
A Wolf, A Spirit And A Human

At the moment of her first glimpse at Noah, Maya's bionicle system automatically scanned the boy's anatomy at once.

She gasps as a spunk of hope came to life behind her eyes.

Maya: "Your blood! It's an O blood type!"

Noah: "Uuh... Meaning?"

Maya: "Wha-?! It means you can save Bal from dying as your blood is suitable to be transferred into him for a blood transfusion!"

Noah: "Oooooow. I have no idea what you just said."

Maya: "*sigh*..Why does Bal like you so much? You're just a foolish idiot just like your father."

She muttered to herself in displeased as she frowned her eyebrows hard to herself.

Noah: "What did you just say? I can't hear you with you whispering and being all secretive."

Maya: "This is ridiculous. Why do we have to stick in the medieval era out of all era?"

Again she whispered frustratedly.

Noah: "Hey, stop talking to yourself!"

Maya: "Be quiet! I have no time to explain it to you right now as we don't have very much time in the first place since Bal has lost his blood from 20% to 36%. And that's not good on his account. Do you want to help Bal or not?! If you do, then shut up and do exactly what I tell you to do."

Noah: "Ok, ok. So how do we do this thing again?"

Maya: "Lie yourself next to me."

Noah simply nods to her command and promptly does what Maya told him to do as Maya prepares herself on executing the blood transfusion procedure as she sits in the middle between me and Noah on the grassy floor.

Even though Noah is underage to donate blood, medically speaking, Maya didn't have a choice but to deal with it.

She didn't even tell Noah about the consequences of an underage blood donation and yes, it means that she doesn't even care if she needs to take Noah's life to save mine.

Maya: "Let's begin. Orb of Medic."

After intonating the simple summoning incantation yet complex spell system running within it, a wisp of white spherical mechanized orb materialized bits by bits out of thin air, floating steadily on the palm of her hand in front of her.

-Hours later-

-11.03 a.m.-

The feeling of scorching heat in the forest became hotter after the sun had risen far away in the sky horizon, ready to start a new day.

My head feels heavy as hell together with my whole body feels in its worse lethargic manner.

The bright sunlight illuminating the world now annoyingly greeted me with a knock on my eyelids, forcing me to get up from my prosperous bedtime.

Mmmmph, I'm not ready to get up yet!.... Let me sleep a bit more- *SLAP*!

Me: "AAHHH!"

The excruciating pain from a very hard slap on my left cheek immediately removed me from my deep sleep.

Maya: "Wake up! How long do you plan on sleeping? We still have a long journey to handle and you can't just sleep here all day."

Despite the little girl's nagging, all I can see a shadowy black silhouette standing in front of me who's complaining about something due to the bright light behind her which conveniently masking her face in front of her.

I narrowed my eyes to adjust my focus to see better and there I saw a little white-haired girl in a beautiful modern dress, standing while staring at me with her hands wrapped around her waist in displeasure.

Me: "For the world of peace sake, could you please stop doing that! Don't you have any other gentle and reasonable methods of waking me up!?"

Maya: "Even if I did, it would take me forever to wake you up."

Me: "Whatever. Anyway, where are we?"

It seems that I have slept under an exceptionally large, shady tree which has given me luxury and comfort throughout my sleep here.

I continue to relax as I rest my back on the tree branch behind me as I nonchalantly look up and see the branches of an evergreen tree above me lazily swaying after being blown by the gentle breeze along with small bits of sunlight penetrating the small spaces of the leaves, deliberately touching the fur on my face with its warmth below.

I usually often got distracted by this kind of things.

Matter of fact, if I look close enough to the forest around me, the trees, the biome and its geographical environment are all similar to the one we have in Agrian.

If I know better, I think this place is known as a temperate biome type of forest.

I didn't notice this kind of details until now since I'm too busy or care less enough to notice it.

I don't know if Maya is here with me, or the environment itself has calmed me down from the chaos that happened before but...I feel better. I feel calmer now.

