
Oduduwa's Heir: An Existential Conquest

Follow the children of the Yoruba gods as they conquer and build empires. The story follows the life and journey of these people, a powerful warriors who overcomes many challenges and obstacles to become rulers of a vast empire. They are devout worshippers of the Yoruba gods and shares their teachings and beliefs with his followers. Spoiler : Adebayo's son, Adeola, succeeds him as the ruler of the empire after his mysterious death from a disease. Adeola continues his father's legacy and expands the empire beyond Earth, eventually leading to a conflict with an alien species. His son, Adejare, becomes the disciple of a powerful goddess and uses what he has learned to conquer the multiverse. However, he is suddenly ambushed by enemy gods and loses, leading to a speech on the Yoruba dao, life and death, existence and everything. -- WSA 2023 Entry! Please show your support if you enjoy the story! How can you show your support? Gift Power Stones! 150=1 bonus chapter 200=2 bonus chapters 500=3 bonus chapters Bonus release will drop the following week! Updated daily

SeriouslyWolf · Fantasy
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44 Chs


Years passed, and Adewale continued to rule over his empire with wisdom and strength. He had expanded his territory and established peace with his neighbours, and his people prospered under his rule.

But his peaceful life was shattered one day when he was kidnapped by a member of a foreign sect. He was taken to a remote location, where he was subjected to torture and brainwashing.

Adewale tried to resist, but the pain was too much to bear. Slowly but surely, his memories began to fade, and he forgot who he was and what he had accomplished.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Adewale was kept in isolation, deprived of food and water, and subjected to mind-altering techniques. His captors wanted him to forget everything he had ever known and join their sect, to become one of them.

At first, Adewale struggled to hold onto his memories. But as time went on, his mind began to succumb to the torture. He forgot his name, his family, and his empire. He was nothing more than a shell of his former self.

Years went by, and Adewale's captors eventually released him. He stumbled out of the remote location, confused and disoriented. He had no memory of who he was or how he had ended up there.

As he wandered through the wilderness, he stumbled upon a small village. The people there took him in, not knowing who he was or what he had done in his past life.

Adewale started a new life in the village, working with the locals and helping them in any way he could. He had no memory of his former life, but he was content with his new one.

However, as time passed, Adewale began to have strange dreams. In these dreams, he saw images of battles and conquests, of a great empire that he had once ruled over. Slowly but surely, his memories began to return, and he realized that he had been brainwashed and tortured.

Adewale was filled with a sense of loss and sadness as he remembered his former life. He had lost everything he had worked so hard to build, and he had no idea how he could reclaim it.

But despite the challenges that lay ahead, Adewale knew that he had to try. He had to regain his memories and find a way to reclaim his empire. And so he set out on a journey of discovery, determined to uncover the truth about his past and his present.

Years passed, and Adewale's child, Adebayo, had grown into a strong and capable young man. He had inherited his father's intelligence and charisma, and he had been trained in the ways of the Yoruba Empire from a young age.

Adebayo had always known that his father had been kidnapped and tortured, but he had never known the full extent of what had happened to him. He had grown up hearing stories about his father's bravery and strength, but he had never truly understood what it meant to lose everything.

But as Adebayo approached adulthood, he began to realize that his father's past was still affecting him. He could see the pain in his father's eyes whenever he talked about his lost memories, and he could feel the weight of his father's grief.

Despite his father's pain, Adebayo knew that he had to be strong for his family and his people. He had been trained in the ways of war and diplomacy, and he had been groomed to be his father's successor.

And so, when news reached the Yoruba Empire that a new war was brewing with the Roman Empire, Adebayo knew that he had to take action. He gathered his advisors and began to make plans for the defense of his people.

As he worked tirelessly to prepare for the war, Adebayo couldn't help but think about his father. He knew that his father would have been proud of him, but he also knew that his father would have been devastated by the thought of another war.

Despite his misgivings, Adebayo continued to prepare for the war. He knew that his people were counting on him, and he knew that he had to be strong for them.

As the day of battle approached, Adebayo felt a sense of dread wash over him. He had never experienced war before, and he knew that the coming battle would be unlike anything he had ever faced.

But he also knew that he had to be brave. He had to lead his people into battle and protect them at all costs.

And so, with a heavy heart and a steely determination, Adebayo prepared for the war that would define his legacy. He knew that his father was counting on him, and he knew that he couldn't let him down.

As Adebayo was preparing for war, an emissary from the Nordic gods arrived at his palace. She was a beautiful young woman with long, blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. She introduced herself as Freya, the goddess of love and war.

Freya had come to offer the Yoruba Empire her assistance in the coming war against the Romans. She explained that the Nordic gods had been watching the conflict from afar, and they had been impressed by the strength and determination of the Yoruba people.

Adebayo was initially skeptical of Freya's offer, but he soon realized that her assistance could be invaluable. She had a vast array of magical powers and an intimate knowledge of the art of war. And as they spent more time together, Adebayo found himself drawn to her.

Despite their differences in culture and background, Adebayo and Freya fell deeply in love. They spent hours talking about their respective worlds and sharing stories of their pasts. And as the days turned into weeks, their feelings for each other grew stronger.

But their love was not without its challenges. There were many who opposed the idea of a Yoruba emperor being involved with a Nordic goddess. Some feared that the gods would become too powerful and overshadow the human rulers.

But Adebayo refused to let anyone stand in the way of his love. He knew that Freya was his true soulmate, and he was willing to do anything to be with her.

As the war with the Romans raged on, Adebayo and Freya fought side by side. They used their combined powers to defeat the Roman armies and protect their people.

And as the war came to an end, Adebayo knew that he had found his true purpose. He had not only defeated the Romans but had also found love in the most unexpected of places.