in response, "I did nothing to genuinely deserve your gratitude, but you are most welcome nonetheless."

In the beginning, why did he need to properly explain anything? To even show himself and not continue with any kind of procedure when I wouldn't even know anything?

Far from me to be so conceited in a foolish belief of self-importance in some as "High" as him. Should he wish I have no doubts I would be sent off to wherever with nought but a wave of his hand. There was no reason for him to assure me or take his time to... practically do anything rather than complete his assignment.

Every thought I had was mine and mine alone, much less some contrived trick to let me fall in a sense of security for an unimaginable purpose of his. What would even be the point of tricking a regular human to an Administrator?! Even the Devil doesn't have as much free time to mess around with every person after Death!

'Moreso, I simply can't get mad for a procedure out of my control and his overall support so I won't devolve into a bubbling mess of both anxiety and doubt. So, I'll simply grit my teeth and hope for the best...'

Stopping his ministration, his eyes lit up. Not in the metaphorical sense, but quite literally glowed. Small yet immersive beckons, bright silver stars.

"Aiko Sato, in your twenty-two years of life there were many ups and downs. Both good and bad. You chose to follow a path that led to more happiness to those around you, yet decided to follow your creed.", his voice carries a remarkable tone of severity for the few moments I met this Administrator, "Yet, you remained steadfast and unwavering. Preferred to do more to more to appease expectations, at the same time chasing after your own dream with fervour. By my own judgement as Administrator crowned by the -------, I declare thee two choices!"

In all honesty, I didn't believe this day(?) could have gotten any weirder....

It seems Magic Man/ Mister Administrator had other thoughts from the small smirk he sent my way as he stopped his speech and eyes from glowing.

'Misplaced praise', a sigh escaped my lips, 'And a choice for my afterlife vacation... I suppose it is only prudent to see what the choices are. This can't be more complicated!'

Yet his ever-growing chuckles did nothing to pacify my anxiety.



A word best suited to describe a journey.

Whether by one lone Human attempting to finding the meaning of their life, a group soliciting a fundamental truth hidden behind a veil concerning the creation of our kind, omitted splashes of History the species imparted- forgotten through time, or even an army towards a certain goal of grand conquest as a consequence the inner romance of a leader would invoke for uncharted waters.

An unusual experience that is mostly filled with daring or exciting factors.

Despite the importance associated with the word, its meaning ranges from unpleasant memories or important moments in the life of anyone.

It might indicate an odd meeting, weird coincidences that led to "destined" outcomes which lay foundations- happenence, a meeting of the most plain of circumstances. Heroic tales immemorial to time or even memorable moments in the memory of few.

An adventure could very well start at the most of unbelievable beginnings.

{A man with glasses standing in space. His heart thumping with joy on his possible desire to meet his loved ones and the truth of Existence. His expectations were subverted by a ludicrous offer they encouraged himself taking.}

People who knew nothing of one another, yet their paths led towards a meeting.

{A small girl was outside a wooden house. Hands clasped, her form lowered- seemingly praying as her clear blue eyes were affixed to the night sky above. A similar pair, though much lighter, was observing her tenderly. A touch of sadness hidden well beneath.}

To become friends, comrades, even equals.

{A heavily bearded man was sitting on a chair. Bleary, yet smart, eyes overlooking through a pair of frames his place of warmth. The small fireplace crackling in renew favour with kindling being tossed a moment before. Memories constantly playing in his mind.}

Or terrible adversaries.

{Upon a large circle, riddled with symbols of arcane power a small figure with blonde locks was cackling in maddening joy. Crimson liquid was dripping from their cut forearm painting the symbols an unnerving blood-red as awful howls of frenzied joy broke the silence.}

It is an opportunity for desires to be fulfilled.