As like there's nothing bad that had ever happened to me last night.

Wait... Last night?

What happened last night?

Me: "Maya, what happened last night?"

Maya: "Seriously, you don't remember?"

Me: "What do you mean?"

Maya: "Wow, you've suffered worse than I thought."

Me: Just cut to the chase, Maya."

Maya: "Yeah, right, about last night. You just horribly got beat the fuck up by a pack of wolves for being a pussy last night."

Me: "...!"

I choked myself after hearing those sudden cuss words coming out from her little kid's mouth.

What the hell, Maya! What happened to decent speaking etiquette?

Me: "Please don't talk to me like that. It's weird when it's coming from you. With your appearance, it just doesn't fit."

Maya: "Well, it's your fault, to begin with. I'd told you to fight those wolves for your life but with you being so difficult and hard-headed, look at what happened to you right now. So I have the right to cuss about it. Also, I've fixed your shoulder if you still haven't noticed yet. You're welcome, by the way."

I raised my eyebrow in surprise as I forgot about my wounded shoulder and promptly slide my hand on my left shoulder.

I was expecting to experience some kind of pain from the touch but it doesn't hurt at all.

I hover my eyes on my shoulder to see the bite wound but there's nothing left but my grey fur.

Me: "No scars at all."

I slide my hand further around my left shoulder to check if there's any bald spot on my fur.

Me: "No bald spot either."

I let out a sigh of relief about my well being

Me: "Thanks.... And sorry."

I flopped my ears back simultaneously averted my eyes from looking at her as we're both went silent as I felt guilty of being a burden after the memories of last night gradually came back to my senses.

All of that while she did the opposite.

She sighs at me thus lowering herself down by kneeling in front of me, looking at me with a sympathetic expression plastered on her face.

Maya: "But at least you're safe now."

Being safe doesn't make me feel any better.

Me: "...but I don't."

She sighs again whilst shaking her head sideways tiredly.

Maya: "I still have good news for you."

Me: "Hm?"

Maya: "Oh my gosh, why are you being so dumb right now? Look at your right."

I casually look at my right and to my surprise, I see Noah sitting and sleeping while napping his head on my right shoulder next to me.

How the hell that I didn't notice him before?!

Me: "N...Noah-"

Maya: "Shh! Be quiet. Let him sleep."

She whispered cautiously to not wake him up and then continues.

Maya: "He has done a lot when you were passed out. He's been watching you for hours ever since and as you can see, he ended up sleeping."

Me: "I see."

Noah can be so sweet when he wants to, isn't he?

As much as I want to embrace him into a hug, I leave him to sleep soundly.

Me: "What happened to him when I was out?"

Maya: "Not much. Just an early symptom of...anaemic."

Me: "Of anaemic?"

Does that mean he has lost his bloo-..!

That's when it strikes me to my realisation.

Me: "Maya...what did you do?

Maya: "....."

Me: "Oh, Maya. Please tell me it's not what I think it is."

Maya: "I don't have a choice. We don't have a choice! Anyway, look! He's fine!"

Me: "He's a kid, goddammit! And I'm sure that you know it very well what the risk is for him to do such thing."

Maya: "Oh, please. You're just exaggerating.

Me: " You..-"

Noah: "Bal, Maya, what's going on?"

He asked drowsily, yawning and rubbing his sleepy eyes with his fingers after waking up from his sleep from our loud bickering.

I and Maya were both startled by his sudden disruption and looked at him at the same time.

Maya didn't say anything but squinting at him as she gazes her eyes off from me and Noah thus walks away from the tree where I'm resting under, stomping the ground with every step she made.

Me: "N-nothing, kid"

Noah: "Ouh, okay then. So..."

Then out of nowhere, he abruptly punched me with his fist on my shoulder.

It's not very powerful but enough to catch me off guard by his sudden violence.

Me: "Hey, what the hell?! I thought that you're glad to see me..-"

Noah: "...*sniff*..."

