
Oduduwa's Heir: An Existential Conquest

Follow the children of the Yoruba gods as they conquer and build empires. The story follows the life and journey of these people, a powerful warriors who overcomes many challenges and obstacles to become rulers of a vast empire. They are devout worshippers of the Yoruba gods and shares their teachings and beliefs with his followers. Spoiler : Adebayo's son, Adeola, succeeds him as the ruler of the empire after his mysterious death from a disease. Adeola continues his father's legacy and expands the empire beyond Earth, eventually leading to a conflict with an alien species. His son, Adejare, becomes the disciple of a powerful goddess and uses what he has learned to conquer the multiverse. However, he is suddenly ambushed by enemy gods and loses, leading to a speech on the Yoruba dao, life and death, existence and everything. -- WSA 2023 Entry! Please show your support if you enjoy the story! How can you show your support? Gift Power Stones! 150=1 bonus chapter 200=2 bonus chapters 500=3 bonus chapters Bonus release will drop the following week! Updated daily

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44 Chs

Battle and Borinn

After the war with the Romans, Adebayo and Freya were married in a grand ceremony that was attended by all the gods and goddesses of the Yoruba and Nordic pantheons. Their love had brought peace and prosperity to their empires, and they were hailed as heroes by their people.

As the years passed, Adebayo discovered that he was not just an ordinary human but was descended from an ancient bloodline of powerful warriors. With the help of Freya and the other gods, he awakened this power, and he became even more formidable on the battlefield.

However, Adebayo's success was not without consequences. The other empires of the world began to fear his growing power and conspired to bring him down. They sent assassins and spies to infiltrate his court and disrupt his rule.

But Adebayo was not deterred. He knew that he was destined for greatness and that he had the love and support of his people and his wife to guide him. And so he continued to expand his empire, conquering new lands and defeating his enemies with ease.

Meanwhile, in a foreign land, Adebayo's father slowly began to remember his past life as a powerful god. He too had been awakened by the same ancient bloodline that had given Adebayo his power. And as his memories returned, he began to conquer and rule over mortals once again.

His followers worshiped him as a god, and he revelled in his newfound power. But deep down, he knew that his true purpose was to reunite with his son and help him rule the Yoruba Empire.

And so, as Adebayo's empire continued to grow and prosper, his father made plans to return home. He knew that he would have to face many challenges along the way, but he was determined to be reunited with his son and help him protect their people from any and all threats.

As Adebayo's father made his way back to his homeland, he began to feel a strange energy building within him. It was as if his very essence was changing, evolving into something greater.

At first, he was afraid. He didn't know what was happening to him, and he feared that he might be losing his mind. But as he travelled through the ancient lands, he began to see signs of his true nature.

He could feel the power of the earth and the sky, and he could sense the spirits of the animals and the plants. He knew that he was becoming a god once again.

And then one day, as he was walking through the desert, he was attacked by a powerful Mesopotamian god. The god was massive, with a body made of stone and eyes that glowed like fire.

Adebayo's father knew that he was no match for this god in his mortal form. But as the god drew closer, he felt a surge of energy course through his veins. It was as if the very universe was lending him its power.

With a roar, he leaped into the air and met the god head-on. The impact shook the earth, and the sky turned dark with the smoke of their battle.

For hours they fought, their bodies colliding with the force of a hundred armies. But in the end, it was Adebayo's father who emerged victorious.

He stood atop the broken body of the Mesopotamian god, his body radiating with the power of a thousand suns. He had achieved apotheosis, and he knew that he was now ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

With a smile on his face, Adebayo's father continued on his journey, eager to be reunited with his son and help him protect their people from any and all threats.

As Adebayo's father continued on his journey, he felt the power of the Mesopotamian god he had defeated coursing through his body. He could feel its essence merging with his own, granting him new abilities and strengths.

He closed his eyes and focused his mind, willing the power to integrate with his own. When he opened his eyes again, he felt a newfound sense of control over his own body and the world around him.

As he journeyed on, he felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. He knew that the world was a dangerous place, and that the people of his kingdom would look to him for protection.

Meanwhile, Freya had given birth to a beautiful baby girl, whom they named Yewande. As Adebayo held his daughter in his arms, he felt an overwhelming sense of love and protectiveness. He knew that he would do anything to keep her safe.

But as happy as he was, he couldn't shake the feeling that danger was looming on the horizon. He knew that the gods of other pantheons would not take kindly to the expansion of the Yoruba kingdom, and that they would be looking for any excuse to attack.

As he trained his body and honed his powers, Adebayo also began to work on diplomacy. He knew that he would need allies if he was going to protect his people from the wrath of the other gods.

He sent emissaries to the leaders of other pantheons, offering trade and friendship. Some accepted his offer, while others rejected it outright.

But as he worked to build alliances, he never forgot the ultimate goal: to protect his people and his family, no matter the cost. And as he trained and strategized, he knew that he was ready to face whatever the future might bring.