{In a grand hall two thrones were situated. Embroiled in Jewellery and created by gold. Their occupants speaking freely and laughing languidly. Both eccentric and equal to another, uncaring to the shouts of pain and agony. After all, for something to be gained, another need be sacrificed. And what better honour those brave souls need than the Promised Rewme?}

{Howling winds raging around a snow-covered mountain. A singular cloaked figure unconcerned makes its way towards a specific cave. Yellow-slitted eyes glow ominously under a porcelain mask. Disregarding the unruly movements of their attire or the chilling winds in lieu of reaching home. Maybe, a treacherous idea appeared unannounced, have a nice warm bath?}

{A stern woman is overlooking a fantastical view of the sparkling city from her office, a reverie night brought by the need for lanterns to be lit so may the shadows retreat. Every so often she scowls and grits her teeth. A small parchment is laid open, the most noticeable detail an angular bold signature, written with splashes of gold ink.}

Any path opens incalculable roads. The only thing that is left is to see where it might lead. Actions dictate where the future could lead.


{A petite woman is staring outside the confines of the decrepit Library. Her unfocused gaze glimmering with a crimson radiance enough to outshine every conceivable colour. The nails were digging in her fist, evident by kaleidoscope drops of liquid that were floating in place, while her presence created ripples in her environment. Only she knows what her gaze is observing.}







Another awakening. Another feast.

Thousands of mouths opened as hundreds of eyes closed.}

Or an entirely new end?

{A World is in motion. It observes. It waits. Its power is ready to interpret any unauthorized interloper. Thousands of queries constantly flashing before a satisfactory result is presented through millions of experiments. An eloquent voice devoid of any sort of emotion could be heard. Its words mostly a bunch of gibberish for most lifeforms to interpret.

[Scenarios ready to be unleashed upon the renewed sequence in {Re Tempus-Spatium} pattern -Undemicende- numeral Δ. The Beasts of -------.]

[Pattern Six, Fifteen, Twenty-One, Eighteen left by "GηUtOμ". Fabricate anew scenario, thorough the introduction of new unknown elements under Axis....].}

The opportunity is in your hands.

The Adventure has begun.

What is your Journey going to be?


"So, he chose to go.", humming quietly the Administrator observed the departure of the Record in the endless Existence. An appropriate World has already been chosen through his Soul, "It isn't going to be easy."

"Yet it was his choice. One he reached with their help despite your warning.", a new voice appeared, softer and distinctly feminine. For his part, the Administrator didn't flinch-merely nodded in agreement.

"True. At least he left the privileges for me to draw upon his specified parameters.", turning his head, a warm smile resurfaced unconsciously, his own attire slightly altered- giving way to a long white academic gown to replace all pieces of protective equipment his armour offered, "So the only thing left is to prepare his guide."

Raising his right hand, a small ebony orb manifested before thousands of grains of white lights revolving around it.

Slowly the small stars sunk into the darkness and the orb was sent away.

"Congratulation Aki-chan on a job well done!~", a woman with pink locks that fell all the way to her back cheered.

Long pink hair reach her back, framing a face that can only be described as flawless. White skin glistering with a brilliance that outshines every other star in existence. Eyes that illustrate the cosmos adorned her face, while little wings came out from behind her ears. A halo followed her, along with a pair of much larger wings behind her back.

"So, let's go back!", the woman grabbed the hands of the young man as she offered a sincere smile.

"Even without any time passing, I suppose someone is quite interested to see her Grandchildren.", the young man conceded with a small huff that gained a small giggle out of the woman, "Oh well, my schedule is finished anyway."

"It's fine that you want to appear any different mister!~", she raised her eyebrow in challenge, "Who is the one who utilized Higher Conceptual Truths so he won't be gone for long!"

"Guilty as charged boss!", he laughed in response to the small accusing "glare" that was ruined by the lovely smile she offered.

"Didn't I say that you should use your full title!"

"Weren't you the one that said I won't have to?"

"Only if stop using terms such as "Boss", "My Lady", and "Venerable"! If I have to suffer you must speak all of your stuffy titles too!"

"I see.", smiling he lightly held her hand, "I apologize oh the most adorable A-chan!"

"Much better!~ Such titles I can bear!", she laughed slightly, "Now, let's go! It is Lily's birthday soon!"

Smiling and laughing the man and woman disappeared. Their form vanishing seamlessly.

The smiles never left their lips nor did they release the hold they had from one another. Plans already brewing on how to best surprise the birthday girl!