I pause from talking after I heard some sniffing coming from Noah as his eyes all got teary.

Noah: "Don't you ever made me worried like that again! I thought you're not going to make it! I... I thought that I was too late."

He...he's worried about me.

Me: "Alright, come here."

I slowly stretched out my arms around his neck, pulling him into an embrace of a warm hug lovingly.

He didn't fight back but returned my hug with an open heart.

Me: "I'm so sorry that I made you worried. I'm sorry that I lost you that night."

Noah: "No, it's fine. The flood was inevitable after all."

We held our hug posture for long, good seconds but after realizing what he's doing, he quickly shoves me away with his hands, instantly breaking our hugs as he wipes his tears that were fell on his cheeks, blushing and embarrassed as he's back to his macho attitude.

Noah: "Whatever..*sniff*.. Just promise me that you'll never get yourself in danger again."

Me: "Oh?"

Surprise by his concern, I accidentally let out a chuckle.

Noah: "What's so funny?"

Me: "Hehe. Nothing. It's just that our roles have completely swapped. I'm the one who's supposed to take care of you but right now you're the one who's concerning about me. Isn't that interesting?"

Noah tilts his head to the side with a confused expression stuck on his face.

Me: "Anyway, I promise. I'll try my best to not put myself in harm's way again... As long as I can."

At this moment when I tried to enjoy my sweet reunion with Noah, I heard a bitter scoff coming from nearby.

Maya: "Ugh, again with the drama. See what I told you? He's fine. Fit and healthy even."

Me: "Okay. First of all, what's your problem?"

Maya: "Ha?"

Me: "You're acting all angry and furious. Why is that?"

Maya: "Excuse me?"

Me: "Just tell me. Tell me what's been bothering you, Maya."

Maya: "Okay, you want to know what's been bothering me?... It's you."

I frown at her unexpected assertion.

Me: "What?"

Maya: "Yeah, I said it. From the start whenever I tried to help you, you always questioned my actions. I tried my best on helping you in every way I can. About the phone, about me saving your life from blood loss. And yet you always doubting me and concerned about other peoples' lives! And you also seemed to be too attached to the kid who you only met for three days than your own friend who's been with you for years. I am also worried about you, you know that! Do you have any idea how scared I was seeing you being hurt by those wolves?! To think that I couldn't do anything to help you on saving your life when I was right beside you! I was very scared! And I'm not scared about losing my own life because I'm a contracted spirit when you're dying but instead, I was afraid of losing you as my dearest friend! I don't care if lose my life just to save you and you know that better than anyone else. I was just scared of being useless to you..*sniff*.... All these years, all these time, I tried my hardest to be worthy to stand by your side. I... I just don't understand. Why?"

After letting go of all of her anger and resentment, she looked down to the ground as her tears finally drop from the edge of her eyes to the ground and begin to cry, sobbing upon those harsh words coming from her own mouth.

And here I thought that I'm being a huge burden to you.

But it seems that it's the other way around, huh?

Step by step, I unhurriedly pace myself towards her from the tree and then without saying a word, I pet her head tenderly with my paw, caressing her like a lost little child.

Her cried went silent for a moment and then like a flash, I quickly flick my index finger hard on her forehead.

Maya: "Eek! Why did you do that!?"

She flinched hard, together with putting her hands whilst covering her forehead at the pinkish-red spot where she got hit.

Noah who was silently watching our little drama was also startled by it.

Ignoring the question, I just simply gave her a heartwarming smile in return.

She immediately blushed and look down at the ground again as she confused by my arbitrary action.

Me: "You've been my partner for years and for all I know, you're not the one who's easy to get jealous of."

Maya: "Wha- I'm not jealous!-.."

Me: "Just hear me out, okay? ...*sigh*... It must be painful for you. To mad at me like that. I'm sorry for not noticing it from the beginning."

Maya: "Bal..."

