
Odyssey Of The Fallen

Haunted by his clan’s brutal murder and destruction, Lucius forsook any forms of morality or logic and dived head first into the world’s darkest pits of madness with a single goal in mind. Revive his family. Rebirth after rebirth, death and death, tragedy after tragedy, sacrifice after sacrifice, his sanity and sense of self slowly slips away as he ventures into existence’s deepest and most dangerous worlds for he knows no rest. The heavens, Hells, Origin realms or even the Myriad expanses, he burnt it all to ashes just to be able to see them again. Just to hear them laugh, see them smile, feel their touch. “I’ll do…anything.” His quest for salvation knew no limits. But this all changes when he discovers who he truly is and the truths of his origins. “There is no fairness in this world my child for suffering is the only path to ascension.” ——————————————————————————— A new age is upon the Myriad Creations. The heavens have been shattered and the land is infested with the sorrow of its fallen angels while the sultans of hells rejoice at the prospect of a new war. A new beginning, Another chance. The sealed abominations of the first war of creation are rampant as the dormant gods of past ages awaken with the intention to rule. As the restrictions that regulated existence are erased and the veils of the beyond are lifted, watch as a young boy forges his myth through blood and tears and discovers the plaguing taboos of reality. This is the Odyssey of The Fallen. ————— One chapter everyday for the next 3 months then we’re back to the regular schedule. 4 chapters a week; Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.-> Currently on a break, go read my other novel while you wait. Join the discord: https://discord.gg/ZYDZbmtrMn

Orclion · Fantasy
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126 Chs


The aura of peace and harmony that permeated within the Heavens instantly disappeared.

Countless multicolored chains made of Heavenly runes appeared and bound the Divine palace.

From these chains, countless other smaller multicolored chains appeared, all rushing towards the angels within the heavens.

"BROTHER! What is the meaning of this?" Screamed Lilith as she could feel these strange chains tightening around her soul and existence.

"I will liberate my people…no matter what."

Azrael's voice resounded within every angel's mind.

His courage and determination could be felt through those words alone as it awakened something within them. Something they thought they had lost.

The more the angels resonated with Azrael's Will, the deeper the connection between the chains and their souls became, until they were completely fused.

Mikael, still sat on his Golden throne, calmly scanned the runic structure and composition of these chains and quickly concluded.

"You made a deal with the True Empyrean of Finality? What did you have to pay for this? How did you even come into contact with an Empyrean?" Seriously asked Mikael as he slowly started to see what was happening.

Empyreans that completely governed conceptual principalities like The Finality Empyrean were beings of unreasonable power.

Even though he didn't know much about these beings, he only discovered their existence when he gained the memories of his previous egos, and what he learned scared him so much he had to erase the memory from his mind.

"Don't worry, I just discovered a thread of this being's existence within his legacy. He just wants me to revive one of the extinct primordial families in exchange. How did you specifically know it was the True Empyrean of Finality though? I thought you erased your memories?" curiously asked Azrael. The possible thought of his brother betraying him not even being considered.

"It's a long story, I'll explain later. You should've warned us before you made this whole thing, we could've helped. What's next?"

A smile appeared on Azrael's face as he finally had his brothers on board.

"What are you smiling for you idiot?" Cheekily said Uriel who had been silent this whole time.

"Are you guys in?" Asked Azrael as his smile widened.

Not even bothering to answer all the Seraphim Kings stood behind him ready to face anything.


In the distance, a man with sixteen beautiful white wings calmly floated.

He had short black hair and simple blue eyes. His aura and allure were simple but inexplicably beautiful. Behind him, eight illusory beings stood.

"You've gone soft master." Stated one of the figures that looked like an older version of Mikael.

The man, who was obviously Deodar, simply chuckled as he didn't answer.

"This Empyrean might be an issue if he spreads his influence within our domains before our geniuses have time to grow and be scouted. Should I do something about it master?" Asked Older Lilith.

"He's a talented Empyrean for sure but compared to the monsters that will soon appear from the old and new generations, he's nothing. I'm sure that In not even a week most Archetypals will have become True Empyreans. By then, any foreign influence will be meaningless."

"Master, what exactly does this new age represent? How come our lands hold so many Destined ones? What is actually happening here?" Asked Mikael who was shocked to hear his master's prediction.

Becoming a True Empyrean held a significance and weight within the cultivation world that only a few could comprehend.

"I don't know little Mika. Ever since that Kid committed the Taboo, the links of heaven have been chaotic beyond belief. It's as if a seal on reality was completely released. When he committed the Taboo, I went to heavens from other Myriad consortiums and major planes to see if anyone else had ever committed the taboo and what I found terrified me. Across all the Consortiums and planes, in each and every single consortium, the Taboo had been committed by someone. This someone being the kid."

This information left all the Aged Seraphic Kings speechless.

"We're being used as chess pieces in something we barely understand. It wouldn't surprise me if the kid has a plan for the little angels revolting below us."

"You're okay with being used by him like this? Are we not supposed to be the rulers of the Mighty heavens ?" Asked aged Uriel as his voice held traces of disappointment, anger, and fear.

"You're too inexperienced to understand how powerful one has to be to do what he did. The power and Intelligence required to pull off something like this is beyond anything I've ever seen in my entire life traveling through the Myriad. Don't misunderstand me, I've tried fighting his will but…"

As he uttered these words, painful memories emerged within his mind.

"Anyways. Let's go, we have things to prepare for."

The actions of a single being had caused a ripple that spread beyond existence and reality itself as it reached the Grand Myriad.

The changes this new age would bring were already being felt as every day, geniuses more powerful than the previous appeared.

Old monsters that had been stuck within the same realm for eons finally broke through and shot through the realms.

It truly felt like a limiter had been removed from the Myriad Consortiums.

I might post two chapters a day instead of one…who knows? Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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