
Odyssey Bourne Force

Author: Deb Renner never really thought about writing, until lightning struck one humid evening in November 2005. She has scores of unfinished manuscripts of novels, short stories, poems and lyrics stashed away in cyberspace, ready to one day face a brave new world. Until turning forty, Kate Willard’s life was predictable, organised and lonely. Then, unexplainable visions and dreams threaten her sanity. Believing she is going crazy, she desperately searches for answers. Upon the discovery of a bloodstone, crude mental powers unlock inside her and lucid dreams guide her to Divisions — an extreme covert organization running a secret project; the Odyssey Bourne Force — so secretive, they deny their existence. Divisions possess an ancient stone portal, allowing for extraterrestrial exploration. Kate reluctantly joins Divisions and falls in love with OBF team member Doctor Peter Reynolds, a brilliant archaeologist who excavated the stone portal in Egypt. Amongst his collection of artefacts is a second, identical bloodstone, which increases her powers. Together, they learn she is a reincarnation of an unknown ancient queen who somehow saved humanity from extermination six thousand years ago. Though this amazing feat resulted in a tragic price. It seems the imperfect reincarnation process has left Kate with harrowing and disjointed memories hiding the vital truth. Everything seems reliant on Kate - but who can Kate rely on?

Debbie Renner · Sci-fi
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396 Chs

Chapter 281: The Graffa Invasion Part 2

Queen Leah was too numb with shock to sort and use the information he had telepathically given her to any advantage. All she could fathom at this point was what her eyes took in. Right now her beautiful Palace was to house the higher ranking officers and commanders—many had the audacity to call themselves Lords or Masters. Then, there were two of Kalvich’s top personal guards and advisors, part of what he called the Verone Elite, and of course, the Supreme Ruler himself.

When her people had been all incarcerated into the camps, the great floating mass above the Palace rose further above the atmosphere. A voice that seemed to come from the heavens ‘spoke’ to all.

If you wish to survive, you must obey without question. Defiance in any form is intolerable and will be met with swift punishment. No warnings will be given. No exceptions.

Her subjects thought they had been exposed to evil dark magic.