Me: "And I think that I can see the point about me always thinking of other people more than myself. Even more than my own friend I'm afraid. And I'm truly sorry for that.

Maya: "..."

Me: "But! I'm not trying to be unfair to you but what you did to Noah is still wrong. And you should apologize to him for that."

Maya: "...."

Me: "Maya?

Maya: "... Fine."

My expression immediately turns into a smile as we've come to a mutual understanding.

Me: "Noah, come here please."

I politely called Noah to come towards us to gather for our small meeting as the rustling sound of his shoes against the grass could be heard closer by the moment.

Noah: "Yes?"

Now both of them are standing right in front of me next to each other.

Me: "Maya, could you please?"

Maya: "Let's just get on with this so we can deal with it faster."

Noah: "Huh?"

Maya deliberately took a long breath and then let out an equally long silent breath from her mouth and began to apologize to Noah.

Maya: "I... I'm sorry. For what I did to you."

Noah: "Um, sorry for what exactly?"

Maya: "See?! He doesn't know anything about it. This is pointless."

I sigh concernedly both at Noah's hopelessness and Maya's stubbornness.

Me: "Noah, did you know that the amount of blood you've given me would possibly kill you because you're underage for blood donation?"

Noah: "....................EH!?"

That's quite a long pause for someone who's terribly dumbfounded.

Noah: "Wait, wait, wait. Let me just get this clear. So what you're trying to tell me is that I could possibly die when I gave you my blood?!"

Me: "Because you're underage for such transfusion, the possibility is low but never zero. Which means it could also lead you to severe consequences and numerous complications so yeah. That practically wraps it all up."

After listening to my quick explanation of him who has unknowingly escaped the grip of death, he quickly blinked his eyes and look at Maya in mixed fear of confused disbelief with his mouth widely gape open.

Noah: "Why you didn't tell me anything about this before?!"

Maya: "I only care about Bal and Bal alone. Why should I care anything about a shrimp like you?"

Noah: "Hey, I'm not a shrimp! I've been helping him since he has no other place to go when you're gone. You're also even shorter than me!"

Maya: "Haa?! Who you're calling me short?! Also, how dare you called me a kid! I was born like this! Besides, I look way cuter in this way. Compared to you, village minor, I am far more superior than you as I have the knowledge of all things in every aspect of beings and evolutionary, start from the ancient times of millennia ago till the modern era(which your world seems to be lacking on) stored in my Data with my powerful magic flows in my veins as I, Balthazar's one and only greatest Divine Spirit! And always will be. Fufufu~"

Me: "G-guys? I think that's enough..-"

Noah: "Ha! Maybe you're too focused on inflating your self-centred head you forgot to inflate including your chest?"

Me: "Oh boy."

Maya: "W-what?! T-that's too vulgar for something coming out from your little kid mouth!"

She was flustered by Noah's insult, instinctively making her covering her chest with her crossed arms.

Noah: "Ouh, hit the nerve, did I?"

Maya: "You're so annoying!"

Noah: "And you're a bitch!"

Maya/Noah: "I hate you! HMPH!"

How the hell did it come from an apology... To whatever this is?! What exactly are we doing here again?

Me: "Okay, that's enough-..!"

As I tried to stop their loud bickering from continuing any further, my head was spinning as my body wobbles side to side dismissively like I'm in some kind of ocean turbulence.

My head is painfully throbbing again similar to last night's, forcing my legs to kneel onto the ground as my mind is getting dizzy and blur.

Maya: "Bal!"

Noah: "Shit! What's happening to him?"

With a quick glance of her eyes at me, she answers.

Maya: "Systolic blood pressure; Hypotension. Just like you after you donated the blood that caused you anaemia hours ago. He's in a very weak state now."

Noah: "If that's really the case, could you treat him just like you treated me before? Medications and all?"

Maya: "Yes I can. But he needs his rest-.."

Me: "...No! No more dilly dally. We must get to Sentua Village as soon as possible."

I quickly interrupted her, putting my right hand on Maya's left shoulder lethargically as an affirmation.

Maya: "... Of course."

Verified, she begins to rustle her hand inside her left pocket and grabbed out two small supplement box of pills and at the same time tells Noah to grab some roasted venison for me.

Maya: "Noah, would you make yourself useful and bring some roasted venison for Bal."

Noah: "Tch, don't order me around like that."

He bitterly walked himself away heavily in each of every step he made.

Maya: "Take this. It will make you feel better."

She gave me a handful of four pills of unspecified medication as I take them delicately with my paw for me to consume which I presume to soothe my unbearable irritation of lightheadedness.

From what I see of her, she really knows what she's doing as she looks so calm and decisive.

Have I really questioned her help since we got here when she tried to help me?

Now when I think about it I feel really bad about that.

Me: "Arh!"

Alright, I'm already done with this lightheaded bullshit.

But before I eat these damn pills, it seems that I don't recognise this particular type of medications.

Me: "What are these?"

Maya: "Ah, those are-... Wait. You're the one who put it inside your inventory but you don't know what's the use of it? You're stupider than I thought."

Me: "Oops."

She exaggeratedly let out a sigh after listening to my timid response.

Maya: "Those two yellow tablets are called folic acid specifically to deal with your anaemia. While the other two red pills are ferrous fumarate for iron deficiency. I grabbed it out from your gauntlet's inventory and thank the gods above, you'd brought them with you."

Me: "Hehe, Prof's advice never ceased to amaze me, am I right?"

Maya: "Here. Got you some water."

She simply ignored me thus proceeds on giving me a water bottle which I assumed came from my inventory too.

I think I remember it now. Right after I'd finished with my gauntlet invention with a build-in dimensional inventory programmed inside it, without thinking much I grabbed everything that caught on sight including medications and supplements from the lab of my headquarters in my old world.

Without further ado, I sat on the ground to relax a bit and swallowed those supplements down my throat and hurriedly drink the water bottle.

Ughh! Tasted like medicine!

I resume drinking the water bottle as I chug the water all the way till it's empty.

Me: "Ahh~ That certainly hit the spot. I didn't know I was that thirsty."

Maya: "Of course you are. You've suffered from lots of things already. Wounded, dying, surgery, wounded again and then passed out. So what did you expect."

Noah: "I'm back with the meat. Here you go, Bal."

Noah slowly paced towards me, holding some sort of leaf plate in his hand as he came back from his short trip from the campfire which I just noticed was built nearby.

There I saw a large half of the roasted carcass of venison tied to a wooden stick over a blazing campfire with clouds of fluttering smoke coming out from it.

Maya: "Took you long enough."

Noah: "Shut up."

Despite the squabble, he politely gives me the leaf plate as a well roasted venison become visible to my eyes.

Ohoho, that meat smells so good.

Even though the meat doesn't look so appealing, the savoury aroma of roasted meat instantaneously pierced itself into my nose right after I receive the plate and it's very mouthwatering.

Noah: "Bal, you're drooling."

Me: "Oh, sorry...*slurp*.."

Noah: "Ew. Anyway, enjoy your meal.

Maya: "Eat up. It will help you with iron deficiency anaemia faster."

Me: "Thank you for the food~"

After I gave my grace for the food, with the starving of a wild beast I start to dig in.

Likewise, I'm eating using my hands but for now, I don't fucking care about food ethics.

All I care about right now is that I'm fucking hungry.

Noah: "Wow, you really wolf that down, huh?"

Eyy! He did the pun too!

Maya: "Leave him be. He always likes this when he's hungry."

Me: "I shtill can hiu yew gaish, yew know."

Maya: "Don't talk when your mouth is full, idiot!"


We all decided to sit around the campfire because it's easier for me to refill my plate with food and I don’t want to bother Noah to shuttle pick up food for me because I'm not an asshole.

Me: "Wew, the venison was remarkably fine. Who cook this thing?"

First, I took a quick look at Maya. Though knowing her, she could do better than this. But, she's also not the kind of a kitchen person either.

Then I shifted my attention to Noah.

Me: "Noah?"

Noah: "Yep, that's me. I'm the one who cooked it."

Me: "Hm, no wonder."

Noah: "Uhh, what does that mean? Was it a good or a bad sign?"

Me: "To be honest, it's not great. Delightful. But not great."

Noah: "Huh?! But you've eaten three slices of meat already."

Me: "You can't blame me. I was starving."

I can hear Maya giggling in her seat next to me after hearing my criticism of Noah's cuisine.

Noah: "This is unacceptable!"

Maya: "But if it comes from Bal's own mouth then it means he is telling the truth. He always speaks honestly when it comes to criticizing something from various aspects, I might add."

Me: "That's true. Call me cold or a jerk. But the truth is that I don't like to spout lies whenever it relates to facts. It truly bothers me every time someone tries to withstand their criticism just to keep other people’s feelings. Learning from your mistakes is the best way to change yourself for the better. Know your own flaws, accept it and try to overcome them. Just like cooking. If it's bland, just add a little bit of salt. If it's bitter, just put in the right amount of sugar. Then it should be fine."

Noah: What do you know anything about cooking?"

Maya: "Oh look at who you're talking to. Bal knows everything about cooking better than anyone else. In addition, he even has cooking abilities and skills on par with a five-star hotel."

Me: "I- I think you're just exaggerating about this. "

Noah: "You really love to kiss BaI's ass, aren't you? Besides, I asked Bal. Not you, dum-dum."

Maya: "Ha?! What did you say, punk?!"

Noah: "Anyway back to what we're saying, you can cook?! Then why the hell did we eat those things you called canned food(which were very delicious that I want more) back when we're in the cave?"

Me: "Well, wasn't it obvious? That's because I'm too lazy to cook."

Maya: "Mystery solved."

Noah: "............."

Me: "............."

Maya: "............."

We're all went silent for a while looking at each other for literally no reason.

Noah: "Oh, you weren't kidding?"

Maya: "Don't worry. You'll get used to it soon enough.

Me: "My reason aside, where did you get this meat?"

Noah: "I didn't 'get' it, I 'hunted' for it."

Maya: "And I helped him with the trap."

Huh, so you weren't kidding about him doing lots of things when I passed out.

Noah: "I used my mini crossbow to kill it and the plan went pretty well than I'd expected, hehe."

He gleefully rubs his hand behind his head at his achievement that kept us from starving.

I don't know why but I felt kinda envy of his sense and confidence in surviving in the wilderness despite his very young age.

Regardless of me having powerful magic whereas Noah who has nothing but pure surviving skills, seems to be doing better than me. He was born for this.

While I'm not.

I'm so pathetic. Being jealous of someone younger than me.

Maya: "Bal?"

Me: "Hm?!"

I was startled by her sudden call and I think I even jumped a little because of it.

Maya: "Bal, are you okay? You're suddenly silent for a while there."

Me: "What do you mean? Am I not allowed to be quiet now?"

I accidentally threw out a mean sarcasm with a noticeable angry tone at her.

Maya: "O- oh! I- I'm sorry."

She immediately slightly backed away from me with a frightened expression on her face as she quickly broke our eye contacts at once.

Me: "No no no. I didn't mean to-... It's just.... Ugh!....*sigh*.... I was just deep in thought, alright. That's all. I'm so sorry."

Noah who's also shocked by my uncertainty now looked at me with a concerned look plastered on his face, frowning as he worried about me.

Well fucking done, Balthazar! You made them worried again. Fucking dammit.

Me: "Seriously I'm fine, guys. Can someone just throw a new subject in the conversation so we could lighten the mood a bit? Let me start first. Noah, about your crossbow. How can you still have it? I thought all of your stuff got washed away from the flood."

Noah who seems to notice what I'm trying to do then speaks.

Noah: "Ouh, ok. Uhm, for starters, my father always told me to hold on close to something very important to me so before we started our journey I had deformed and packed it in my clothing including the money for our journey. I was glad that I heed my father's advice or else I'll be damn. But I'm still sad about the loss of my backpack tho. It was my father's too."

Me: "Ah, I'm sorry to hear that. What about the flares Maya and I saw last night, by the way? "

Noah: "Ah, that. I've already explained it to Maya about it. About a month ago, there was a wandering traveller who came by our village. He's a pyrotechnician. He loved to show off his skills in handling his fireworks to the people of the village. But don't get him wrong. He did that not solely to attract people's attention but he did it because he loves to do something he has a huge interest in; his career. I might say that his compassion was quite something else. At night, as the sun sets into the edge of the world, he often put on a huge fireworks show for the whole village, painting the night canvas of the sky with his colourful explosive fireworks. All the kids from the village love him. Even the adults adore him as much as I do. We even regarded him as the special guest of the village too. Several days passed and finally, I took the chance and asked the traveller how can I lit my arrows as he did with his excellent fireworks. I thought that he would plainly refuse my request... but he was cool enough to help me and taught me how to make explosive arrows infused with beautiful bright colours. It was awesome. He was awesome."

Me: "Pyrotechnics, eh? What's his name?"

Noah: "We don't actually know about his real name or identity. All we know that he only goes by as the Smoke Man."

Me: "Huh, not shady at all."

I wonder what kind of a person he is to be entitled to such a superhero nickname.

Unless he's a villain.

Noah: But trust me. He's a real good person. He did nothing to the detriment of the villagers other than giving us a wonderful time of entertainment during his visit."

Me: "Oh, did I say that out loud?"

Noah: "No. I just knew it. Your face was a dead giveaway."

Me: "Uhuh."

I know that Noah is smart but never thought he's that sharp.

Subsequently, after the conversation I take a quick look at Maya who's been silently pondering alone for five minutes straight while staring at the fire which is dancing delicately inside the fire pit.

Gah! I can't take this anymore! The guiltiness is extremely overwhelming!

Me: "Hey, Maya."

Maya: "What?"

She instantly responded to my call but she didn't even look at me even for a second as her eyes are still completely glued on the campfire.

Is she... Sulking?!

I rub my fingers along my temples in frustration thus sigh softly at this ridiculousness.

Me: "Look at me, Maya."

Maya: "What?"

She replied angrily and with that, without her consent I quickly flick my index finger on her forehead at the same spot I did before just like when she's in her tantrum.

Maya: "Eek!"

An identical high pitch squeaks pleasantly lingered in my ears as she cried in pain while covering her forehead.

Maya: "Again?! Why?!"

She asked in a grievous tone as I merely chuckled at her priceless reaction.

Me: "No one will ever notice that cuteness of yours if you being all silent like that, you know that?"

Maya: "...!"

Upon hearing my words, her face which was none other than showing agony and pain then was soon replaced by shock and astonishment.

Maya: "T...."

Me: " 'T'?"

I repeated her low mumble.

Maya: "T...."

Noah: " 'T'?"

Noah did the same as I did by repeating her.

Maya: "That is unmistakably true! As I, a gracious, beautiful ray of sunshine, a spirit who emits the light of her cuteness and full of hope upon the world..- No! Not just the world. Upon the whole universe, will let them know how great of a being I am as all creatures shall now bow to my superiority and divinity! Yes! Nyahahahaha!"

Like turning on a cold light bulb, she naturally returns to her bright, cheerful and self-centred jerk she is.

Maya: "Anyhow, how are you feeling, Bal?"

Me: "Oh, yeah I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I feel better now. More than I could ever imagine."

I answered in a monotonous voice where I pretended that I didn’t see or hear anything or whatever she did just now.

Me: "*sigh*...This is gonna be one hell of a journey."


Why it is not working? WHHYYYYYY?!